Friday, June 6, 2014

Schools : D-Day Anniversaries : #NeverForget ! Resources English & French

D-Day landing in Normandy
Chief Photographer's Mate (CPHoM) Robert F. Sargent/ Getty Image

Today, 6 June, marks the D-Day 70th anniversary and 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Men and women played their part in the biggest seaborne invasion of World War Two.

On 6 June 1944, British, US and Canadian forces invaded the coast of northern France in Normandy.

156,177 troops were deployed throughout the day from five infantry divisions and three airborne divisions. 133,000 of those men were sent to five beaches chosen by the military high command.

They set sail in 6,939 vessels — an impressive armada for a single naval operation.

The landings were the first stage of Operation Overlord - the invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe - and were intended to end World War Two.

D-Day landings and invasion
Credits : BBC

The invasion of Normandy was the largest amphibious assault ever launched. Over 150,000 troops landed on D-Day.

By the end of D-Day, the allies had established a foothold in France. Within 11 months Nazi Germany was defeated.
Many as 4,413 Allied troops died on the day of the invasion - more than previously thought.
D-Day 70th anniversary tributes by remembering those who died on a day that "changed the world".

Soldiers coming ashore at Normandy on D-Day
 credits: National Archives and Records Administration, 111-SC-320902

  • Education: 

As the veterans said we must not forget the History. From media reports to source documents, this collection of resources will inspire teachers to include the anniversary of the Normandy landings into their lessons across different curricula.

2014 was a big year for anniversaries related to the first and second world wars2014 mark 100 years since the start of the first world war, but it also sees the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings and allied invasion of occupied Europe during the world war two.

Military enthusiasts paid their respects to D-Day soldiers 
at Omaha Beach in Vierville-sur-Mer
credits : BBC

Historic anniversaries are an excellent opportunity for teachers to include into all school subjects, from Media to History, bringing the emotion and daring of the days into the classroom with this collection of resources.

D-Day Encyclopedia
Barrett Tillman
Anniversary edition

  • Ceremony honoring the fallen on D-Day, in Normandy 2020

A small ceremony was held on Saturday, 6th June 2020 morning at Omaha Beach in Saint-Laurent-Sur-Mer to honour the sacrifice of those who died in the 1944 D-Day landings.

Compared to twelve months ago, when tens of thousands reached Normandy's northern French beaches, a much smaller number of people attended this year's celebration due to the coronavirus pandemic.

When the sun rose on the other side of the English Channel, there was no usual cheering and old military vehicle noise.

Still, the French would not let this day go by unnoticed, such is their attachment to some 160,000 soldiers from the United States, Britain, Canada, and other countries who shed their blood to free Europe during World War II.

  • Resources #English language

D-Day: Veterans say "keep our story alive!"

  • Links
D-Day 76th Anniversary 2020

Ceremony honouring the fallen on D-Day in Normandy 2020

D-Day anniversary: Emotional surprise for veteran in lockdown 2020

Main D-Day Center website #interactive

Digital D-Day

D-Day 75th anniversary: The key facts and figures from history's largest seaborne invasion

D-Day 75th anniversary: Veterans share their memories of the Normandy landings

D-Day : The Allies Invade Europe/The Nation WWII Museum, New Orleans

Portsmouth's D-Day Museum

D-Day: In the words of the BBC journalists

D-Day : It's a memory so clear, it's as it were yesterday

On Sword Beach, where British troops landed in 1944, members of a re-enactment group performed an interpretive dance as world leaders and veterans watched.Credit...

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Allied Armies Land in France #interactive

Memories of the D-Day, Replayed on the Normandy Coast

D-Day : From the other side

Interactive presentation from the Guardian

Schools : Anne Frank 90 : Virtual Exhibition Google Arts 360-degree

Even Google celerated the D-Da

Google searchers D-Day

  • Google Arts & Culture: Normandy landings

Google presents a Remembering D-Day link, free from pictures, to Google Arts & Culture.

Beneath its logo there is a link to letters, photos and maps of the Normandy landings.

Des hommes en uniforme de soldats américains de la seconde guerre mondiale à Vierville-sur-Mer, le 2 juin 2014
crédits : AFP/JOEL SAGET

  • Ressources: Français : JourJ :


  • Liens utiles : 752 Annversaire D-Day et Bataille de normandie

75e Anniversaire D-Day et Bataille de Normandy

Anniversaire du Débarquement et de la Bataille de Normandie

Anniversaire du Débarquement : comment le 6-Juin est entré dans la légende

70e Anniversaire du Débarquement : La Normandie prépare son D-day

D-Day 2.0 : Internet aussi a de la mémoire (interactive)

Les plages du Débarquement, d'hier à aujourd'hui

D-Day : ressources pédagogiques sur le débarquement du 6 juin 1944 – 2° guerre mondiale

Éducation - Le Journal d'Anne Frank : Un BD manga 

  • Étudiants plus jeunes: Vidéos:

C'est pas sorcier - Le débarquement en Normandie

À quoi ça sert ? Pourquoi y a-t-il eu la seconde guerre mondiale ? - 1 jour, 1 question

Other information:

D-Day Documentary : Operation Overland & Neptune with testimonials:

Allied land forces that saw combat in Normandy on D-Day itself came from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Free French Forces and Poland also participated in the battle after the assault phase, and there were also minor contingents from Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, and Norway. Other Allied nations participated in the naval and air forces.

The battle for Normandy continued for more than two months, concluding with the closing of the Falaise pocket on 24 August, the Liberation of Paris on 25 August, and the German retreat across the Seine which was completed on 30 August 1944.

Students can have access to aconsiderable number of resources included on this post that teachers will include into school curricula after a wise review to adapt to the different levels and ages they are teaching.

Curricula: History; Geography; Languages; Photography; Multimedia.

And 2924 is the 80th Anniversary Normandy Landings. Soon a few resources to teachers and students.

"Under the ominous shadow which the second World War and its attendant circumstances have cast on the world, peace has become as essential to civilized existence as the air we breathe is to life itself."

Cordell Hull



update: 06.06.2024
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Schools : D-Day Anniversaries : #NeverForget ! Resources English & Français bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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