Saturday, March 3, 2012

'Dinosaurs of the Lost Continent' in the classroom!

Image: Illustration by James Gurney

"Herd of Kosmoceratopsdinosaurs grazes among the cypress trees 76 million years ago in a primeval swamp in what is now southern Utah."

"The American West once harbored multiple communities of dinosaurs simultaneously - a revelation that has scientists scrambling to understand how the land could have supported so many behemoths."

James Gurney paleoartist
Image: Scientific American

  • Between 90 million and 70 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period, a shallow sea flooded the central region of North America, subdividing the continent into eastern and western landmasses. Scientists refer to the western landmass as Laramidia.
  • In the 1980s a researcher proposed that distinct dinosaur communities inhabited the northern and southern regions of Laramidia for several million years. Critics doubted that so many large animals could have shared this relatively small chunk of land, however.
  • But over the past decade discoveries in southern Utah have bolstered the notion of distinct dinosaur communities in the north and south, revealing a host of species new to science—including many giant varieties.
  • Exactly what enabled so many behemoths to coexist in such a small area remains unclear, but it may be that dinosaurs had lower energy requirements than today’s large terrestrial animals do or that plants during the Late Cretaceous provided more food than their modern-day counterparts. Read more here
  • Watch the video below where the paleoartist James Gurney is creating the illustrations for "Dinosaurs of the Lost Continent".
"We are continually trying to illuminate things from the past, present and future. For this feature, we needed to depict rarely illustrated dinosaur species. We turned to James Gurney because he is adept at constructing lost worlds. Here is a short "how-to" lesson on how he went about re-creating long-extinct dinosaurs, making them come to life on our pages.


The power of interactive exercises in the classroom is ubiquitous. Video lectures to watch in the classroom with the teacher available to help give students the possibility to interact more easily with the school curriculum. Remember Salman Khan and Let's use videos to reinvent education.

This is a fantastic video! A high quality teaching video that gives a good resource to improve Geography, History or Sciences curriculum. 

Students are fascinated by dinosaurs. And watching the video, they will be able to understand the evolution of the world.

Today there are many teachers who use videos in the classroom and other digital resources to enrich the school curriculum thus flipping the traditional classroom script. 

The students love to evolve in their skills using different data. They are excited and work better in school time.

And why not inviting your students to explore the making of a video?

A teacher’s value is not in the information stored in their head, I'm always  writing that. Teachers must have the ability to pull together the best learning resources to produce a desired outcome. 

"Creativity is not some exotic, optional extra. It's a strategic issue."

Sir Ken Robinson



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