Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Hinz, ICOM President
“Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples”.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Hinz, ICOM President
On May 18th, Museums of the world are celebrating International Museum Day with free admission and other special activities.
The International Council of Museums (ICOM) established International Museum Day in 1977 to encourage public awareness of the role of museums in the development of society.
Each year, International Museum Day gathers more museums from all around the world. In 2013, 35,000 museums from 143 countries on five continents participate to International Museum Day.
From America to Oceania, through Europe, Asia and Africa, International Museum Day is a special moment for the museum community. On this day, participating museums interpret an issue that concerns all cultural organisations.
International Museum Day is also a fantastic opportunity for museum professionals to meet their public. At the heart of society, museums are institutions dedicated to its development.
This year, the theme of the International Museum Day will be:
"Museums For a Sustainable Society"
"The theme Museums for a sustainable society recognises the role of museums in raising public awareness about the need for a society that is less wasteful, more cooperative and uses resources in a way that respects living systems."
These recent years, International Museum Day has been experiencing its highest involution with almost 30,000 museums that organised activities in more than 120 countries.
Traditionally, International Museum Day is organised around 18 May. It can last a day, a weekend or a whole week, the objective being to meet at the museum with the motto: “Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples”.
Each year, IMD gathers more museums from all around the world. In 2012, 32,000 museums from 129 countries on five continents participated in the event.
Since 2011, ICOM has been sponsoring the European Night of Museums, which is held every year on the Saturday closest to the International Museum Day.
The European Night of Museums was created in 2005 by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. On this occasion, the closing time of the museums is postponed to approximately one in the morning, which allows the public to visit the participating museums by night, for free.
The European Night of Museums was created in 2005 by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. On this occasion, the closing time of the museums is postponed to approximately one in the morning, which allows the public to visit the participating museums by night, for free.
Pour sa dixième édition, la Nuit des musées nous propose une multitude d'événements ce samedi 17 mai.
La Nuit des Musées a lieu le soir du 16 mai 2015.
Les musées sont d'étonnants laboratoires où s'élaborent en continu des médiations pour le jeune public. D'où, sans doute, le succès immédiat de La classe, l’œuvre!
La classe, l'ouvre experimenté pour la première fois en 2013 rapproche les écoles, établissements scolaires et musées autour des oeuvres d'art.
“Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples”.
Teachers have the weekend, of course, but also an entire week to celebrate Museums at school.
Check out some pedagogical ideas to explore and support museums with your students:
- Visit museums with your students. Please read Uma Aula no Museu (Portuguese language) an interesting pedagogical activity to develop writing skills through Paula Rego's paintings (cross-curricula Languages, Arts, History, ICT).
- Watching different paintings the students get inspiration to write stories or draw some interesting works.
- Introduce your students to museum-sponsored events. Tell your students about this weekend’s "Teen Night Out" with you or their family
- If you have an international school project, the students can chose the language of the classmates.This could be an interesting writing activity in mother language our foreign language.
- Explore museum galleries online. Invite your students to spend some time enjoying Google Art Project, Google Street Art, and visitingother online exhibitions from local and international museums. So your students can watch works by incredible artists and debate their experiences in the classroom next week (cross-curricula).
- Another activity could be a #selfie at the Museum. During a visit to the Museum, invite the students to snap selfies with an artefact of their choice.
Autres Activités: Le Tweetall
La Nuit européenne des musées est célébrée chaque année dans des milliers d’établissements en Europe. Au Portugal, par exemple trouvez la meilleure actvité.
Cette année, l'organisation propose à tous les visiteurs et à tous les musées, de Paris à Saint-Pétersbourg, de Londres à Lisbonne, de "ensemble la Nuit sur le web."
Le Tweetall promet une belle animation à tous les ...
- Musées:
Les musées qui souhaitent projeter le Tweetwall de la Nuit doivent se procurer :
- 1 ordinateur avec 1 navigateur internet (Google Chrome de préférence)
- 1 connexion internet pour se connecter à 1 URL (prochainement indiquée)
- 1 vidéoprojecteur (et câbles de connexion pour le relier à l’ordinateur)
- 1 surface blanche (écran, mur…) qui servira pour la projection des photographies
- Visiteurs: enseignants, étudiants familles
Les visiteurs qui souhaitent y apparaître n’auront qu’à tweeter, le 16 mai, sans oublier le mot-dièse #NDM15.
L’URL utilisé pour accéder au tweetwall est le suivant:
Le lien sera actif jusqu’au dimanche 17 mai, 11:00 heures.
Notez: Si le tweetwall ne s'affiche pas, merci de patienter quelques instants avant de réessayer. Une fois le tweetwall affiché, mieux vaut éviter d'actualiser la page trop fréquemment.]
Well, there we are! You have awesome activities to enjoy : students, teachers, families during this weekend.
Apps & devices:
And don't forget! Most part of museums have nice apps that you can download free on your iphone, smartphone or tablet.
The technologies are now everywhere. And art is not an exception.
"Give me a museum and I'll fill it."
Apps & devices:
And don't forget! Most part of museums have nice apps that you can download free on your iphone, smartphone or tablet.
The technologies are now everywhere. And art is not an exception.
"Give me a museum and I'll fill it."
Pablo Picasso
Copyright © 2015-Souto'sBlog,®
Arts & Education : International Museum Day by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Copyright © 2015-Souto'sBlog,®
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