Thursday, February 7, 2013

January rundown of the most-read posts

Connect with Respect!

February 5 was "Safer Internet Day" ! I couldn't write a post about it. A lot of work! But I did it on my students blogs here (French foreign language) and here (Portuguese mother language).

However, you can't miss the post Trust: a film about safety on internet and it 's always useful read Make your Safe Internet Day

You know that you and your students have almost a month to work in the classroom about the theme and include activities and projects at the Competition for children and young people about their online achievements. 

There will be three categories of entry: 
  • under 9
  • 10-14
  • over 15 
Entries will be accepted online from 5 February - 15 March 2013 inclusive.

Please use your creativity and imagination! 

And now let's talk about the most-read topics in January. As you already know, I write in English, French, and Portuguese on this blog:

No doubt! Voltaire's Candide: app for iPad in Education was the most read:

screenshot Candide app

"Why do bad things happen to good people? Well, why not? The handsome young Candide, having been taught that this is the best of all possible worlds, quickly learns that is far from true. (...)  we must surely conclude that we can still profit by the example of lucidity, the acumen, the intellectual honesty, and the moral courage of Voltaire's Candide."

The Bibliothèque Nationale de France and Orange, with the participation of the Voltaire Foundation, have launched a digital edition of Voltaire's Candide. 

This free iPad app is now available for download from iTunes. Watch the video below (French laguage):


Educators and students have now the chance to rediscover one of the major literary classics and always read in Humanities curricula, Voltaire’s Candide, a new iPad App. 

The app innovatively redefines the scope of a literature masterpiece and help us rediscover this important French classical book, in new and engaging learning ways as you could watched on the video. 

The enhanced e-book includes the original Voltaire manuscript preserved at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and further exclusive content.

Teaching the HolocaustEvery year around 27 January, since 2005, UNESCO pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. This date marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German Concentration and Extermination Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet troops in 1945.  

In 2013, the theme chosen by the United Nations for this International Day is “The Courage to Care: Rescue during the Holocaust”. 

Each person who becomes aware of this history will no doubt reflect upon his or her own capacity to turn compassion for others into decisive and heroic action in their time of need.

photo: Children portraits

"Freedom, goodness, giving, courage, happiness, humanity, usefulness…"

Anne Frank

Learning about this universal history can engage students in a critical reflection about the shared heritage of humanity, the roots of genocide, and the necessity to nurture peace and human rights to prevent such atrocities in the future.  

Literature and Languages curriculum is a perfect curriculum. We can talk, read, write, and learn about every subject.

Reading and writing are two important skills that students must handle easily and digital literacy as well.

Diaries are an interesting part of the Narrative text. Students love to read diaries written from other young people.

To coincide with "Holocaust Memorial Day", Penguin Books launched an app of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank available on iTunes
The app has a wealth of embedded content: video footage of Frank's only living relative Buddy Elias, audio extracts of the diary read by Helena Bonham Carter and translated facsimile pages from the original diary. There are also "Story Trails" with titles such as "Fear" and "Life in Hiding".

Parlons de genre... au féminin à l'écoleIl est assez intéressant d'assister aux promotions simultanées d'Hunger Games et de Rebelle : 

Les deux héroïnes sont des jeunes filles au caractère fort, qui s'opposent à la conduite qui leur est dictée, et elles sont championnes de tir à l'arc, outil qui sert à leur rébellion.

La première épate le jury des Jeux de la Faim avec ses flèches (on n'en dira pas plus) tandis que la seconde se sert de son talent pour désobéir à sa mère. 


Une nouvelle dimension féminine au moment où 'genre et parité' est à l'ordre du jour un peu partout?

Des heroïnes fortes, idépendantes et qui réussissent à se battre contres les barrières sexistes? Dans les livres et dans les films.

Bien que dans les écoles l'infrastructure soit parfaite pour que les filles et les garçons développent et démontrent leur talent, et puissent progresser, il y a souvent des petits qui pro quo quand les filles choisissent des études ou des métiers qu'on lie plutôt aux garçons: les sciences, les technologies, éducation physique.

Alors, je crois que Brave | Rebelle et Hunger Games | Jeux de la Faim peuvent bien  être des outils pédagogiques iintéressants à introduire dans des différentes disciplines pour parler de "genre et parité" à l'école.

Iban Barrenetxea |  Espanha
Digital 2011

“The powerful, not to say unique, contribution to children's enjoyment and comprehension of language - and to their emotional development - from deep engagement with story telling and regular exposure to excellent literature is recognised throughout early years and primary education.”

The Rose Report 2009
Um Chá para Alice é uma exposição que está patente na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e que pode tornar-se uma magnífica aula aberta no museu sobre o texto narrativo.

Celebra o clássico de Lewis Carroll através de algumas sugestivas ilustrações contemporâneas sobre Alice

"This exhibition revealed the new golden age of Alice illustration – with original illustrations from contemporary editions, as well as some unpublished versions."

Esta exposição Tea with Alice foi inaugurada em Junho 2012 no Story Museum, em Oxford, a cidade que viu nascer Alice's Adventures in Wonderland há quase 150 anos (1865).

Vladimir Clavijo |  Rússia
Fotografia 2010


"A lesson at a Museum as a part of the curriculum will find your students enjoying the numerous interactive exhibits, the daily hands-on activities and the monthly special events."


Aulas abertas em Museus são uma estratégia científco-cultural que nenhum educador pode desperdiçar.

Museus são espaços perfeitos para uma aprendizagem completa dos alunos enquanto futuros cidadãos.

I really hope that you will enjoy every pedagogical proposal written in January or will discover some new pedagogical ideas to introduce in your lessons.

Of course you must not give up of motivate your students to get involved at Safer Internet Day 2013 Competion. You know how important it is to instil in our young students the ability to keep safe on the use of social media.

Thank you so much to all the colleagues from around the world that kindly read my blog every day but are shy ;-) to become followers.

Think of all the beauty in yourself and in everything around you and be happy.

Anne Frank (7 March 1944)


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Licença Creative Commons
January rundown of the most-read posts bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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