Monday, January 7, 2019

Education : Best of 2018 : Semester #2

Festive Season

Looking back 2018 I've come up with a roundup of what's been the best post of my blog The Digital Teacher G-Souto

School time is back, today 7 January 2019. Non more Festive Season after the Three Kings Festive Day last 6 January, the end of the Feast of Epiphany.

So, here the most popular posts of the year 2018,#Semester2.

Below you’ll find the top posts along the second semester 2018 containing different themes: education & IT, languages, arts, science, history, environment, literature, human rights, sport, music, mindfulness, among other.

The selection is based on page views but also based on pedagogical relevance of the most-read posts.

I kept the order of the most viewed, but eliminated the posts that seemed less relevant. The main reason? Sometimes some posts acquire too much visibility, not for their value but for the keywords that the search engines "like" indexing.

crédits: Emmanuelle Teyras

Eh! Oui! Fini les vacances. La Fête des Rois, c'était le dernier jour de l'ÉpiphanieOn a repris les cours, ce matin, le 7 janvier 2019.

Que l'Année 2019 vous apporte tous les bons moments que vous souhaitez, les étudiants et les enseignants.

Et je suis ravie de partager avec vous le Top des billets les plus lus du 2eme semestre 2018. Vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à me suivre au jour le jour. Je me rends compte que les étudiants aussi me visitent.

Je vous en remercie, chers enseignants, chers lecteurs, de votre intérêt et m’efforce d’être toujours proche des événements concernant des idées pédagogiques à vous présenter les dernières ressources, y inclus, le numérique. Le numérique prend définitivement sa place en éducation. Les technologies donnent aux jeunes étudiants et à leurs professeurs des possibilités qu'il faut en profiter si vous les introduisez dans vos cours. Mais, il faut bien savoir s'en servir. 

Des ressources aux grandes thématiques: histoire, langues, science, culture, littérature, environnement, films, sport, musique, art, droits de l'homme, mindfulness.

Des ressources en ligne, et des adaptations personnelles à l'enseignement de façon à permettre à tous les élèves la réussite dans leur parcours scolaire.

Here are the 2nd semester's most popular posts of 2018:

My crush of the #2nd semester? Schools : Civics & Environment : Climate Change : #TakeYourSeat ! 

Sir David Attenborough delivered a stern speech at the UN's climate change summit in Katowice, Poland, warning of the impending threats global warming poses to the natural world.
"If we don't take action, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon," 
Sir David Attenborough

Education is the most powerful way to continue developing green generations. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish 15-year-old with Asperger Syndrome, is a good example. She was on a school strike to get politicians to act on climate breakdown.

Greta Thunberg
Greta realized at a young age the lapse in what several climate experts were saying and in the actions that were being taken in society. The difference was so drastic in her opinion that she decided to take matters into her own hands.
She’s a 9th grader in Stockholm. At a young age, she became interested in the environment and convinced her family to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
The new generation, the ecology generation, is seriously committed on climate action. And they have a voice! And in schools, teachers and students are engaged on the innovative campaign ActNow.BOT, the growing movement to take climate action.
Hoping to have inspired you in your lessons all over the year.

May 2019 be a successful year for all those teachers who teach with passion! Guiding students to a new future should be a work from the heart.


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Education : Best of 2018 : Semester #2 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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