My thoughts about Education Humanities, Technology and Digital Culture. Interested on social media tools in educational contexts and
gamification in education.
“This has been such a very difficult time for live performance and many artists,
technicians and craftsmen and women have struggled in a profession that is already
fraught with insecurity.
Maybe that always present insecurity has made them more able to survive this pandemic
with wit and courage.
Their imagination has already translated itself, in these new circumstances, into
inventive, entertaining and moving ways to communicate, thanks of course in large part
to the internet."
Helen Mirren, message 2021
World Theatre Day was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community.
The first World Theatre Day International Message was written by Jean Cocteau the French poet, playwright, novelist, designer, filmmaker, visual artist and critic in 1962.
Various national and international theatre events usually organized to mark this occasion. This year will be different. All the events are online and virtually celebrates all over the world. Pandemic time doesn't stop theatre. Actors reinvent and moving to communicate with public online.
"Human beings have told each other stories for as long as they have been on the planet.
The beautiful culture of theatre will live for as long as we stay here."
One of the most important of these is the circulation of the World Theatre Day is International Message through which at the invitation of ITI, a figure of world stature shares "his or her reflections on the theme of Theatre and a Culture of Peace".
There are 3 sessions of the videos. Invite your students to click the link to check the detailed programmer of each session.
"The creative urge of writers, designers, dancers, singers, actors, musicians, directors, will
never be suffocated and in the very near future will flourish again with a new energy and
a new understanding of the world we all share.
I can’t wait!”
Helen Mirren, message 2021
Since March 2020 we find ourselves celebrating Theatre day under very unusual circumstances. A full year into the pandemic means that it’s been a full year since we have been able to experience live performance and our venues remain shuttered. We could not go to the theatre with our students to celebrate Art.
Theatre in education is used to encourage effective learning. It calls for careful consideration of the audience's age and requirements in order to engage them and get the message across.
It complements school curriculum and illustrate the dynamic relationship between the performing arts and literature, history, science and world cultures.
"It is becoming increasingly certain the pandemic will be longer-lasting than we had hoped and more impactful than we had imagined. With its persistence, we are beginning to see warnings about terrible effects it will have on younger generations. But what if the predictions are too dire and there is hope for a positive influence on the pandemic generation?"
Perhaps this generation, whose views are being shaped through the coronavirus pandemic, will be afraid or insecure. But it's also conceivable they will be shaped in more positive ways. Who knows? I say this with hope.
And now let's write about the posts of January and February. The world continues to be affected by pandemic restrictions. In so many countries schools are still closed. Millions of students don't have access to in-person lessons.
Here are the most popular posts of the last two month:
There are measures to deal with coronavirus outbreaks are in place across Europe. Many involve the reintroduction of restrictions that had been eased after initial lockdowns.
Here in Portugal, schools continue closed. The kindergarten and Primary schools reopened last 15 March. Secondary schools will reopen perhaps next 5 April. High junior schools and universities next 19 April.
We are under a fifth national lockdown until at least 19 April. And there is a curfew from movement between country's municipalities is prohibited during Easter week.
“The glassy pear tree leaves and blooms, they brush
the descending blue; that blue is all in a rush
with richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.” (...)
Gerard Manley Hopkin
On a Spring morning it's a poem we can repeat that makes spring seem more intensely itself.
Spring is back! Today 20 March is the first day of Spring 2021. Also known as the vernal equinox. It may still be frosty around Portugal, but Spring is officially about to start.
This year, the vernal (or Spring) equinox takes place today, Saturday, March 20, 09:37 (GMT). It's Spring equinox which, in the astronomical system of seasons, is the first day of Spring.
This year's Google Doodle celebrating Spring 2021 depicts an animated hedgehog. Unlike the traditional sharp spines on it back, the animated hedgehog featured on the Google doodle carries vibrant flowers, buds, and leaves to represent blossoming spring.
Origin of the word Vernal:
The word "vernal” comes from the Latin vernalis word for spring, while equinox literally means "equal night" (equi means equal and nox means night) as both night and day last for an equal amount of time.
The astronomical event marks the start of Spring in the northern hemisphere, which means longer days are on the way and people around the world will celebrate fresh starts.
What is an equinox:
We use the equinox to mark the change of seasons, as the balance of light shifts to make for longer days or nights.
The 2021 vernal equinox arrived on March 20 at 09:37 GMT. In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re enjoying earlier sunrises, later sunsets, softer winds, sprouting plants. Meanwhile, the opposite season, later sunrises, earlier sunset, chillier winds, dry and falling leaves, south of the equator.
An equinox is the moment when the barrier between night and day (called the solar terminator) is perpendicular to the equator – i.e., when the sun is shining directly on the side of the planet.
At the March equinox, the subsolar point – the border of the sun’s light – hits the equator, then moves northward. In September, at the autumnal equinox, it moves south. On the equinox, the length of daytime and nighttime is roughly the same all over the planet.
The vernal equinox marks the start of spring and a time for new beginnings, birth and fresh starts.
credits: Unknown
via Google Images
Spring time, equinoxes, traditions? No! You have all you need to your lesson.
Invite your students in remote learning to do some research about the several themes around Spring time. Literature and Science are welcome. Why not History, Geography and Music?
In the midst of a pandemic, economic recession, and social unrest, your students’ lives may have changed drastically since the day the school shut down.
Teachers must pay attention. Possible barriers to students engagement during distance learning appears. Stress and trauma - Covid-19, lockdown - can interrupt cognitive processing, reduce students’ executive functioning skills, and disrupt emotional regulation. All of that makes it difficult to learn, think, and engage meaningfully.
If students aren’t comfortable with the system you’re using, they might avoid it. It takes time to establish norms and practices with a new system, when it involves technology.
Engaging students during distance learning may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Ready to dive deeper?
Le Dictionnaire des francophones prendra la forme d’une application (appli), disponible sur téléphones et tablettes. Il permettra la consultation de milliers de mots venus de toute la francophonie et réunis au sein d’une même interface.
Il sera enrichi par la contribution des utilisateurs et utilisatrices. Parce que le français appartient à tout le monde, chacun, où qu’il soit, aura ainsi son mot à dire !
Différents experts de la francophonie se réunissent autour du professeur Bernard Cerquiglini à l’Institut international pour la francophonie, pour la réalisation de ce dictionnaire des francophones.
Inédit, le projet combine une solide ambition scientifique, avec des experts issus de toute la francophonie réunis autour du professeur Bernard Cerquiglini à l'Isntitut International pour la francophonie et une démarche collective participative.
Le Dictionnaire des francophones est un dictionnaire collaboratif numérique ouvertqui a pour objectif de rendre compte de la richesse du français parlé au sein de l'espace francophone.
C'est un projet institutionnel novateur qui présente à la fois une partie de consultation au sein de laquelle sont compilées plusieurs ressources lexicographiques, et une partie participative pour développer les mots et faire vivre la langue française.
Le Dictionnaire des Francophones révèle l’exceptionnelle richesse, la diversité, la créativité et l’évolution constante de la langue française telle qu'elle se pratique sur les cinq continents.
Ce dictionnaire réunit plus de 500 000 termes et expressions du français sous la forme d’une application mobile gratuite et contributive accessible via un téléphone ou une tablette.
Cette application inédite vous permet de consulter facilement et directement de nombreuses ressources de référence sur le français, dans toutes ses variétés à travers le monde.
Contribuition des lecteurs:
Ce dictionnaire en ligne renferme des milliers de ressources venues de toute la Francophonie et sera ouvert à la contribution de tous les utilisateurs.
Il autorise tout internaute à proposer une nouvelle entrée, examinée par des experts et des lecteurs avant d'être éventuellement admise.
Toutes les équivalences et les variantes du français y sont les bienvenues, de Madagascar au Québec en passant par les pays d’Afrique et d’Europe francophones. On peut y trouver par exemple la signification du terme québécois "pourriel" qui fait référence au courrier indésirable, ou bien l’expression "lancer un chameau" utilisée en RDC et qui veut dire "commettre une faute d’orthographe", "pause carrière (Belgique), "avoir la bouche sucrée", Côte d'Ivoire...
Comme le DDF est une ressource en ligne, les données qu'il contient peuvent être constamment réorganisées en fonction des critères de recherche des utilisateurs.
Par ailleurs, les utilisateurs sont encouragés à contribuer au dictionnaire en ajoutant du contenu et en validant les informations présentes. Les données du DDF sont donc appelées à s'enrichir et à se préciser de manière dynamique.
Le contenu sera librement réutilisable et modifiable, avec comme seule contrainte celle d’en citer la source (licence CC BY-SA 3.0).
screenshot Dictionnaire des Francophones, appli
Le français, langue «vivante, diverse, foisonnante, généreuse»: ainsi apparaît la langue française, «vue à travers le prisme du Dictionnaire des francophones»
La langue française est parlée et écrite par près de 300 millions de francophones dans le monde. S’imprégnant de différentes cultures, elle s’est enrichie et a fait naître des éléments de langage propres à chaque pays et à chaque culture.
Le dictionnaire s’adresse à tous lesfrancophones, les francophiles, les linguistes, les curieux, les amoureux de la langue française, mais aussi tous ceux qui enseignent et apprennent le français dans le monde.
Les enseignants de tous les pays francophones ou des pays où on apprend le français, langue étrangère ou langue maternelle seconde, pourront inviter leurs élèves à enrichir ce dico en ligne avec des expressions en langue française utilisées à leurs pays.
Les étudiants doivente être appuyés sur les profs pour valider les mots ou expressions.
Attention! Dans l'étude des langues, ne pas confondre les langues et les dialectes d'une langue qui sont ses différentes variétés parlées au sein de la communauté linguistique.
Contribuez-vous aussi ! Parce que le français appartient à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui le parlent, ce dictionnaire permettra à chacun d’avoir son mot à dire !