Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Magic Blue Moon in Sciences Education : resources

credits: Elephant Journal

Blue moon,
You saw me standing alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
Without a love of my own.

Elvis Presley

Wow! Blue Moon A nice way to start my post listening Blue Moon.

Do you know Elvis Presley? No? He ushered in a whole new era of American music and popular culture.

And why listening Blue Moon? Ya, on Friday, August 15 July, much of the world had the opportunity to observe a Blue Moon: A somewhat rare occurrence that doesn't have anything to do with the moon's color.

But now, 2024, 19 August we will have  the same opportunity to observe again a Blue Moon (seasonal).

"The expression "once in a blue moon" has a long history of being used to describe rare events; but it was also used in the Maine Farmers' Almanac to describe the third full moon in a season that has four (normally, a three-month season will only have three full moons)."

So, when you look at the Blue Moon this Monday morning, don't expect to see a different color scheme (although it is possible for the moon to appear to have a bluish hue). 

Just be aware that the so-called Blue Moon is a by product of the contrast between the calendar month and the lunar month.

credits : Dreamtimes

  • Let's learn about Blue Moon:

The full moon on July 31 is referred to as a Blue Moon, because it was preceded by the full moon on July 2. By this definition, a Blue Moon occurs roughly once every 2.7 years.

During most years, the Earth experiences 12 full moons, one in each month. But some years, such as 2015, have 13 full moons, and one of those "extra" lunar displays gets the label of Blue Moon.

When was the last Blue Moon, according to the monthly definition? It happened on August 31, 2012. The next will be January 2018.

Each season typically lasts three months and typically has three full moons. The next seasonal Blue Moon on August 19-20, 2024, happens because June’s full moon falls about two days after the June solstice, early in the season of northern summer (southern winter). And thus, there’s enough time to squeeze four full moons into the current season, which will end at the September equinox on September 22, 2024. Weirdly, it’s not the fourth of these four full moons that’ll be called a Blue Moon. It’s the third

  • The list of full-moon :

Jan. 5, Feb. 3, March 5, April 4, May 4, June 2, July 2, July 31, Aug. 29, Sept. 28, Oct. 27, Nov. 25 and Dec. 25. 

In 2016, the first full moon falls on Jan. 23, and each calendar month has only one full moon.

Our last Blue Moon came on August 30-31, 2023. It wasn’t blue in color. Blue Moon is (usually) just a name. That 2023 Blue Moon carried the name Blue because it was the second full moon in a single month. 

A hypothetical representation of a blue-colored moon. Blue-colored moons are extremely rare.
credit: via BlueHypercane761/ Wikimedia Commons (public domain).

Will the August 19, 2024, full Blue supermoon look this color? No. It’ll be a Blue Moon in name only. 

So, why is it a Blue Moon? The answer stems from the nature of skylore, and folklore in general. It’s lore. And it’s of the “folk.” So it sometimes gets messy.

Blue-colored moons in photos – like the one at the top of this post – are often made using special blue camera filters or in a post-processing program such as PhotoShop. Usually, but not always.

The Blue Moon of August 19, 2024, is different. It’s the third of four full moons in a season, with a single season being defined as the time between a solstice and an equinox. Those moons carry the name 

Blue Moon as well. And the August 19 Blue Moon is more. It’s also a supermoon, in fact, the first of four full supermoons in a row.

Infographic Blue Moon August 2012

The moon can sometimes appear reddish, especially during eclipses. But what we call a Blue Moon has nothing to do with its color. 

Thought to be called "blue" after an old English term meaning "betrayer," a Blue Moon is an extra full moon that occurs in that span, due to a quirk of the calendar. 

Occasionally two full moons will fall within the same month. The second full moon is also often called a Blue Moon, but this is not the term's original meaning.

The moon can actually appear blue under certain circumstances, such as when ash is present in the atmosphere from fires or volcanic eruptions. This type of Blue Moon cannot be predicted in advance, however.

Magic Blue Moon
credits: Elephant Journal

  • Blue Moon and spiritual way:

Full moons are always energetically powerful, deeply creative and also intensely magical times.

All full moons bring us in touch with our emotions, our sensitivities and our inner-selves. We all feel different on a full moon night.

"When we are in tune with the natural energetic currents of nature, we can combine our own energy forces so that we have an extra surge, which helps to push us in the right direction.

This blue moon is a powerful one and it is signaling that it is time for us to take control and take the power back from areas of our lives that have been roaming free and taking us down a road that lead to nowhere."

Alex Miles, spiritual coach

via Farmer Almanac

We will meet with certain issues that have been haunting us face-to-face and rather than being fearful, we should see this as an excellent chance for growth and transformation.

We will be seeing ourselves in a new light and this will mean we will question everything around us. That's good.

"If we take a deep breath and head off on this once in a blue moon journey, we will soon find that the people and situations that do not offer mutual love, support and acceptance will gently drop by the wayside and this will leave an abundance of space for new, interesting and exciting people or opportunities to take their place."

Alex Miles

This blue moon is our time where we can all take the opportunity to be illuminated as brightly as the moon so that we can be energised, radiate and glow.

All we need to do is to listen to our intuition, pay very close attention, hear every word that it is saying to us and with every ounce of strength we can gather we must put everything we have into making these dreams a reality.

Oh! So good the spiritually from the Blue Moon in our life. Well, let's be open mind to appreciate all the good things that it can be brought to us.

Education :

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper "please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to 

Rod Stewart

And Rod Stewart do you know him? The rock star of the 70's/80's? I love him. He always on the road.

The Blue Moon is really 
magic. Ya! Students love this kind of mysterious stories, legendary traditions. 

Summer break continues. Schools are closed in the most part of European countries, as well in North America, Australia, and most countries all over the world. 

However, teachers are in touch with students via social networks such as Facebook Twitter, Instagram. Even via personal blogs for students or school website.

So teachers, invite your students to join astronomers on NASA Television or skywatchers at national observatories of Astronomyobserving the blue moon this morning.

credits: Patrick Casaert

However, for much of North America skywatchers the moon will turn precisely full before sunrise on July 31In Portugal at 11:43AM (GMT).

Oh, my ! It should offer some pretty photo opportunities for skywatchers. Ask students to take some photos if they are lucky or do small videos (some seconds) with their smartphones and tablets to explore in Science classroom next school year, very near to some of us.

After Summer break, teachers and students can present their material and debate their experiences. It will be good.

And remember: no matter what has come in or out of our lives in the past few years, once in a while we are given the chance to have everything we’ve always wanted. We just have to make the choice now to not let it go. Because certain chances only come around once in a blue moon.

Hope you will enjoy to be a skywatcher tomorrow, July 31, August 2 admiring the beauty of this awesome scientific event. And of course with an open mind to the magic of the moment not only in the sky, also into aour life.

Blue moon!
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own.

Lyrics Hart, Lorenz / Rodgers, Richard

I can't stop listening Blue Moon. Hope you will enjoy to admire the beauty of this scientific event. 

update: 19.08.2024
Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

Licença Creative Commons
The Magic Blue Moon in Sciences Education bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sources : 
video: Natural History Museum

Earth Sky

The Elephant journal (mindful life)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Civics Education : World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

"Every country must join together to overcome this transnational threat by supporting and protecting victims while pursuing and prosecuting the criminals. On the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, let us resolve to act as one in the name of justice and dignity for all."
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
To mark this special day, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are encouraging people across the globe to express their solidarity with the millions of victims of human trafficking by giving back what they had stolen from them: hope. 
At any given time, an estimated 2.5 million people are trapped in modern-day slavery. Men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers both in their own countries and abroad. 
Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. 
Slavery, in both its ancient and modern forms, is not only shameful, it is as the abolitionist John Wesley said “the execrable sum of all villanies,” and has no place in our world.
In 2013, the General Assembly held a high-level meeting to appraise the Global Plan of Action. Member States designated July 30 as "the World Day against Trafficking in Persons". 


This resolution declared that such a day was necessary to “raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights.”

In 2014, the #igivehope campaign was launched to raise awareness around human trafficking and provide everyday people with a way to show solidarity with the victims most affected by this crime. 

This year, the UN is encouraging people across the globe to take part in the campaign and share it with their friends, families and communities ahead of the 2015 World Day against Trafficking in Persons, 30 July.
Show your solidarity with victims of human trafficking:  download the 'how to' for more details on getting involved and remember to  sign up for the 30 July Thunderclap and join the coordinated mass social media message that will be going out on the World Day.

UN on Google+


"With children making up a third of all detected #humantrafficking victims globally, we want YOU to join us in showing your solidarity with those affected by this terrible crime. Support the#igivehope social media campaign ahead of the UN World Day against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July and help give back what’s been stolen from millions across the planet: hope."


I know. Teachers and students are enjoying their school break. However, we can forget those children and young adolescents who are among the human trafficking people? 

This kind of inhuman violence against children is everywhere. We can't turn a blind eye. It’s impossible.

All children have the right to live free from traffic violence. Violence which keep children away from the family. Violence which harms their physical and mental growth. Violence which holds back every society.

You have a school blog and social media accounts in your name or school name. Why not alert your students about the World Day Against Trafficking People and call them to support #igivehope social media campaign. It's so simple and their support will be very appreciated.

I'm sure your students will support this #givehope social media campaign. They love social media, they are conneceted all day. And they will love to share their support.


If you are preparing your lessons to the next school year, think about include this human subject in your curriculum.

Activities #givehope:

Are you in? Great - then here’s how: 
  • Photograph! 
Take a photo of yourself forming a heart with your hands – this is the internationally recognized gesture of love, care and friendship and a symbol of offering hope to the millions of trafficking victims (Tip: you might want to get a friend to help – that way you can also take one of them!) Here are some examples – but we encourage you to be creative and unique! 
  • Share:
Using the hashtag #igivehope, share the photo with your friends and the world across social media. We want to make this big and will be collecting as many of your photos as possible to create one large #igivehope heart
  • Amplify! 
Sign up for the World Day Thunderclap which will be sent out on 30 July: simply ‘lend’ your social media voice and encourage others to join the #igivehope campaign to show solidarity with victims of human trafficking. Visit sign up for the 30 July Thunderclap to sign up now.

"It's so important to show solidarity for a child, no matter what. It's so important for a child to be raised in a situation where she sees love, solidarity, commitment and honor."

Joe Nichols


Copyright © 2015G-Souto'sBlog,®

Creative Commons License
Civic Education : World Day Against Trafficking in Persons bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Education & sports : Special Olympics World Games 2015

Google doodle Special Olympics World Games

"The Special Olympics World Games embrace unity, achievement and dignity."

The Special Olympics World Games start today at Los Angeles (USA) and Google is honoring all the athletes with a animated doodle inspired by the Games! 

The animated doodle of this Saturday icelebrating the competition’s athletes performing activities like stretching, lifting weights, swimming and playing soccer, basketball and golf as they take part in the games

The animated athletes in the doodle are shown kicking balls, lifting weights and swimming as they take part in the

The 2015 games take place in Los Angeles, and will see 6,500 athletes travelling from more 165 countries to take part.

The 2015 Special Olympics World Games, for athletes with intellectual disabilities, are taking place in Los Angeles beginning today, on 25 July and running through August 2. 


Through the power of sport, Special Olympics strives to create a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people.

Every two years, the world transcends the boundaries of geography, nationality, political philosophy, gender, age, culture and religion, to come together for the largest sporting and humanitarian event on the planet, the Special Olympics World Games

Alternating between Summer and Winter Games, "this event is the flagship event of the Special Olympics Movement, which promotes equality, acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities around the world."


The 2015 Special Games will see 6,500 athletes travelling from more 165 countries to take part. Wow!

It will features 26 Olympic-style events in venues throughout the Los Angeles region, and Michelle Obama will be attending the opening ceremony.


The competition was founded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in 1968 “to create a world that is not dominated by those who are excluded but by those who are included,” 


"Children with intellectual disabilities can be exceptional athletes and that through sports they can realize their potential for growth.” 

Eunice Kennedy Shriver 

Opening ceremony LA2015

Special Olympic Games 2015 just began and will end during Summer break in several countries and continents.

In the United States and Europe, the students will be back to school after the final part of the Games. 

image via Google Images

However, they will be talking about their heros, the athletes in the different sports. Who knows if some classmates took part in these Special Olympics Games.

Teachers are already preparing for the start of the new school year. Why not to 
include the Special Olympic Games? They can't lose this wonderful experience! Such a great pedagogical resource for different school curricula.

The SO promote important values: equality, acceptance and inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in the classroom. Students will learn to make deep connections with each other and with other classmates with special needs.

I am sure that a lot of students will want to talk about it. American students are the luckiest because some of them were in the Olympic stadium with their parents watching Live. Or just watched on TV every day of the Games.

LA 2015 medals

But there will be a great number of children, and teens who could watched the news on the TV in their own country or on the Internet day by day. And the most curious will know a lot about LA2015 to share informations in the classroom.

Teachers are watching the Special Olympics Games too. And they are wondering how they might incorporate the LA2015 into the lessons next month, after school holidays.

Teachers and young people have a wonderful tool The LA2015 App.



LA2015 app, the fun, new way for us to keep in touch and join the global community.

Simply use the official app of the 2015 World Games to check in and take photos at Special Olympics events and they will seamlessly share with other attendees. Meet new people, share your photos, thoughts and experiences with other spectators and be part of the community. Connect the app with Facebook and Twitter and you can instantly share your posts direct to your social accounts.

Some thoughts:

Before some days off, I am writing July and part of August about some subjects, ideas or resources that might be interesting to the next school year.

Back to Special Games LA2015, children and young adolescents with intellectual or physical disabilities are vulnerable, stigmatized in society and at school. 

Educators have a crucial role helping the integration of children with disabilities in school and in the classroom working together with the school psychologist or special needs teachers.

However all the teachers must be capable to work with children with intellectual and physical disabilities in their classrooms. 

Younger teachers can ask for help from the veterans or the school psychologist.

Teens suffer sometimes negative attitudes from classmates and educators must be very careful in leadership and dialogue with all the students about the differences of some of their classmates.

Civics is a good cross-curricular to debate those differences. And of course, civics is a part of all the curricula.

One of the most important curriculum is Sports. Kids with disabilities have wonderful performance in it. They are enthousiastic because they can participate being equal to their classmates and feel being a part of the group.

"Special Olympics often is the only place where they have an opportunity to participate in their communities and develop belief in themselves. Many live lives of neglect and isolation, hidden away or socially excluded from full participation in schools or society. Transforming the athlete, Special Olympics sports are a gateway to empowerment, competence, acceptance and joy."



Copyright © 2015G-Souto'sBlog,®
Creative Commons License
Education & sports : Special Olympics World Games 2015 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.