E eis-nos de novo a festejar A Noite Europeia dos Investigadores. A NEI - European Researcher's Night - é uma iniciativa promovida pela Comissão Europeia no âmbito das Acções Marie Curie.
Acontece todos os anos, desde 2005, na última sexta-feira de Setembro.
Celebrar a Ciência e aproximar a ciência dos cidadãos. É assim, um evento europeu que permite a cientistas e público em geral conviverem num ambiente descontraído.
A troca de ideias e experiências que a NEI proporciona pretende contribuir para a construção de uma imagem saudável dos investigadores junto do público e demonstrar que, afinal, a ciência não é tão complicada nem tão distante quanto se julga.
A extensa programação nacional tem como objectivo mostrar ao público que os cientistas são pessoas comuns mas com trabalhos extraordinários.
O tema para os próximos dois anos é Ciência Cidadã, conceito que abrirá as portas para o mundo da investigação, dando aos cidadãos a oportunidade de participar em projectos nas mais diversas áreas científicas.
Pretende-se assim fomentar o "envolvimento dos cidadãos na Ciência promovendo uma sociedade mais activa e colaborativa com a comunidade científica.
photo: Per Henning
É sem dúvida uma noite diferente que nenhum professor quer perder, fazendo-se acompanhar dos seus alunos numa experiência pedagógica prática sobre a Ciência. Seria imperdoável perder a oportunidade de participar de uma aula viva. Os professores curriculares Ciências e Física poderão acompanhar as suas turmas, e por que não solicitar o apoio de alguns pais voluntários. Consultar mais aqui
Utilização telemóveis e redes sociais:
Insisto na utilização dos telemóveis, e dos tablets que permitem a interacção entre participantes, e redes sociais para partilhar experiências entre escolas: Facebook ou Twitter hashtag #Nei1415
Yes, last Friday on September, we wii celebrate a special night every year since 2005. Of course, the European Researchers' Night 2014.
The European Researchers' Night is a mega event which takes place every year simultaneously in about 300 cities all over Europe and beyond.
In fact, they are events dedicated to popular science and fun learning. They are an opportunity to meet researchers, talk to them, and to find out what they really do for society, in interactive and engaging ways.
This can be through hands-on experiments, science shows, learning activities for children, guided visits of research labs, science quizzes and more.
Whether with your school, your class, your friends, family or on your own, you will find yourself exploring science in engaging ways.
European Researchers' Night
The European Researchers' Night takes place every year all over Europe and beyond the last Friday of September.
It offers the opportunity to discover research facilities that are usually not open to public such as:
- laboratories;
- research centres;
- museum collections;
Families and schools can use the most recent technologies and instruments with the guidance of scientists, participate in experiments, competitions and quizzes, watch demonstrations and simulations, exchange ideas and party with the researchers.
credits: ESA
This timelapse video was made from images taken by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst orbiting Earth on the International Space Station.
Discover what researchers really do and why it matters for your daily life.
- How is our universe built?
- What is your DNA like?
- Can we stop climate change?
- Can we prevent natural disasters?
- Can renewable energy resources replace oil?
These questions and much more will be answered throughbehind-the-scenes guided tours of research labs that are normally closed to the public, interactive science shows, hands-on experiments or workshops.
A different and exciting Sciences lesson no doubt! A live lesson! Teachers and students can join other groups of students and educators that will be everywhere participating in some awesome live pedagogical experience.
Let your students meet the real scientists, talk to them, make some curious questions, understand the real meaning of Science.
Do you want to take part of an event in your city? With your students, your family, friends on your own, you will find yourself exploring science in engaging ways.
Check the map of events to find out if this activity is organised near you.
Check the map of events to find out if this activity is organised near you.
Mobile devices & social media:
Of course tablets, iphones and smartphones are allowed. These devices are impoirtant to take notes, and share the most exciting activities of the night with classmates, friends, family.
Students will discuss their activities and experimentations in the classroom next Monday.
Students will discuss their activities and experimentations in the classroom next Monday.
Facebook profiles from a lot of European schools or Twitter profiles linked to European Researchers' Night 2014 will be exciting to contact other schools and share different points of vue about all the activities.
Don't miss the European Researchers' Night nexy Friday, 26 September 2014!
Have fun learning science !
Have fun learning science !
Copyright © 2014G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Have fun learning Science : Researchers' Night 2014 by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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