Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Schools : Watch out ! Strawberry Moon most colorful full moon all year : resources

June 21st was the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and if you’re feeling a little happier at the end of the week, science may explain why. The summer solstice are one of the happiest days of the year, and it’s all thanks to that sweet, sweet sunshine.
Philip Gehrman, associate director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Pennsylvania, says that people are generally more cheerful in the summertime. 
Why? Light is the strongest cue when it comes to the body regulating circadian rhythms like the sleep cycle and hormonal fluctuations, more light is generally a good thing when it comes to improving your mood. I'm Sun addict for sure!

Margaux Motin
On the Summer Solstice, June’s waxing moon will reach its full lunar phase in the wee hours of June 28, kicking off a summer of celestial happenings. Stargazers are in for a treat since this full moon, known as the Strawberry Moon, also happens to arrive during Saturn opposition, meaning Saturn will be at its closest and brightest this year.

  1. Strawberry Moon? Why?

Yes, June Full Moon is called the Full Strawberry Moon. This Full Moon got its name from the Algonquin tribes who knew it as a signal to gather the ripening fruit of wild strawberries.  This is a diverse group of tribes that covered the continent as far as California.

Algonquin couple, 18th-century watercolor by unknown artist
Courtesy of the City of Montreal Records Management & Archives, Montreal, Canada

The Strawberry Moon has different nicknames in different cultures:
  • the Full Rose Moon (Europe)
  • the Honey Moon (Europe)
  • the Mead Moon (Europe)
  • the Green Corn Moon, 
  • the Planting Moon,
  • Birth Moon. 

NASA illustration of how different Mars can look, depending on its distance to Earth
Summer will offer rare opportunities for stargazers. Events such as Mars opposition in late July will bring the red planet closer to Earth than it has been in 15 years, giving anyone with a telescope the chance to see Mars’ unique features more closely than usual. 
The Strawberry Moon will be the season’s first celestial event visible to stargazers, and thanks to Saturn opposition occurring on the same night, it won’t disappoint.
So wherever you happen to be, don’t miss it!

The Strawberry Moon will share the spotlight with Saturn this year
This year’s Strawberry Moon, which marks the short harvesting season for strawberries, offers an exciting event for celestial sightseers. But this year, Saturn’s opposition will be visible until September. 
“It’s the most colorful of all full moons,” Daniel M. Soref, Milwaukee Public Museum’s Theater & Planetarium director, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an interview published Monday. “We always get more color in the sky when things are lower.”
One thing to note is that the moon will also appear as a minimoon, which is difficult to notice with the naked eye but means the moon is at the furthest possible position from Earth.  A minimoon happens when the moon is at its furthest point from Earth (called the apogee). It will appear just a tad bit smaller in the sky.
For the two celestial events to share a set time is a rare treat for stargazers, but it’s just the first of many cosmic happenings slated for this summer.

via European Heritage /before Brexit

  •  Traditions:
Summer solstice, also called 'midsummer' is a special day for many as it means the start of the summer. It has links to many ancient cultural practices as different cultures have celebrated it being symbolic of renewal, fertility and harvest.
Every year, hundreds of pagans and non-pagans congregate at Stonehenge to see the sun rise in the morning and welcome in the summer. Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with it’s neighbour AveburySome pagans and druids perform a fire ritual to celebrate the occasion. This involves people with unlit candles forming a circle around a large lit central candle and lighting theirs off it one at a time.
Don´t forget that 2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage. So, share the interesting sites of Europe where Summer solstice is celebrated.

On June 27, Earth’s orbit will bring the planet in between Saturn and the sun, which will place Saturn opposite the sun in Earth’s sky and create a rare opportunity to observe the ringed planet throughout the night. Saturn will rise in the southeast sky around sunset, where it will be at its closest and brightest in 2018 before setting in the west around sunrise.
Stargazers can catch the Strawberry moon on June 27 as well, on June 28. Saturn will be at its highest in the sky around midnight, making it easy to observe alongside the moon.
While the Strawberry Moon will only hang around for one night, there will be opportunities to see Saturn and its bright opposition until September. For the two celestial events to share a set time is a rare treat for stargazers, but it’s just the first of many cosmic happenings slated for this summer.

On June 27 and 28, 2018, find the full moon and look in the moon’s glare for a starlike point. That point is a planet, Saturn.

Such an incredible event the Strawberry Moon June 28 and most European students (primary, elementary education) are enjoying summer holiday.

Only high junior schools/ lycĂ©es (secondary education) and universities exams season is happening.

So teachers can't include Summer solstice and Strawberry Moon (June 2018) into school lessons. However, students are curious, and they will pay attention on YouTube perhaps? Yes, they are the YouTubers generation

So the date of the June 2018 full moon depends on your time zone. From the most of the contiguous U.S., the moon turns full on the evening of June 27. 

From Portugal and the western portions of Africa, the instant of full moon occurs before sunrise June 28. 

For Asia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and the most of Europe, the moon turns full during the daylight hours on June 28, at which time the sun is above the horizon and the moon is below it.

After Summer holiday, teachers and students will discuss their experiences and knowledge about summer solstice and Strawberry Moon. I'm sure!

Curricula: Cross-curricular: Geography; History; Sciences; Languages (traditions, literature).

Level : All levels.

Teachers must consider the activities to every level or curriculum they are teaching.


Copyright © 2018G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®
Creative Commons License
Schools : Watch out ! Strawberry Moon most coloful full moon all year : resources G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Old Farmer's Almanac

Friday, June 15, 2018

Bac 2018 ? Derniers conseils !

Fabrice Erre

Et voilĂ  le baccalaurĂ©at 2018. Plus de 750.000 candidats au bac vont entrer le procghain lundi 18 juin par la porte des centres d'examen pour entamer une semaine marathon, dont le coup d'envoi est traditionnellement donnĂ© par l'Ă©preuve de philosophie

Baccalauréat 2018/ Infographie
crédits: Ministère de l'Education Nationale

Comportements et objets:

Lors des épreuves écrites, certains comportements et objets sont interdits ou autorisés.


Convocation et carte d'identité obligatoires :

En cas d'oubli ponctuel de la carte d'identité, pas de panique : on peut présenter un autre document d'identité et rapporter "dans les meilleurs délais" sa carte d'identité pour se mettre en conformité.

Cela peut-être le lendemain à l'occasion du passage d'une autre épreuve. En cas de perte ou de vol de la carte d'identité, il sera demandé un récépissé de la déclaration auprès de la police ou de la gendarmerie et un autre document officiel avec photo, permettant de reconnaître le candidat.

 Calculatrices et sorties aux toilettes :

Les calculatrices de poche sont autorisées, sauf mention contraire sur la page du sujet. L'application d'une circulaire datant de 2015, qui devait encadrer l'usage de calculatrices aux examens, a été repoussée par le ministère de l'Éducation nationale.

Les sorties aux toilettes sont permises passée la première heure, afin de ne pas croiser les candidats retardataires. Mais un lycéen après l'autre, accompagné par un surveillant. Il est possible de quitter la salle avant la fin de l'épreuve, une fois la première heure écoulée.

Bac 2018
@ Grégoire Martinez / Europe 1

Portable allumé et montre connectée interdits :

Tout objet qui communique avec l'extĂ©rieur est proscrit, aussi bien les tĂ©lĂ©phones portables que les montres connectĂ©es. Les portables doivent ĂŞtre Ă©teints, rangĂ©s dans le sac du candidat ou remis au surveillant. 

Note: Depuis quatre ans, toutes les académies sont équipées de détecteurs de portables, répartis de façon aléatoire et déplacés d'une épreuve à l'autre.

Les candidats "peuvent garder une bouteille d'eau, des mouchoirs ou un petit-en-cas, mais pas n'importe lequel"

Bac 2018
Suire Thierry © / Sudouest-fr

Il ne faut évidemment pas se parler entre candidats, même pas pour demander un stylo à son voisin : ce serait considéré comme de la fraude.

Note: Les Ă©tudiants qui ont l'habitude de porter une montre connectĂ©e et l'utilisent pour regarder l'heure ont donc tout intĂ©rĂŞt Ă  prĂ©voir une montre classique pour le jour des Ă©preuves afin de ne pas se laisser prendre par le temps. 

En effet, toutes les salles ne disposent pas d'horloge et les correcteurs ne sont pas tenus de communiquer l'heure aux candidats. 

• Retard d'une heure maxi autorisĂ© :

En cas de retard indépendant de la volonté du candidat et ne dépassant pas une heure, le chef de centre peut autoriser le candidat à plancher, mais sans temps supplémentaire. Si le retard dépasse une heure, le candidat est considéré comme absent.

Note: La grève de la SNCF lundi et vendredi prochains pourrait entraĂ®ner des difficultĂ©s de transport pour les candidats se rendant dans leur centre d'examen en TER. Un dispositif spĂ©cial examen sera mis en place dans les gares pour les guider mais le ministère appelle Ă  anticiper d'Ă©ventuelles difficultĂ©s.

En cas de force majeure, des Ă©preuves de remplacement sont organisĂ©es en septembre pour ceux qui n'ont pas pu plancher pour une raison de force majeure (maladie, accident...). 

Note: Il faut Ă©crire rapidement au rectorat et joindre les justificatifs, par exemple un certificat mĂ©dical.

Bac 2018: infos Ă  retenir

Depuis 2012, le taux de réussite dépasse les 80%. En 2017, 87,9% des candidats ont empoché le diplôme. Les résultats seront connus le vendredi 6 juillet et les rattrapages s'étaleront jusqu'au 11.

Sur le site du Ministère, lisez bien les instructions: Informations Ă  l'Attention des Candidats:  A voir tout ici

Epreuve philosophie:

Pour la première fois, les 2 617 candidats de la sĂ©rie STHR, filière rĂ©novĂ©e depuis la rentrĂ©e 2015, passeront la nouvelle Ă©preuve de philosophieLa prĂ©conisation de faire de la philosophie l’une des quatre Ă©preuves obligatoires du bac rĂ©formĂ© semble la revaloriser. On verra bien!

Celle-ci proposera au choix : une dissertation, une composition (dissertation dont le cheminement est balisé par une série de questions, la succession de réponses à ces questions aboutissant à un argument dissertatif) ou une explication de texte (sous forme de questions permettant de rédiger un commentaire).

A lire les conseils du professeur Jean-Jacques Guinchard, professeur de philosophie, explique Ă  un Ă©lève imaginaire comment obtenir une très bonne note Ă  cette Ă©preuve du baccalaurĂ©at.

Quelques pensées:

Eh ! VoilĂ  un abrĂ©gĂ© systĂ©matisĂ© de toutes les informations et conseils 
dernière minute Ă  rĂ©viser avant lundi matin.

N'oubliez pas de jeter un coup d'oeil sur les ressources Bac 2017 : Allez ! On bachote encore ?  

N'oubliez pas de faire du sport, regarder un match de foot Ă  la tĂ©lĂ© - il y a la Coupe du mondecourir, Ă©couter la musique, pratiquer la relaxation, bien manger, bien dormir.

Certains profs ont mis Ă  votre disposition le texto, le mail ou des pages sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux pour rĂ©pondre Ă  vos doutes jusqu'au 17 juin 2018 soir.

"Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas Ă  travailler un seul jour de votre vie."

(dans ce cas, la voie)

Copyright © 2017G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com® 

Creative Commons License

Bac 2018 ? Derniers conseils ! bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Schools : World Day Against Child Labour : Generation Save&Healthy !

Generation Safe&Healthy
World Day Against Child Labour

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 to focus attention on the global extent of child labour and the action and efforts needed to eliminate it. 
Each year on 12 June, the World Day brings together governments, employers and workers organizations, civil society, as well as millions of people from around the world to highlight the plight of child labourers and what can be done to help them.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by world leaders in 2015, include a renewed global commitment to ending child labour. Specifically, target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls on the global community to:

World DayAgainst Child labou

"Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms."

Young women slavery

"There are 541 million young workers (15-24 years old) globally. They account for more than 15 per cent of the world’s labour force and suffer up to a 40 per cent higher rate of non-fatal occupational injuries than adult workers older than 25.  They include 37 million 15-17 year olds in hazardous child labour."

This year, the World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (SafeDay) shine a spotlight on the global need to improve the safety and health of young workers and end child labour. 

This year, the World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (SafeDay) shine a spotlight on the global need to improve the safety and health of young workers and end child labour. 

Child slavery/ Haiti

The returns on the investment in ending child labour are incalculable. Children who are free from the burden of child labour are able to fully realize their rights to education, leisure, and healthy development, in turn providing the essential foundation for broader social and economic development, poverty eradication, and human rights.
"We must move much faster if we are to honour our commitment on ending child labour, and we need to do it together."


credits: ILO

Schools and other educational institutions make a special effort to inform children of their rights according to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Teachers and students worldwide are speaking out against child labour in the classroom and taking action to raise further awareness of this issue out school. 

They are spreading knowledge among their peers, acting as a voice for those children whose rights are not respected and calling on decision-makers to act urgently to protect children in danger. 

Child labour
credits: GMB Akash/ Bangladesh
ND Awards/ Angels in Hell

Teachers have a crucial role on the alert of poverty or child labour, modern slavery cases among their students.

Numerous resources can be included into school curricula to inform, inspire and motivate students of all ages, from primary school through university, on the subject of child labour, modern slavery and human trafficking.

Modern sexual slavery

Activities :

  • Display photos, news, videos on the theme in the classroom and invite the students to express their feelings about;
  • Explain younger students the symbolic of special days like this one.
  • Ask students to make a search on child labour in their own country, comparing with other countries, using tablets or smartphones;
  • Choose a wall in the classroom or another space in the school - school library is a good place - where students in a cross-curricular can display their depictions of child labour, modern slavery and human trafficking: works of art, photos, storytelling;
  • Organize an exhibition of photos or drawings on child labour, modern slavery in the classroom, school library, other spaces at school;
  • Ask students to set up information stands on the internet, social media (radio, television) or social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram to raise school awareness on the issue;
  • Prepare a play at the school library written by your students. Invite parents, teachers, the maire and students from another school;
  • Present a film on this theme in the classroom or at the school library, and invite teachers, parents, and other students to a Round Table discussion;
  • Students can prepare brochures, flyers to hand out to other students, teachers and school community;
  • Make a film on YouTube (students are often Youtubers) joining authentic documents (photos) and texts written by the students.

2018 Generation Safe&Healthy

Other resources:

On the website ILO you will have some good material and you can find activities from all around the world.

  • Some thoughts:

Of course World Day Against Child's Labour is not for a lesson. As a teacher you will prepare the activity for 3-4 days, a week (it will depend on the activities you intend to develop and the level you are teaching). 
And what about the teacher role? We will facilitate the activities in the classroom. Teachers will organize the activities asking the collaboration of the students.
Since the role of the teacher has changed, more as a tutor or facilitator than a deliverer of content, you and I have the privilege of observe how students interact among classmates.
We will answer to questions, guide students with special needs, work with small groups, guiding the learning of the class and each student individually.
Teachers have time to roam around the class, noticing that students are developing their own collaborative work.   
It is magical to observe that ! And at the end you will have creative activities elaborated by the students.
When we interact with our students this way, they usually correspond to teachers expectations. They realize - it takes time - that we are there to guide them in their learning instead of being a classical educator.
Our students will participate actively in the World Day Against Child Labour  for sure, and they will become engaged young citizens.
They will understand how lucky they are to come to school every day. 

“Children are more vulnerable to risk than adults. Urgent action is needed to ensure no child under the age of 18 is in hazardous child labour,” 
Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General 


Copyright © 2018G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Creative Commons License