Gina Souto is an independent Learning & Technologies Advisor who has worked with education, training and business for over 30 years, providing independent advice on the use of new technologies in Education and Innovation. In her current role as an independent education consultant, she focuses on helping educators and organisations to make technology integration exciting and accessible at all grade levels, understand how social tools are changing school learning – and what this means for Curricula & ICT Departments in Secondary Education and Vocational Education, on formal and informal learning, as well on distance learning, in order students could develop the necessary skills for the new jobs in the 21st century
She provides briefings and advice for organisations on learning trends, tools and technologies.
Gina Souto works with organisations to
offer face-to-face workshops, online workshops, online coaching and bespoke consultancy to develop the new social capabilities and skills required of the digitally learning.
Find out more at G-Souto's Blog
Contact Gina Souto