Lisbon tram, line 28
credits: Getty Images
The delightful tram date from the 1930s. Trams are housed in a museum. In Lisbon trams are an integral part of the public transports. These historic trams are still in use, as the 28 line is completely unsuitable for modern trams due to its numerous tight turns and steep gradients. But there it is!
Yes! Do you know Lisbon? Remember Hello Lisbon in AR? Did you and your students visited Lisbon? If not, teachers think about a school visit to Lisbon, a beautiful city, enter on the most known tram, line 28, to visit Lisbon in AR. Wow! A great adventure in a famous city.
Well, the 28 line celebrates today its 117th birthday!
Rewind Cities Lisbon (app)
Yes! Do you know Lisbon? Remember Hello Lisbon in AR? Did you and your students visited Lisbon? If not, teachers think about a school visit to Lisbon, a beautiful city, enter on the most known tram, line 28, to visit Lisbon in AR. Wow! A great adventure in a famous city.
Well, the 28 line celebrates today its 117th birthday!

- Google Doodle:
Google celebrated on the 31 August 2011, the 110th anniversary of the first Portuguese tramway line, between Cais do Sodré and Algés, in Lisbon, Portugal, with a colorful Doodle.
How nice! The word Google enters letter by letter in the Portuguese tramway! It could be an interesting digital resource to include into school curricula: new countries, other cultures and different languages. An old but always 'fancy' transport in some big cities.
So, let's start with some tips on cultural traditions as a brief introduction to learn about different cities in the world. In this case, Lisbon, Portugal.
Tram 28 in Lisbon, cartoon
credits: Sam Bosma
- The tramway
The tramway is an urban transport from the 19th century. And it's still working in some European countries, and other different continents: United States, South America, Australia or New Zealand.
In Porto, Portugal, there is the Tramway Museum! The Tramway Museum of Porto is open to tourists and to schools.
In Porto, Portugal, there is the Tramway Museum! The Tramway Museum of Porto is open to tourists and to schools.
Museu Carro Eléctrico, Porto, Portugal
- Activities:
- General information: Ask your students to make some research about trams in Portugal.
They can use their smartphones, or tablets if you are teaching in a 'lucky' class.
- Culture: After the first information, teachers will ask the students to continue the research activity but now to find countries that are using the tramway as an usual public transport in our days and in which cities.
After a good individual research about cities that are using trams as a public transport, invite students to join in different groups.
Each group will choose a different city and will develop a project. For example, exploring a touristic tour.
Note: The fair way to distribute cities' names among students is the raffle.
Each group will prepare a little video on YouTube, using school account to present different cities to the classroom. Established a time presentation, 3-5 minutes, and time to finish the activity, 3-4 days. Take a week at least for younger students.
Urban Sketch : Lisbon, Belém Jerónimos
water color by Elena Petrova Gancheva
Each group of students learned about a city in the world that is using trams. So, they will share their urban cultural knowledge with their classmates.
Teachers and students are asked to make some questions about each city: history, geography, language, culture, traditions.
Tramway model
In Porto, there is an interesting Museum. The Tramway Museum! The Tramway Museum of Porto is open to tourists and to schools.
The Museum has an impressive collection of antique trams. The museum is well prepared to do different activities with students (different class levels).
Any group, teacher and his class can rent an old tram to do a touristic tour.
Any group, teacher and his class can rent an old tram to do a touristic tour.
Finally, invite your students to watch the videos on this post about the most famous tram line in Lisbon. Tram 28! They will love to take a tour... like a roller coaster! Wow! Amazing!
I hope you and your students will enjoy this little tramway tour and the activities in two Portuguese cities, Lisbon and Porto.
Don't forget to complete the touristic tour in Lisbon with the app Rewind Cities Lisbon in AR.
Don't forget to complete the touristic tour in Lisbon with the app Rewind Cities Lisbon in AR.
Have a nice cultural school visit to Lisbon after a very good lesson!
update: 31.08.2018
copyright © 2018G-Souto'sBlog,®update: 31.08.2018

Schools : Portuguese 28 Tram Anniversary : resources by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.