Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Littérature : Centenaire de deux géants des lettres portugaises : José Saramago & Agustina Bessa-Luís


La Sibylle d’Agustin Bessa-Luis et Menus souvenirs de José Saramago - BnF

Par une heureuse coïncidence, l’année 2022 est le centenaire de naissance de deux des écrivains. Le Centenaire José Saramago vient de finir le 16 novembre 2022, et le Centenaire Agustina Bessa-Luís démarrer le 15 octobre 2022.

Centenaire Agustina Bessa-Luís [1922-2022]

Si José Saramago est mondialement connu depuis son obtention du prix Nobel de littérature en 1998, Agustina Bessa-Luis, lauréate du prestigieux prix lusophone Camões 2004, reste peu traduite en français, et dès lors, peu connue des lecteurs français.


Agustina Bessa-Luís & ses livres
Librarie Lello, Porto

Chez Lello, l'une des 10 plus belles libraries du monde, visitée par centaines de touristes de tout le monde, on a célébré le démarrage du Centenaire Agustina

Le Principe de l'Incertitude

Agustina Bessa-Luís


Le Principe de l'Incertitude, traduit do roman O Princípio da Incerteza est l'un des romans de Agustina Bessa-Luís qu'on peut lire en français


O Princípio da Incerteza

Jóia de Família

Agustina Bessa-Luís

Guimarães Editores

Et l'un des plsieurs romans de l'auteure adapté au cnéma par le grand cinéaste portugais Manoel de Oliveira, et l'un des cinéastes européens plus célébré.

Certains de ses romans ont été adaptés par Manoel de Oliveira, autre figure lusitanienne d’envergure : Le principe d’incertitude, et Vale Abrãao (ce dernier titre inspiré de l’histoire de Madame Bovary (1857) de Gustave Flaubert). 

Ensaio sobre a Cegueira

José Saramago

Édition commémorative du Centenaire



José Saramago

éditions du Seuil


Par contre, José Saramago, Prix Nobel de la Littérature 1998 a la quasi-totalité de son oeuvre traduite en français et bien connue du lectorat francophpne.

Il a accédé à la notoriété avec Le Dieu manchot et, surtout, L'Année de la mort de Ricardo Reis. Dans ce roman, Saramago fait revivre la figure mythique de .Fernando Pessoa Les critiques louent son savoir-faire, son art de conter, sa fantaisie.


De son côté, Saramago a son œuvre L’aveuglement adaptée par le brésilien Fernando Meirelles.

Centenaire Agustina 100
ilustration: Teresa Rego Studio
image: Bairro dos Livros

Agustina Bessa-Luis est originaire du nord du pays, dans une ville près de Porto, Amarante, tandis que Saramago vient de Santarém, dans le sud du Portugal. 

A Sibila
Agustina Bessa-Luís
Guimarães Editores


La Sybille
Agustina Bessa-Luís
éditions Gallimard

Agustina connait son premier grand succès d’écriture à 32 ans, avec La Sibylle. Dès lors, elle ne cessera d’écrire des romans fouillant les logiques sentimentales et sociales des siècles passés et souvent le rôle des femmes du nord. 

Centenário José Saramago 2022


José Saramago, lui, ne connaîtra que sur le tard le succès avec ses œuvres de fiction, dans lesquelles il revisite l’histoire portugaise, ainsi du XVIIIe siècle dans Le Dieu Manchot, mais aussi l’histoire religieuse de façon résolument irrévérencieuse, par exemple dans L’évangile selon Jésus-Christ.

Le Dieu Manchot
traduction du livre Memorial do Convento
José Saramago

José Saramago, qui avait beaucoup d’estime pour Agustina Bessa Luis, lui a rendu hommage en 2009 à la maison Fernando Pessoa à Lisbonne. 

José Saramago & Agustina Bessa-Luís, 1988

crédits: © Global Imagens (archive)

via TSF

Pilar del Rio, veuve de José Saramago, a rappelé après la mort des deux écrivains, que pour son mari, s’il y avait au Portugal un écrivain qui tendait au génie, il se trouvait en la personne d’Agustina Bessa-Luis.


Deux des plus grands écrivains de la littérature portugaise qu'il faut bien lire et travailler en cours de littérature européenne, par exemple.

Invitez vos éléves à visiter le site officiel du Centenaire Agustina Bessa-Luís (en Portugais) et recueillir des informations sur la biographie, et bibliographie, ansi que des activités sur l'écrivaine portugaise, une des plus importantes de la littérature portugaise et connue dans plusieurs pays. Agustina Bessa-Luís n'a pas eu le Noble de la Littérature comme José Saramago. Mais elle le méritait aussi bien.


Lire un/deux livres selon le niveau d'apprentissage de vos élèves. Essayez de trouver des traductions en français ou alors lire en langue portugaise à l'aide du/de la professeur.e de langue et littérature.


Le Centenaire José Saramago est fini le 16 novembre 2022, mais le site fonctionne toujours. Donc invitez les étudiants à lire et étudier des livres du Nobel portugais et à faire des activités selon le niveau d'apprentissage ou selon différentes disciplines.

Pour le lycée, ajoutez des activités plus avancées: lire un livre ou deux de chaque écrivain, voir des films d'après quelques livres de Saramago ou Bessa-Luís.

Faire une analyse comparative de deux écrivains dont le centenaire est célébré. Et  finir par un commentaire écrit, une présentation YouTube.



Copyright © 2022G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®


Littérature : Centenaire de deux géants des lettres portugaises : José saramago & as Agustina Bessa-Luís bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Source: Département Littérature et Art

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Wow ! The Geminids shower 2022 : Kids, let's go ! Time to watch to the sky !

Eliot Herman, Tucson, Arizona 2021

The Geminid meteor shower is one of the last major showers of the year. In 2022, the Geminid meteor shower will peak on 13-14 December.

Usually, as many as 150 meteors per hour can be seen in the show, which makes it among the best of the year for actually spotting a meteor.

This year, the brightness of the Moon will have a slightly diminishing effect, with NASA predicting between 30-40 meteors per hour.

“Don’t miss the annual Geminids meteor shower,” NASA tweeted.

Geminids facts:


  • Together with the Quadrantids, the Geminids are the only major meteor showers not originating from a comet.
  • The beautiful streaks we see in the night sky can actually be caused by particles as small as a grain of sand!
  • Geminids were first observed in 1862, much more recently than other showers such as the Perseids and Leonids.
  • The Geminids are thought to be intensifying every year.

Geminid meteor shower chart for 2022
via EarthSky


"Notice that the Geminids’ radiant point, and the moon, are close together in Earth’s sky. But there’s still a window of darkness between the time the radiant rises in mid-evening, and the moon rises around midnight. That’s the time to watch for meteors this week.


Nearest moon phase: In 2022, last quarter moon falls on December 16. So, it’s a bright waning gibbous moon that’ll rise in the midst of the Geminids’ peak in 2022.

When to watch: 

The usual advice is that it’s best to get away from buildings and other sources of light to watch the meteor shower. In many places, at this kind of year, that’s going to be very difficult, given the weather. For Portugal, it wil be very difficult because we have a severe weather this week.

All is not lost for others countries! Notice the rising time of the Geminids’ radiant point. The constellation Gemini is up by mid-evening in December. And moonrise isn’t until later, shortly before midnight, on the evenings of both December 13 and 14. And the moon rises later on December 14, providing more time for meteor-watching. 

The peak time of night is around 2 a.m. for all parts of the globe.

Both evenings – December 13 and 14 – are worth a try! I wish you will be lucky 

You can still view Geminids just before or after this date, but the last opportunity is on December 17.


Wow! Here's the spectacular Geminids meteor shower, this 13 December until dawn December 14! The awesome Geminid meteor shower will be back with its awesome show.

The winter, cold temperatures contribute in making this shower neglected by the public, while it offer bright, very enjoyable meteors. 

Fingers crossed that the Geminid meteor shower isn’t a snow day or a severe weather this year!. Hum!... not ver lucky December.

Most of us are excited about the Geminids shower. Schools, teachers, students and all skywatcher lovers. 

The Geminid meteor shower in Big Meadows, Shenandoah National Park
14 December 2022

I'm not a Sciences teachers. I'm Humanities and Arts teacher. But, I'm very attracted to Astronomy science.

The Geminids, along with the Perseids in August, are the two most active annual meteor showers. They can always be relied upon to put on a good show.

European schools are still working for a few days. Using smartphones, students will need a cable release chord. Luckily they can actually use their iPhone headphones' cable volume button to activate the shutter. And they also need an app designed to take long exposure photos.

Sciences curriculum will be enhanced with this awesome event! The Geminids meteor shower.

Do you want a better science lesson ? 

Some useful links:




My publications The Geminids shower (2018; 2015) and The Persieids (2022) on this blog. 

 Be sure to tell us about your meteor shower experience below...

Happy stargazing! 



Copyright © 2022G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Wow ! The Geminids shower :: Kids, let's go ! Time to watch  the sky ! bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Schools : Sport, here we are talking about World Cup 2022 : Resources & Ideas


FIFA World Cup
Qatar 2022

 The 22th FIFA World Cup kicked off last 20 November 2022Students, boys and girls (girls play football as well) are excited about it! Their team will be there, for sure. Only few countries refuse to go to Qatar. They will want to know everything about the matches, their team and the host country Qatar.

FIFA+ is your home for highlights from every game at the FIFA World Cup - minutes after the final whistle. Don't miss all the best action from Qatar 22™. All the goals, all the action, in one place. 

Note: Sign language highlights for the hearing impaired also available.

Students, boys and girls (Yes! Girls play football as well) are excited about it! Their team will be there, for sure. Only few countries refuse to go to Qatar. However students will want to know everything about the matches, their team and the host country Qatar.

Cristiano Ronaldo at Times Square, New York

credits: Madame Tussauds Museum


Students, boys and girls (Yes! Girls play football as well) are excited about it! Their team will be there, for sure. Only few countries refuse to go to Qatar. They will want to know everything about the matches, their team and the host country Qatar.    

Ouverture Ceremony Qatar 2022
credits: Kieran Mcmanus/ SIPA

Watch the best moments of the Overture Ceremony here presented by the Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman.

As all eyes turned to Qatar for the opening ceremonies of this year’s World Cup today, veteran American actor Morgan Freeman took centre stage with a message of unity and togetherness.

Performers dancing on the center of the stadium
credits: Natacha Pisarenko/ AP/SIPA

Striding slowly through a group of dancers and performers inside Al Bayt stadium in Al Khor, the 85-year-old movie star spoke in his unmistakable voice - much to the excitement of the thousands of people in attendance.

“I heard something beautiful. Not just music, but also this call to celebration,” 

Morgan Freeman & World Cup ambassador Ghanim Al Muftah

credits: Natacha Pisarenko/ AP/SIPA

Freeman intoned while walking toward a young man without legs in the middle of the stage.

“Come on over,” the legless man identified as World Cup ambassador Ghanim Al Muftah, dressed in traditional Qatari regalia, said to a hesitant Freeman. 

“We sent out the call, because everyone is welcome. This is an invitation to the whole world.”

The two men proceeded to crouch on the floor and engage in a performative but poignant conversation, in which the Shawshank Redemption icon lamented the state of the world being divided and distant. 

In the end, both men agree that “what unites us here, in this moment, is so much greater than what divides us.”

Morgan Freeman 
credits: Simon Stacpoole/Offside/Offside via Getty Images

“Through all the differences in language there is a common thread of hope, jubilation and respect. We may not understand words but in the deepest part of us we must appreciate and understand the emotions that connect us all,” 

Morgan Freeman

The performance received a thunderous applause from the crowd, and left those watching from around the world with much appreciation for the film legend.

“This is the most beautiful, charismatic and heartwarming World Cup opening ceremony ever,” one person tweeted

2022 World Cup | Opening Day


  • Google Doodles:

Let the 2022 World Cup games begin! The tournament takes place every four years and attracts football (or “soccer”) fans from all over the globe. This is the first-ever World Cup to take place in the Middle East.

Over the next month, players from the national teams of 32 countries will compete in a series of elimination games, culminating on December 18, when one national team will be crowned the 2022 World Cup Champion.

2022 World Cup | Opening Day

  • Want to get in on the action yourself? 

Google world cup Qatar 2022 on your mobile device to compete with fans in our multiplayer online game. People from around the world can work together to help their favorite team score the most goals. 

Once a real-life match is set in the World Cup schedule, it will appear in the game menu. Pick the game and team you want to support and work with other fans to score the most virtual GOAAAAALLLLS. When the final buzzer sounds in the real-life match, the virtual match will also end and name a winner!

Cristiano Ronaldo at Times Square, New York

credits: Madame Tussauds Museum


  • Curiosities:

The Portuguese legend Cristiano Ronaldo has had his wax figure unveiled by the world's greatest wax museum, Madame Tussauds, New York at Times Square last 19 November 2022.

Cristiano Ronaldoarguably the greatest footballer of all time, revealed his latest wax figure with the world's greatest wax museum, Madame Tussauds New York. Just days ahead of the World Cup, Ronaldo became the first athlete to ever accomplish a “Times Square takeover,” a feat matched in exclusivity by being honored with a Madame Tussauds wax figure.


The epic moment captured the attention of a cheering crowd as Ronaldo gave a personal message to his fans, amplified by his native country’s destination agency Visit Portugal across multiple jumbotrons in the heart of New York City. Prompted by CR7 himself, the audience celebrated his latest achievement by joining the G.O.A.T in striking his world-famous “siuuuuu” pose.

Ronaldo was blown away when meeting his wax figure in person, especially the likeness of his hair and eyes. “This is wax? Are you kidding?” said Cristiano Ronaldo. “The face is unbelievable. Imagine two Ronaldos!”


Teachers are wondering how they might include the WC2022 into the curriculum and are searching for resources.

It's a special event that can get young people enthusiastic about their learning across the curriculum. 

Let's talk about the most important! The values at football ! 

via Google Images

  • Values:

Football has been around since 500 B.C. when Spartans played it as an ancient game. Across centuries, football has evolved as the culture around it has thrived.

Promoting the power of sport values is an important skill we must spread.

  • Fair-play,
  • equality,
  • respect,
  • dignity.

Football & any sport are a powerful vehicles for social inclusion, gender equality & youth empowerment. And the values of sports are those vital for peace.


Here some ideas and resources that will help teachers use football to tackle learning across a range of subjects, cross-curricular, covering all age groups at primary and secondary education. 

Google Doodle 2 World Cup (December 2)

  • Google Doodles 

Time to time Google is publishing some doodles. They are magical digital resource as a motivation to include WCQatar2022.

Ash your students to search and comment. Don't forget the multiplayer online game. Students from around the world can work together to help their favorite team score the most goals. Wow! 

  • Video presentation (up)

  • Watch the video of the campaign and discuss it with your students. What do they think about present teams, those countries not present and reasons.
  • Discuss human rights watching the Open Ceremony dialogue Morgan Freeman and Ghanim Al Muftah, World Cup ambassador.
  • Ask your students to find some World Cup-themed videos that they might enjoy to discuss in the classroom.
  • Write some interesting tweets. Twitter's rule makes the students getting their thoughts down properly and in a concise way.
  • Use the Opening Ceremony and the Final Ceremony to teach about the host country, Qatar.
  • Use  FIFA World Cup Songs at a cross-curricular teachers Languages and Music.

There are so many resources that you can choose, prepare, or create ! It's your time to be creative!

Cross-curricular : Languages ; Civics ; Arts ; Sports ; History ; Geography ; Music.

Level: All levels. You must adapt the resources and activities to the age and level you are teaching.

Most of all, all teams are fighting with courage and bravery to be the champions of WCQ2022. They want to be the heroes!

Congratulations to the winner! However must not forget all the teams that fought for their dreams.


Copyright © 2022G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Schools :Sport, here we are talking about World Cup 2022 : Resources & Ideas bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.