Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Bright Holiday Season, Shine Bright... Hillcrest Primary School : Sorrow

via TIF News

"Shine bright like a diamond. 

You're a shooting star I see"

As we end the trimester, moving through winter solstice toward the returning light, may the Holiday Spirit of the educational community help ease December’s chill.

I stand in sorrow & sympathy with the Hillcrest Primary School community. My heart and thoughts are with the families of those children who lost their lives on last 15 December or are still in hospital. 

What started as a joyful day of celebration ended with the entire Tasmanian community stunned & heartbroken.


The deaths of six children after a jumping castle was lifted into the air from strong winds at a school end-of-year celebration as condolences flowed into the grieving small coastal city.

The sixth student has died last 19 December, after Hillcrest Primary School's end of year celebration event.

Four boys and two girls aged between 11 and 12 died in the accident which saw children fall 10 metres (33 feet) to the ground at a school in Devonport in the northwest of the island state of Tasmania. 

It was one of Australia's deadliest accidents involving an amusement ride.

credits: EPA

As a teacher, I believe that children, parents, teachers and families of Hillcrest Primary School must keep their privacy.

I have no words, I was devastated, absolutely devastated, still am. I had no words.

Holiday season is here. Christmas season is children's big dream. What can I say?

Tributes have begun pouring in online for the beloved students who are remembered as a 'beautiful, caring boy' and a 'precious' girl with a 'sweet, kind, old soul'.

credits: NCA Newswire / Grant

Rise of the Guardians, a lovely and original tale, came to my mind. Again. After Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The beautiful 3D animated film would be a sweet tribute in the memories of children.

Rise of the Guardians  also tells us to hold on to that child inside us as we go through life, and to believe in ourselves no matter what.

credits: EPA

The tragedy which occurred is beyond comprehension. It is devastating, heartbreaking. It is just simply incomprehensible.

Addison, 11, Zane, 12, Jye, 12, Jalailah Jayne-Maree, 12, Peter, 12 and Chace, 11.  How sad! Sorrow.

'Young children on a fun day out, together with their families and it turns to such horrific tragedy. At this time of year, it just breaks your heart," 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison

credits: via Facebook

The immediate priority is supporting the children, families and staff who had been impacted.

The tragedy which occurred is beyond comprehension. It is devastating, heartbreaking. It is just simply incomprehensible.

Let's raise our deepest thoughts with sorrow to their parents, families, young classmates and teachers. And let's sing "Shine bright like a diamond."

"It is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe. For as long as they believe in us, we will guard them with our lives." 

North, Rise of the Guardians

Wishing everyone a Bright Holiday Season! Hug each other, hug your children, deeply and often.


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Licença Creative Commons

Bright Holiday Season, Shine Bright... Hillcrest Primary School : Sorrow G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Schools : Human Rights Day : All Humans Equal ! Resources & activities !


"(...) human rights must be the bedrock for all progress moving forward."
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General

Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 
In times of crisis such as the current Covid-19 pandemic, striving to ensure that all human enjoy equal rights, such as equal access to healthcare, education and public space is ever more important.

Theme 2021: Equality 

This year’s Human Rights Day theme relates to 'Equality' and Article 1 of the UDHR – “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

This must start as early as possible, on the benches of schools. UNESCO is leading human rights education, to ensure all girls and boys know their rights and those of others. This is the spirit for global citizenship education, to strengthen respect for cultural diversity on the basis of solidarity and shared rights. 

This is why UNESCO is launching today its 
Global Education Monitoring Report on Youth and a campaign encouraging youth to hold governments accountable for ensuring everyone’s right to education.

The principles of equality and non-discrimination are at the heart of human rights. Equality is aligned with the 2030 Agenda and with the UN approach set out in the document Shared Framework on Leaving No One Behind: Equality and Non-Discrimination at the Heart of Sustainable Development

Equality, inclusion and non-discrimination, in other words - a human rights-based approach to development  - is the best way to reduce inequalities and resume our path towards realising the 2030 Agenda.

  • Rebuild better, fairer, greener 

Equal opportunities for youth

Successive financial and health crises have had long-lasting and multidimensional impacts on millions of young people. Unless their rights are protected, including through decent jobs and social protection, the “COVID generation” runs the risk of falling prey to the detrimental effects of mounting inequality and poverty.

Reversing vaccine inequality and injustice

Vaccine injustice through unfair vaccine distribution and hoarding contravenes international legal and human rights norms and the spirit of global solidarity. The call for a common agenda and a new social contract between Governments and their people is the need of the hour so as to rebuild trust and to ensure a life of dignity for all.

Advancing the right to healthy environment and climate justice

Environmental degradation, including climate change, pollution and nature loss, disproportionately impacts persons, groups and peoples in vulnerable situation

Equality is... ending digital exclusion

Building resilience through equality inclusion and human rights

Equality and non-discrimination are key to prevention: all human rights for all ensure everyone has access to the preventive benefits of human rights but, when certain people or groups are excluded or face discrimination, the inequality will drive the cycle of conflict and crisis.


I write often about Human Rights in education. Quality education based on a human rights approach means that rights are implemented throughout the whole education system and in all learning environments.

Teachers can hold activities and events at school. We must stimulate the interest  of our students every day by the acts we share in the classroom.

Fighting the injustice of inequality, promoting solidarity, non-discrimination, respect and similar values.

Let us draw inspiration from some good actions to strengthen respect for human rights to children and young people. 

credits: Adobe stock

Activities: Education transform lives

  • Organize lecture series, film or steaming series, book discussions, news, workshops, debates among students, parents, on human rights;
  • Take part in human campaigns of the day at school;
  • Get out school with your students and help other young people and old people within  your community;
  • Wear a t-shirt on Human Rights Day. Make a t-shirt made just stating that is Human Rights Day (cross-curricular);
  • Ask your students (Secondary education) to write out a specific article from the United Nations Declaration;
  • Invite them to promote human rights on Twitter (school account)

  • Nobel Peace Prize 
We can't forget this year, Abdulrazak GurnahNobel Prize in Literature 2021 "for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents."
Teachers will find a variety of educational resources  on Unesco website
  • UN
Human Rights Day here
  • EU
Also on the EU and Human Rights website your students can be informed on EU actviities and reports : Secondary education ; Vocational and Higher Education.

Copyright © 2021G-Souto'sBlog,®
Creative Commons License
Schools . Human Rights Day : All Human Equal ! Resources & activities bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

La Bande dessinée : Et voilà ! Lucky Luke fête 75 ans ! On le lit en classe ? Nouvelles ressources

Joyeux anniversaire Lucky Luke

Lucky Luke fait sa première apparition en 1946 dans le journal Spirou, fondé par Jean Dupuis, dans une histoire intitulée Arizona 1880. On y trouve deux méchants, une attaque de diligence et bien sûr Jolly Jumper le fidèle cheval qui l'aide à se sortir des pires difficultés. 

Lucky Luke & Morris

Europe Comics

Son dessinateur Morris fait partie de la fameuse bande des quatre dessinateurs belges avec Jijé, Franquin et Will qui sont les piliers du journal. Lucky Luke c'est l'homme qui tire plus vite que son ombre. Il est facilement reconnaissable à sa grande mèche noire. Sa tenue est toujours la même : chemise jaune, gilet noir, foulard rouge, pantalon bleu bottes marron et chapeau blanc.

Son compagnon Jolly Jumper, le cheval blanc

Lucky Luke & son cheval Jolly Jumper

L'incarnation du bien qui lutte contre le mal

Maintenant oui, mais Lucky Luke n'a pas toujours été aussi lisse. Au début, il était violent. Il tuait facilement ses ennemis et notamment les frères Dalton. 

D'ailleurs la série a souvent été censurée parce qu'elle était jugée trop violente. La loi de 1949 sur les publications pour la jeunesse veille à la tenue du cow boy. au début des années 50, Morris le dessinateur s'associe à Goscinny qu'il a rencontré aux Etats-Unis pour la suite des aventures.

Luck Luke 
Dalton City
Morris & Goscinny

35e album de la saga Lucky Luke, Dalton City est publié en 1969. Dès sa sortie, la couverture - fabuleuse ! - et le contenu de l'album le distinguent comme un des meilleurs épisodes de la série.

crédits: Facel, l'animation pour l'édcation

Éducation : Enseignants

Après les 70 ans de Lucky Luke, me voilà pour fêter ses 75 ans avec de nouvelles ressources. 

Les enseignants trouveront un dossier complet sur Lucky Luke & Morris sur mon billet On fête les 70 ans de Lucky Luke dans la salle de classe ? (2016).

Morris & son héros Lucky Luke
crédits: ©photonews

👉New. Lucky Luke fête ses 75 ans !  Des ressources enseignants & étudiants:

  • Exposition: Lucky Luke 75 ans

Lucky Luke 75 ans

Le cow-boy qui tire plus vite que son coup. La Maison de l'Image devient le Saloon de Seed Factory. L'hommage à Lucky Luke

"Les desperados et les shérifs illustres du graphisme du nord et du sud du pays, et même de l'autre côté des frontières s'y sont donné rendez-vous."

Seed Factory

Un rodéo d'images exhibe fièrement leur savoir-faire en hommage au cow boy dont le père — Morris — est belge, flamand et francophone. Coyotes, croque-morts et vautours s'abstenir, les duels aux cimaises s'effectuent dans la plus totale des fraternités.

"Morris est avant tout un amuseur. Il raconte sur le mode de la farce, parodiant nombre de westerns à succès afin d’en réaliser un pittoresque qui ne craint pas le loufoque. On y trouve la caricature de personnages célèbres, ou anachroniques, qui n’ont rien à y faire sinon situer l’histoire un peu plus à l’ouest encore."

Vincent Lagachette, Seed Factory

  • A visiter, si vous habitez en Belgique jusqu'au 31 décembre 2021

  • Nouveaux albums 2021:

 Le personnage de Morris continue d’inspirer les auteurs de France et d’ailleurs. Voilà les 3 albums hommage publiés cette année 2021:

Wanted Lucky Luke
Matthieu Bonhomme,2021

Cinq ans après L'Homme qui tua Lucky Luke, Matthieu Bonhomme renoue avec le cow-boy le plus célèbre de la bande dessinée franco-belge.

Lucky Luke se Recycle

Devant une fois de plus jouer le bon samaritain, Lucky Luke se retrouve à l'improviste sur une selle de vélo, pédalant comme un fou pour aider Albert Obermann à mener sa création à bon port jusqu'à San Francisco...

Lucky Luke
 König Ralf, 2021

Même un héros du Far West a besoin de vacances. Garder quelques vaches helvétiques semble être l'occasion rêvée pour Lucky Luke... de l'humour.

Allez! Pas mal de lectures bande dessinée pour fêter le 75e anniverrsaire du héros Lucky Luke dans les cours de langues.

  • Monnaie lucky Luke 75 ans:

Encore?! Une monnaie en or?

À l’occasion du 75ème anniversaire de Lucky Luke, la Monnaie de Paris met à l’honneur l’univers de Morris au travers d’une collection complète de monnaies et médailles.

Cette monnaie en or célèbre le 75ème anniversaire de Lucky Luke. On retrouve ici le cow-boy et Jolly Jumper face au soleil couchant du Colorado. Ce dessin fait directement écho à la dernière planche des albums de la série, où le destrier s’en va vers le soleil couchant tout en chantonnant.

Mais il y a d'autres monnaies. A voir ici

Oh! la ! Que de nouveautés ! à vous de les exploiter dans vos cours français. 

  • Dossier/fiches pédagogiques:

Préparer soigneusement avant le cours, un dossier et des fiches pédagogiques.

Proposez aux élèves + 10 ans, différentes activités, selon les ressources et le niveau apprentissage. 

Attention! Bien définir l'évolution du caractère de la BD Lucky Luke (lire en haut).

Projet multidisciplinaire: Pourquoi ne pas demander aux élèves de créer des tires sur Lucky Luke à l'aide des professeurs de Dessin? Et dans les cours de Français, la création des textes? N´oubliez de faire la révise de la BD avant cette dernière activité. 

Évaluation des activités auprès des élèves. Demandez-les de faire la comparaison entre les différentes tires crées + vignette, bulles, cartouche...

Petit dialogue enseignant.e/ éléves dans la salle de classe où l'évaluation sera faite.

Vos élèves auront l'esprit critique et l'authenticité de faire un travail d'excellente qualité pédagogique, en développant les compétences nécessaires.

