Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 rundown of the best posts #1

Good morning from G-Souto's Blogin chilled and cloudy Porto, Portugal. How chilled is it? On Christmas night, rainy and windy. That complicated family reunion. But at the end all the family was close.

I hope that everyone is enjoying a little time-out. Judging by the numbers of "page views" on G-Souto's Blog, many of you are using some vacation time to explore resources to use in your classroom in 2014. But if you've ignored school-related things during vacation week, that's great too. We all need some free time to do different activities.

On this post I'm re-running the most popular posts of the 1st semester 2013.The selection is based on page views but also based on pedagogical relevance of the most read post.

I kept the order of the most viewed, but eliminated the posts that seemed less relevant. The main reason is that sometimes certain posts acquire too much visibility, not for their value but for the keywords that the search engines "like" indexing. 

Je suis ravie de partager avec vous le Top des posts les plus lus du 1er semestre 2013. Vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à me suivre au quotidien. Je vous remercie, chers enseignants, chers lecteurs, pour votre intérêt et m’efforce d’être toujours au plus proche des événements concernant des idées pédagogiques pour vous offrir les dernières actualités.

Here are the 1st semester's most popular posts:

Le Top 15 
des posts du 1er semestre 2013 :

Voltaire Candide: App for iPad in Education

Surtout, n’hésitez pas à me faire part de vos commentaires, ou questions. Ce blog a pour but de favoriser les échanges et provoquer le débat. Alors, à bientôt j’espère sur le blog G-Souto's Blog!

Above all, do not hesitate to share your comments or send me your questions. This blog aims to promote communication, and induce some good debate about Education & ICT. So, I hope to see you soon again on G-Souto's Blog.

Find me on Twitter, or on Google+


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Licença Creative Commons
2013: rundown of the best posts #1 by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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