The Education Outreach Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information invites
young people from around the world between the ages of 15 and 24 to submit 10- to 15-second
videos in English on how the Sustainable Development Goals can build peace.
The theme for 2016, “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”, highlights how ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for everyone, all contribute to global harmony.
The theme for 2016, “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”, highlights how ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for everyone, all contribute to global harmony.
Sustainable Development Goals
credits: Elyx Yak
When making your
videos, think about why ending poverty, addressing climate change, forging equality and ensuring access to education are important to creating a more peaceful world.
The most engaging videos will be featured on the United Nations International Day of PeaceYouTube channel. Some will even be shown at an official event at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 16 September.
Calling young filmmakers ? You are the Youtuber generation, right? So you will not miss this competition.
If you're aged 15 to 24, have your say on how the Global Goals for Sustainable Development can build peace by submitting a short video for this year's International Day of Peace.
The short videos : 10- to 15-seconds.
Don't miss your chance to have your video shown at an official event at UN Headquarters in September!
The most engaging videos will be featured on the United Nations International Day of PeaceYouTube channel. Some will even be shown at an official event at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 16 September.
credits: Elyz Yak | UN
Calling young filmmakers ? You are the Youtuber generation, right? So you will not miss this competition.
If you're aged 15 to 24, have your say on how the Global Goals for Sustainable Development can build peace by submitting a short video for this year's International Day of Peace.
The short videos : 10- to 15-seconds.
Don't miss your chance to have your video shown at an official event at UN Headquarters in September!
When you make your video, don't forget to state your name and country at the beginning.
- Example: “My name is Gabriel, and I’m from Portugal.” And remember that all videos should be appropriate for viewing by younger audiences.
Remember all videos should be appropriate for viewing by younger audiences. So be careful and creative!
credits: Elyz Yak | UN
Submissions will be accepted from now 13 June until 1 September 2016.
The UN is posting selected clips at United Nations Peace Day Youtube channel from 13 June (the start of the 100 day countdown) through 21 September, the International Day of Peace 2016.
The UN is posting selected clips at United Nations Peace Day Youtube channel from 13 June (the start of the 100 day countdown) through 21 September, the International Day of Peace 2016.
So start sending your videos to: unitednationspeaceday@gmail.com !
Some thoughts:
Interesting activity to students who love being an Youtuber. Some of you are are enjoying summer break, other are still studying for exams. And a great number of you have your own Youtube channel.
This is the time to show your creative skills, you love participate in contests. You are getting excited to show off your competences and citizenship engagement in a world video contest. And participating as an Youtuber is even more exciting.
It will be gorgeous to students making a video about Peace, right? So interesting ideas.
Participating in this video contest uploading a video that shows your ideas on ending poverty, addressing climate change, forging equality and ensuringaccess to education to create a more peaceful world it will be perfect. You will have your own voice for Peace.
Copyright © 2016G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Students Arts & Multimedia : Submit your Videos to UN for #PeaceDay by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.