Thursday, January 30, 2014

Comics in Education

O Caso Doca 21 / Comics

Na pesquisa de novas ideias para partilhar com educadores de modo a integrar as ICT nos curriculos.

Desta vez, o Caso Doca 21, uma história imprevisível feita de maneira menos previsível: sem papel, lápis nem borracha, sem folhas rasgadas ou efeitos especiais.

Doca 21 é uma banda desenhada criada apenas com um Samsung Galaxy Note 3. 

O ilustrador é português, Ricardo Cabral e, a pedido da Samsung Portugal, deu largas à sua criatividade através dos recursos deste smartphone e da caneta S-Pen. 

O criativo aceitou o desadio. A multinacional pretendia provar as muitas possibilidades da S-Pen de modo a cativar  ilustradores profissionais. 

As personagens e cenários foram inspirados em paisagens e pessoas reais, num "casting" espontâneo feito nas ruas de Lisboa.

E assim nasceu a app O Caso da Doca 21.

O Caso Doca 21

"Tudo começa com um pombo que vai contra uma janela. Essa janela pertence à casa de uma jovem repórter fotográfica, Bárbara. É um pombo correio e traz uma mensagem estranha, e para ela, uma mensagem estranha desperta o olho jornalístico e obriga a meter o nariz. 

Barbara / O Caso da Doca 21

Bárbara e um amigo decidem entrar no meio destas mensagens e começam a seguir um trilho que os leva ao lado obscuro das obras de arte.

Misteriosamente, dois velhotes estão envolvidos e tornam tudo mais indecifrável.

Não só na arte como no desenrolar da história, decifrar é precisamente o que vão ter de fazer e que os vai levar a conclusões inesperadas.

Caso Doca 21 conta a hstória de uma jovem repórter fotográfica, Bárbara, que tentar decifrar o lado obscuro das obras de arte. A Bárbara juntam-se outras personagens: Sebastião, o senhor Matias, a senhora Camila, e o agente Mendonça.


Este projecto criativo apoiado nas tecnlogias pode transformar-se num excelente recurso educativo digital.

Curriculos: Artes; Artes Gráficas; Desenho; Línguas.

Níveis : Ensino Vocacional ; Ensino Secundário ; Ensino Básico (3º ciclo)

No curriculo de Línguas poderã esta história de mistério servir de motivação ao estudo do Texto Narrativo através de uma publicidade que se transformou numa curta história de mistério.

Caso Doca 21 - a Comics story 100% created only with a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and with the illustrator Ricardo Cabral talent. 

As usual readers know, I am always searching for new ideas and integrate them in different resources as educational.

Yesterday, I found this comic story on a tech review and visiting the Facebook page to complete the information, I thought it would be interesting to share my idea with you.

Why not use O Caso Doca 21 in Education? So, let's do it !

Caso Doca 21 is a comic story created by a talented Portuguese illustrator with a  Samsung Galaxy 3 and the S-Pen.

Samsung Portugal asked Ricardo Cabral to use the S-Pen of the Galaxy 3 to advertise the possibilities of this mobile phone to other professional illustrators.

Caso Doca 21 / screenshot

The characters and environments were inspired by real people and real landscapes: spontaneous "casting" done on the street of Lisbon (Portugal).

CharactersBarbara, Sebastião, Sr. Matias, Sra. Camila and agente Mendonça.

The comic tells the story of a young photojournalist - Barbara - who tries to decipher the dark side of the artwork. 

To join Barbara there are other characters: Sebastian, Mr. Matias, a Portuguese lady Camila and the humorist, Nuno Markl, who assumes the role of 'Agent Mendonca'.

Check the BD on Samsung Portugal Facebook


This provocative advertising can be very inspirational in Education and ICT enhance learning. The students will be invited to create new projects using their devices.

Curricula: Arts; Graphic; Design; Languages,

Levels: Vocational education; Secondary education ; Middle schools.

In Languages curriculum this comic story could introduce the NarrativeStudents must use tablets or smartphones.

"The technology you use impress no one.
The experience you create with it is everything."

Sean Gerety


Copyright © 2014G-Souto'sBlog,®

Licença Creative Commons

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Schools : The Book Thief : book & film : the Holocaust !

© Guillaume Ribot/ UNESCO
Fosse commune à Borové, région de Lvov, Ukraine, mai 2005

"We, the last survivors of the Holocaust, are now disappearing one by one. Soon history will speak about it with the impersonal voice of scholars and novelists, at worst, with the malevolent voice of falsifiers and deniers. This process has already begun. The United Nations international day of commemoration of holocaust victims is a vital link in the transmission of that awesome legacy to our fellow men – Jews and non-Jews alike. Unless we give it, through remembrance and education, the place and attention it deserves, and begin, collectively, to respect the core of universal values inherent in all great creeds – spiritual and secular – the forces of darkness may return with a vengeance to haunt us again."

Samuel Pisar, survivor, international lawyer, UNESCO Honorary Ambassador, Special Envoy for Holocaust and Genocide Education 

credits: Posters UNESCO

You know I write often about the Holocaust. It's important to teach students the real facts of History. Those that they never lived, as a war. And tomorrow, the world is celebrating the International Day of Commemoration of Holocaust

Every year, 27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German Concentration and Extermination Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet troops in 1945. This date was proclaimed International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust by the United Nations General Assembly.

In 2014, the theme chosen by the United Nations for this International Day is:

“The Keeping The Memory Alive - Journeys Through the Holocaust”. 

There is several events in different countries. Please visit the Calendar of Holocaust Rembrance Events on the UN website and UNESCO website

Holocaust Education in a Global Context


UNESCO recognizes that teaching about the history of the Holocaust is fundamental to establishing respect for human rights, basic freedoms and the values of tolerance and mutual respect.
UN Member States are encouraged to develop educational programmes that transmit the memory of the Holocaust to future generations so as to prevent genocide from occurring again. 
UNESCO promotes some learning materials and provides a platform for institutions, teachers, students and interested parties to access resources on Education for Holocaust Remembrance.
  • Holocaust Education in Global Context: please read here
  • Resources for Teaching about the Holocaust and other Genocides: visit here
  • Why Teach about the Holocaust here. You can download in different languages: English; French; Spanish; Romanian; Chinese; Arabic.

To mark the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I propose a book and a film: The Book Thief. Both provide a different overview of the Holocaust.

Last year, I proposed a BD manga Anne Frank au pays des mangas  and the app The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

You already know that reading in the classroom is a essential activity to repeat day after day in Languages curricula.

I wrote about The Book Thief on the Holocaust post of last year

Students love read and teachers must help students to preserve this beautiful and enriched activity.

  • The book:


The Book Thief 
Marcus Suzak, 2008

First the colours.
then the humans.
That's usually how I see things.
Or at least, how i try.

The Book Thief, introduction

Students can read online here

The Book Thief 
Marcus Suzak, 2008

The Book Thief is a novel by Australian author Markus Zusak. First published in 2005, the book won different awards.

"1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier.

Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall."

The Book Thief 
Marcus Suzak, 2008

The Book Thief 
Marcus Suzak, 2008

  • Synopsis:

Liesel Meminger is a Book Thief, living with a foster family in Germany during World War Two. Torn from everything she's known, her foster father shows her the power of words as the two of them share late night reading sessions of The Grave Digger's Handbook. Her love of books ties her to others, including the mayor's wife and Max, the Jew the family hides in the basement.

The Book Thief
Brian Percival, 2013

  • The film:

Based on the bestselling book, the movie The Book Thief tells the inspirational story of a spirited and courageous young girl who transforms the lives of everyone around her when she is sent to live with a new family in World War II Germany. Listen the young actress talking about words on the video below:

Go to the movies with your students before or after reading the book in your lessons.

On this website The Book Thief you have some guides that you can use to support the discussion in the classroom.

The Book Thief
Brian Percival, 2013

  • Some thoughts:

Of course, I am writing all the time about books and films in School Education. I love books and I'm a huge addict on movies based on books.

Movies can offer students a nice motivating push to read books. A narration lets us know something. It tells us what happened. It tells us a story. Our students love to hear narrations and watch films based on books they read in school or at home.

Many literature classics for kids and adolescents have been made into movies. Movies as The Hobbit based on J.R.R. Tolkien's novel or Hunger Games based on The Hunger Games trilogy is a series of young adult science fiction adventure novels by Suzanne Collins. And many other. 

The beautiful scene about a dictionary on the wall can not be forgotten:

Films give the chance to teach and learn Literature in a complete different way. The final result is always the best! And the list is enormous!

"Movies present language in a way that is often more natural than that found in course-books, the fantastic visual context aids understanding and boosts listening, and students just simply love them."

Steve Louw

Movies based on children and youth Literature books are an attractive and enjoyable digital resource to motivate students reading in the school.

The Book Thief 
Marcus Suzak, audio video e-book 

The e-book:

Bestseller and with a major global film release in 2014, this e-book (audio video) is enhanced with film clips and interviews with the actors from the movie as well as a Q&A with the author - a must for book lovers and movie goers alike.

Read this book or e-book and display the film in the classroom. The book and the movie are awesome. It's a life-changing story. 

I advise every teacher to check it out with your students to include the Holocaust learning theme into school curriculum.

teacher’s guide on how to generate a discussion on the importance of rescue, and student handouts describing individual story accompany the Book Thief which convey the values words, self-sacrifice, integrity and moral courage, offer a universal lesson on the importance of the preservation of human dignity and the protection of human rights.  

"To build a future you have to know the past."

Otto Frank, 1967


update 29.05.2023
Copyright © 2014G-Souto'sBlog,®

Licença Creative Commons
Schools : The Book Thief : book, film : the Holocaust  bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Éducation : Appli BnF

screenshot BnF Galica iPad
Gallica est l'appli de Gallica, la bibliothèque numérique BnF. L'application permettant l’accès à quelque 2 millions de documents anciens de la Bibliothèque nationale de France via une tablette, ou mobile.

Et je reviens aux Humanités et Art. Après l'appli Candide de Voltaire, me revoilà sur une autre appli qui suit les cours de Littérature Française. Un excellent outil à utiliser en cours de Langues et Littérature.

Des collections numérisées de l2 millions de documents y sont accessibles gratuitement : livres, journaux, revues, manuscrits, photographies, estampes, affiches, cartes, partitions, en version ipad et iphone. Maintenant en version smartphone e tablettes Android.

L‘application Gallica pour iPad et iPhone fut lancée en novembre 2012 et a été mise à jour en novembre 2013. Gallica pour smartphone et tablettes Android fin 2013 et mise à jour au début de 2014.

Gallica permet d’accéder au catalogue de documents numérisés de la BNF. Une mine d’informations et de documents à portée de doigts. Fantastique! Vous ne trouvez pas?

A quoi ça sert?
  • Effectuer des recherches au sein de l’ensemble des fonds numérisés par la BnF ; 
  • Consulter chaque document dans son intégralité et dans ses moindres détails grâce au zoom donnant accès aux images en haute résolution.
  • Télécharger les documents ou les ajouter à votre liste de favoris ; 
  • Partager les trouvailles par courriel, sur Facebook et sur Twitter.

screenshot BnF Galica iPhone

  • Langues:
Français; English.

  • iPad; iPhone.
  • Android : smartphones; tablettes

*Note: L’application Gallica a été conçue pour être utilisée en mode connecté.

  • Outil:

Appli: Gratuit sur iTunes

Lancée Novembre 2012

Mise à jour: Novembre 2013 (version améliorée)

Appli: sur Google Play

Lancée début 2013

Mise à jour: début 2014 (version enrichie et améliorée)
Classé : 13+


Un excellent outil à utiliser aux cours de Langue et Littérature au lycée et à la fac. Mais aussi aux cours de Musique enseignement professionnel et faculté.

Un bel outil sans doute, surtout pour les enseignants et les connaisseurs. On peut facilement construire et enrichir notre propre bilbiothèque. Magnifique!

Des informations et de documents à portée de doigts mais pas facile à gérer par les étudiants plus jeunes. L'immensité du choix amène au premier problème. Il faut les suivre pendant les cours, surtout niveau lycée. Pas aussi bien structurée que Candide de VoltaireEuropeana ou Touch Van Gogh.

screenshot BnF Galica Android
Pour les chercheurs et enseignants, l'utilisation est très convaincante. Elle peut se ranger dans ces applications que l’on ouvre régulièrement pour jeter un coup d’oeil ou pour découvrir de nouveaux documents. 
Pas limitée au texte, l’application permet aussi de découvrir de nombreuses photographies, documents originaux, partitions de musique. Alors ça sert aussi les interêts des musiciens et les étudiants de musique niveau enseignement professionnel ou les Arts/Musique fac.
Pour quelques critiques, moins bien que le site web éponyme"une boîte noire sans éditorialisation, sans parcours (pas même les expositions virtuelles du site)"

A vous de juger!



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Licença Creative Commons