International Museum Day
On May 18th, Museums of the world are celebrating International Museum Day with free admission and other special activities.
The International Council of Museums (ICOM) established International Museum Day in 1977 to encourage public awareness of the role of museums in the development of society.
The worldwide community of museums will celebrate International Museum Day on and around 18 May 2016.
International Museum Day 2016
The theme of 2016 International Museum Day is Museums and Cultural Landscapes, brings together nature and history. It recognizes that individuals and communities are not solely responsible for protecting and enhancing cultural landscapes. This duty is also shared by museums, as bearers of the tangible and intangible legacies of these territories.
The objective of International Museum Day is to raise awareness of the fact that, “Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples.”
Google Doodle Long Night of Museums
Google is celebrating Long Night of Museums 2016 by posting a beautiful Doodle on its homepage. However the Long Night of Museums will take place on the 21st May.
Organised on and around 18 May, each year, the events and activities planned to celebrate International Museum Day can last a day, a weekend or a whole week.
Participation in International Museum Day is growing among museums all over the world. In 2015, more than 35,000 museums participated in the event in some 145 countries.
Nuit Européennes des Musées
Since 2011, ICOM has been sponsoring the European Night of Museums/ Nuit européenne des musées because this is a French idea which is held every year on the Saturday closest to the International Museum Day.
The European Night of Museums or Nuit Européenne des Musées was created in 2005 by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. On this occasion, the closing time of the museums is postponed to approximately one in the morning, which allows the public to visit the participating museums by night, for free.
Pour sa douzième édition, la Nuit des musées nous propose une multitude d'événements ce samedi 21 mai 2016.
Les musées sont d'étonnants laboratoires où s'élaborent en continu des médiations pour le jeune public. D'où, sans doute, le succès immédiat de La classe, l’œuvre!
La classe, l'ouvre experimenté pour la première fois en 2013 rapproche les écoles, établissements scolaires et musées autour des oeuvres d'art.
En 2016, établissements scolaires et musées sont invités à participer de nouveau au projet pédagogique La classe, l’œuvre !, dans le cadre de la Nuit européenne des musées.
Pour la quatrième année consécutive, le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication et le ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche reconduisent le dispositif intitulé La classe, l’œuvre ! mis en place dans le cadre de la Nuit européenne des musées.
In 2016, schools and museums are invited to participate again in the educational project The class, the work!, within the framework of the European Night of museums.
La classe, l’œuvre ! permet aux jeunes de se familiariser avec les musées. Il propose aux élèves de devenir des passeurs de culture, en s’appropriant un patrimoine commun et en le restituant auprès de leurs pairs et de leurs proches.
This year, the European Night of museums is placed under the sign of the imagination with a new digital operation: « The Night ( Magination) ».
This year still, more than 3 000 museums in 30 countries of Europe participate in the European Night in museums, becoming, time (weather) of evening, a place of expression welcoming all the arts:
- Music
- Theater
- Literature
- Gastronomy
- Cinema.
Teachers and students can do a research on the world programme here.
Museums were invited to choose, among their collections, a work (or a detail of work) which could evoke the night: mystery, magic, dream, fantasy, sleep, bestiary, supernatural, darkness, love, illusions.
Museums were invited to choose, among their collections, a work (or a detail of work) which could evoke the night: mystery, magic, dream, fantasy, sleep, bestiary, supernatural, darkness, love, illusions.
All the selected works were published on the page Facebook official of The Night of museums !
You are right now invited to caption the works by showing creativity. The most original proposals will soon be collected on the official site of the European Night by museums, then to you to play!
I would like to introcude you a wonderful exhibition at Grand Palais, Paris that we can visit the Nuit européenne des musées, 21 May: Autour de l’exposition Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, ce bel et illustre inconnu. A Portuguese painter, one of the most important artistsof the XX century.
Si vous enseignez à Paris, organisez une visite à l'exposition au Grand Palais avec vos élèves, la Nuit européenne des musées.
Vos étudiants auront plein d'activités sur place ou en ligne: Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Côtè Jeune Publique:
Nuit des musées/ Grand Palais
Si vous enseignez à Paris, organisez une visite à l'exposition au Grand Palais avec vos élèves, la Nuit européenne des musées.
Vos étudiants auront plein d'activités sur place ou en ligne: Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Côtè Jeune Publique:
- Quizz
- 7 Différences
- Coloriage (pour les plus petits)
Nuit Européennes des Musées
- Visit museums with your students. Please read Uma Aula no Museu (Portuguese language) an interesting pedagogical activity to develop writing skills through Paula Rego's paintings (cross-curricular Languages, Arts, History, ICT).
- Watching different paintings the students get inspiration to write stories or draw some interesting works.
- Introduce your students to museum-sponsored events. Tell your students about this weekend’s "Teen Night Out" with you or their family.
- Explore museum galleries online. Invite your students to spend some time enjoying au Louvre; Google Art Project; Google Street Art, or visiting other online exhibitions from local and international museums. So your students can watch works by incredible artists and debate their experiences in the classroom next week (cross-curricular).
- Another activity could be a pic at the Museum. During a visit to the Museum, invite the students to snap some pics of their choice.
Visit La Nuit en Europe to find the huge list of European Museums and activities to organize a school visit on the 21st May.
The 21 Maym museums across Europe will take part in the Long Night of Museums. On this night, local cultural institutions will stay open extra-late to celebrate culture, science, and education.
Salome with the head of St. John the Baptist
Andrea Solaro
Oh! By the way, don't miss my last post Schools : Art & Pop Music at Musée du Louvre with Such an inspirational project to motivate young people to admire classical painting.
La classe, l'oeuvre! Visitez la plate-forme La classe, l'ouevre! Valoriser les projets éducatifs, artistiques et culturels, (établissements scolaires français), élaborée en partenariat Network Canopé et Ministère de la culture et de la communication et le Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
La classe, l'oeuvre! Visitez la plate-forme La classe, l'ouevre! Valoriser les projets éducatifs, artistiques et culturels, (établissements scolaires français), élaborée en partenariat Network Canopé et Ministère de la culture et de la communication et le Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
Many museums provide free admission tonight with some cities also subsidizing public transport during this time.
Check to see if your local museums, exhibitions are open to the public the night of 21 May and enjoy the treasures of our past.
Check to see if your local museums, exhibitions are open to the public the night of 21 May and enjoy the treasures of our past.
crédits: © Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
TweetHall : mur des tweets de la nuit
À l'occasion de la Nuit européenne des musées, tous les musées participants sont invités à participer à une opération digitale festive : le tweetwall (mur de tweets) de la Nuit. A lire ici et à participer, bien sûr!
Apps & devices:
A great number of museums have nice apps that you can download for free on your iPhone, smartphone or tablet.
Apps for schools : Art Legacy, bringing art to life (2016)
Apps for Education: Touch Van Gogh (2014)
Arts Education: Museums & Apps (2014)
Educational Apps : Janela para o Passado (2014)
The technologies are now everywhere. And Art & Culture are not an exception.
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