Photo: Björk | Rui Gaudêncio
" I have found that some of our best models of how to teach already exist in many of our classrooms. Good elementary teachers, good music and art teachers (and our best teachers in general) rarely lecture; they almost always let their students create “by and for themselves” with the teacher’s guidance."
Marc Prensky
The quote identifies the diversity of pedagogical proposals that I share with you throughout the years.
The classroom is an open window to the world. Students must feel free to talk and share ideas about all the subjects they care about.
May rundown shows the diversity of subjects and summarize the most-read topics in a collection of seven posts.
From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom
Janvier 2012
Now doubt! Marc Prensky à Serious was the most-read post May!
Eh! Oui! Marc Prensky fut l'invité d'honneur, le "guest star" à Serious Marc Prensky, le célèbre inovateur, auteur, speaker, futuriste, consulteur et game designer de l'éducation et du learning. Oui! Marck Prensky!
Vous mouriez d'envie. Moi aussi! Surtout que la Conférence Serious Games à Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique) était dans mes plans depuis quelques mois.
J'aimerais tellement écouter à nouveau Marc Prensky dont je vous ai parlé sur Digital Schools versus Digital Teachers ou Gaming to re-engage students in learning en pratiquant ses idées dans mes cours, en les exploitant sur plusieurs posts, en partageant ses citations sur beaucoup d'autres.
Marck Prensky qui a ouvert les portes à la nouvelle pédagogie, une pédagogie qui s'appuie sur la creativité des nouvelles générations. Il a bien compris, en écoutant des étudiants, que l'éducation devrait avancer différemment, y compris les technologies, pour bien appuyer les 'digital kids' comme Prensky les appelaient en 2006 dans son livre Don't Bother Me Mom - I'm Learning!
Sans doute! Il faut croire aux compétences des enseignants, à leur créativité, à leur savoir de voir plus loin, à leur volonté de changer un enseignement qui s'adapte trop lentement aux besoins des nouvelles générations. Et souvent ils innovent dans leurs cours, même contre 'la volonté' du système éducatif, bien plus conservateur.
"It is essential for us to raise awareness of this phone number, as experience shows that the first hours following a child’s disappearance are of vital importance,"
Sir Francis Jacobs, President of MCE
International Missing Children's Day promoted the hotline, MCE releasead a video in all countries where the 116 000 hotline is available and launches a new Google Search Appliance for missing children in cooperation with its partners Google and Telefono Azzurro.
Let children remember summer
Let the children be children
Let the children play safe in the park
Aldo Kraas
"Together, we can make Europe a safer place for our children,”
"Together, we can make Europe a safer place for our children,”
Sir Francis Jacobs
Campus bac: une idée à pratiquer! Pas mal! Campus Bac, une chaîne de télévision totalement dédiée aux révisions du Bac? Eh, oui! Une alternative pour aider les étudiants à réviser les épreuves tout en restant scotchés à la télévision.
"Campus Bac, la télé qui va faire école!"
C'est le slogan! Bravo! Je crois, moi aussi, comme enseignante qui a fait des cours en télévision au Portugal, que ce genre d'émission est le chemin idéal pour attirer l'attention des étudiants, en les aidant à se concentrer d'une façon tout à fait adaptée à leur vie quotidienne. Les jeunes adorent la télé, l'image. Et réviser en faisant du zapping, c'est parfait!
Bien sûr qu'il ne faut pas leur donner les clefs! Rien que les ressources.
Les étudiants doivent savoir analyser les documents, complémenter les informations qu'ils ont recueilli pendant les cours, tout au long de l'année scolaire, séléctionner les informations les plus importantes, trouver des solutions, apprendre à faire la synthèse, penser!
Child poverty in developed conutries: Children's Day was marked this year with speeches on children's rights and wellbeing, and other events involving or dedicated to children.
"As debates rage on austerity measures and social spending cuts, a new report reveals the extent of child poverty and child deprivation in the world’s advanced economies.
Some 13 million children in the European Union (plus Norway and Iceland) lack basic items necessary for their development.
Meanwhile, 30 million children - across 35 countries with developed economies - live in poverty."
UNICEF (Brussels, 29 May 2012)
Every year we write and show pictures about poverty in underdeveloped countries. But a new reality appears. Poverty among children in "developed" countries.
Teachers stimulate their pupils to think about the differences between themselves and others and explain the idea of "rights". In countries where the rights of children are generally well-respected, teachers may draw attention to situations in countries where this is not the case.
Now, teachers help students draw attention to situations like students living below poverty line in their own schools, or countries.
Teachers in their countries have a crucial role on the alert of poverty cases among their students.
International Museum Day 2012
Let's talk about Museums! May 18 plently of Museums were celebrating International Museum Day with free admission and other special activities.
The theme for 2012 is "Museums in a Changing World. New challenges, New inspirations."
"The world is changing faster than ever. New technology delivers new ideas, gigabytes of information, news of an increasingly unstable climate, all shared by social media.
Well, let you and your students embark on an adventure learning experience at the International Museum Day.
A visit to a Museum will find you enjoying the numerous interactive exhibits, the daily hands-on activities and the monthly special events.
"Despite its importance, marine biodiversity — the theme of this year's International Day for Biological Diversity — has not fared well at human hands. Commercial over-exploitation of the world’s fish stocks is severe. Many species have been hunted to fractions of their original populations"
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (2012)
Participe no Mapa Sonoro da Biodiversidade. Celebrou-se em 22 Maio 2012, o Dia Mundial da Diversidade Biológica. O tema 2012 é Biodiversidade Marinha cujo mote é Um Oceano – Muitos mundos de Vida.
The National Museum of Natural History and Science of Lisbon in partnership with ISPA-Instituto Universitário within the project "natural soundscapes in a changing world" is challenging the community of researchers and nature recordists to record animal sounds in Portugal and else where from the 14-27 May to celebrate theInternational Day for Biological Diversity.
Uma excelente actividade para envolver alunos do ensino básico (3ª ciclo) e secundário a realizar ao ar livre num projecto que encherá de satisfação os alunos ao poder usufruir do contacto com a Natureza. uma lição prática sobre Biodiversidade que muito enriquecerá os currículos e as aprendizagens que se pretendem realizar.
Currículos: Ciências; Música (transdisciplinar)
In Portugal Mother's Day is celebrated first Sunday in May. So today, for Portuguese mothers is the day!
"Com uma gotas de mãe tudo fica bem"
Minha Mãe | Eugénio Rocha & Gémeo Luís
A beautiful book honoring Mother's Day by Portuguese writer Eugénio Roda (thematic aphorisms) and Portuguese illustrator Gémeo Luís, selected to represent the Portuguese illustratrors at Chidren's Book Bologna Fair (Italy 2012).
MinhaMãe, My Mother is published in eight languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Deutsch, Dutch, Greek. A different colour for each language.
A lovely suggestion for Mother's Day?
MinhaMãe, My Mother is published in eight languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Deutsch, Dutch, Greek. A different colour for each language.
A lovely suggestion for Mother's Day?
I really hope that you enjoy every pedagogical proposal written in May or discover some new pedagogical ideas to introduce in your lessons.
I thank you very much to all the colleagues from around the world that kindly read my blog.
copyright © 2012G-Souto'sBlog,
May: rundown of the most-read posts by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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