Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Encyclopédie Harry Potter? Oui, par J.K.Rowling

Photo; Ellen W.

Eh bien! Je crois que vos élèves, les 'Potter-maniac' sont super contents!
Le sorcier à lunettes le plus connu de la planète, Harry Potter, aura bientôt son encyclopédie
"Depuis très longtemps, j'ai promis de réaliser une encyclopédie consacrée à l'univers d'Harry et j'ai commencé à y travailler"
J. K. Rowling, sur son site Internet 

J.K. Rowling | Andrew Montgomery

Alors que la romancière avait déjà annoncé qu’elle écrivait un roman pour adultes,  The Casual Vacancy

Peut-être pense-t-elle à la géneration qui a grandi en lisant la saga "Harry Potter"? 

J.K Rowling fait savoir qu'elle n'a finalement pas définitivement tourné la page "Harry Potter".  
L’auteure britannique la plus connue dont les livres se sont vendus à plus de 400 millions d’exemplaires et ont été adaptés à l’écran, a également évoqué l’éventualité d’écrire un nouvel opus de la saga "Harry Potter".
"J'ai toujours refusé de dire 'jamais' à cette question, parce que je pense que ce serait ridicule d'exclure quelque chose que j'aurais peut-être envie de faire d'ici quelques années (...) Cependant, je n'ai pas actuellement le projet d'écrire un nouveau roman Harry Potter."

J.K. Rowling
Les recettes tirées de cette encyclopédie à venir seront reversées à des œuvres caritatives. Bien!   

J.K. Rowling

Encore un prix? Oui! J.K. Rowling reçut aussi le 8 mai 2012, à la Mansion House de Londres (la résidence du maire), le titre de "Citoyenne d'Honneur" de la ville de Londres (Freedom of the city of London). 

Ce titre remonte au moyen-âge. La première fois qu'il fut attribué date de 1237,pour être précis. J.K. Rowling le recevra en l'honneur des services qu'elle a rendus à la littérature d'enfants et de jeunesse. 

Cette distinction s'ajoute à son intégration à l'OBE (Ordre de l'Empire Britannique) pour les services qu'elle a rendu à la littérature de jeunesse.

Et aussi au prix du Prince des Asturies (2003) dans la catégorie Concorde ; au Prix James Joyce Award, University College Dublin (2008),  au Prix Hans Christian Andersen, Danemark (2010); et d'autres.

J.K.Rowling | Prix Hans Christian Andersen


Après les jeux Harry PotterPottermore, Pottermore Shop e-booksReading Harry Potter on web 2.0,  et l'ouverture Warner Bros. Studio Tour London "The Making of Harry Potter" depuis le 31 Mars 2012, voilà une autre excellente nouvelle !

Une encyclopédie rédigée par l'auteure britannique, celle qui connaît tous les secrets, tous les mystères! 

L'encyclopédie! Voilà les générations 'Harry Potter' et 'post-Harry Potter' accro, à nouveau, aux livres de la saga. Et plus que ça, à la lecture pour les plus jeunes.

Pas mal de posts sur Harry Potter (la plupart écrits en Anglais) vous trouverez sur ce blog! 
À propos? À propos du rôle de la saga Potter au goût renouvelé de la lecture chez les jeunes ados, à une époque où la littérature d'enfants était un peu démodée et désintéressante, trop académique.

Les enseignants ont bien compris qu'en lisant Harry Potter dans les cours, cela ferait revenir l'intéret des jeunes qui n'aimaient pas lire et rafraichirait le plaisir de ceux qui aimant toujours lire, se sentaient déjà un peu fatigués d'une littérature trop classique.

Cover for Harry Potter DVD

Mais oui! La vrai 'Harry Potter Gen' a grandi avec les livres, pas avec les films! 

Les films on joué enormément, oui, surtout sur les génerations 'pendant Potter saga'. Et c'est en voyant les films, que les généarations qui se suivent, ont lu les livres.

Et aussi sur les Potter-maniac qui voulaient retrouver leurs héros au cinéma, pour bien comparer avec les livres qu'ils avaient lu.

Une encyclopédie Harry Potter? Une ressource très cool à ajouter à vos cours de Langues!


Copyright © 2012G-Souto'sBlog,®

Licença Creative Commons
Encyclopédie Harry Potter? Oui, par J.K. Rowling by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, May 25, 2012

International Missing Children's Day

Missing Children Europe is the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children. 

It represents 28 Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) active in 19 Member States of the European Union and Switzerland. 

Each of these organisations is active in cases of missing and/or sexually exploited children at grassroots level, including prevention and support for victims.

Missing Children Europe (MCE), the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children is launching a campaign today to raise awareness of the European telephone number for missing children: 
  • #116 000 hotline
The 116 000 hotline has proven its efficiency in helping families faced with a child disappearance. 

Some numbers:

More than 3000 cases of missing children were dealt with in 2011 among 10 hotlines. 

However, and despite the increasing number of cross-border cases, the hotline is not yet operational or known in all EU countries.

"It is essential for us to raise awareness of this phone number, as experience shows that the first hours following a child’s disappearance are of vital importance,"

Sir Francis Jacobs, President of MCE

To promote the hotline, MCE  released a video in all countries where the 116 000 hotline is available and launches a new Google Search Appliance for missing children in cooperation  with its partners Google and Telefono Azzurro

The annual commemoration on 25 May of "International Missing Children’s Day", will be followed by a high-level conference at the European Commission on 30 May.

The video shows that disappearance can affect children of all ages and backgrounds, and presents the 116 000 as a service that aims at preserving  the future of the children who go missing. 

It is available since today 25 May in 16 European countries and will be disseminated online via the websites of MCE’s members, as well as on television and at movie theatres in several EU Member States. 

Important links for Parents and Schools:
  • What is this phone nr. here
  • National contact points here
  • Safety Tips for Parents here
  • Download the poster in your language here and share it with your students

Why Miosotis flower? Because Myosotis is commonly called "Forget-me-nots". And we can not forget every missing child.

As an educator, I can't ! I talk about it with my students and help them to understand the danger they face every day. 

In the classroom, we discuss the theme around some exemples of missing children and young adults. 

They understand the difficulties they can face on the street on their way to school, or on the bad use of the Internet.

I invite them to talk with teir parents, grandparents or younger brothers or sisters.

I can not forget Missing Children in Europe and all over the world.

Children are our future and they believe in a better world. As I do.

Let children remember summer
Let the children be children
Let the children play safe in the park 
Aldo Kraas
"Together, we can make Europe a safer place for our children,” 

Sir Francis Jacobs


International Missing Children's Day bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

References Parents | Educators :

Missing Children Europe

The European Hotline Number for Missing Children

Supporting Missing Children Europe

The international Centre for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children (ICMEC)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Participe no "Mapa Sonoro da Biodiversidade"

"Despite its importance, marine biodiversity — the theme of this year's International Day for Biological Diversity — has not fared well at human hands. Commercial over-exploitation of the world’s fish stocks is severe. Many species have been hunted to fractions of their original populations"
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (2012)

Celebrou-se hoje, 22 Maio 2012, o Dia Mundial da Diversidade Biológica. O tema 2012 é Biodiversidade Marinha cujo mote é Um Oceano – Muitos mundos de Vida

"Note-se que 95 por cento do volume dos oceanos continua por explorar, pelo que, seguramente, muitas novas espécies estarão por descobrir e, por isso, se realizou um mega estudo que envolveu 2700 cientistas de 80 países e que participaram em 540 expedições marinhas por todo o mundo, no âmbito do Censo da Vida Marinha."

Muitos países se juntaram nesta manifestação em favor da Biodiversidade. A lista de países encontra-se aqui 

Portugal fez-se representar com várias actividades, uma das quais ainda está a decorrer: "Celebrando os Sonda da Biodiversidade" 

The National Museum of Natural History and Science of Lisbon in partnership with ISPA-Instituto Universitário within the project "natural soundscapes in a changing world" is challenging the community of researchers and nature recordists to record animal sounds in Portugal and else where from the 14-27 May to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity.

O Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência em parceria com o ISPA-Instituto Universitário lançam um desafio: 

  • Gravar os sons da Biodiversidade

Assim, convidam a realizar gravações de sons de animais e contribuir para o "Mapa Sonoro da Biodiversidade 2012".

  • O desafio está a decorrer de 17 Maio até 27 Maio 2012.

Os participantes devem escolher um tema, local ou espécie;

  • As gravações podem ser feitas em qualquer hora do dia, embora as recomendações apontem para o pôr-do-sol ou nascer-do-dia.
  • Tempo de duração: entre 2 minutos e 3o minutos em paisagem acústica ou gravação focal;
  • Locais: Realizadas em cenário natural não sujeito a grande influência humana, em qualquer zona do país, de preferência representativa da área concorrente;

A instalação da "Residência Bioacústica 2012 será preparada de modo a ser inaugurada no dia 18 Julho 2012 enquadrando-se no World Listening Day.


Uma excelente actividade para envolver alunos do ensino básico (3ª ciclo) e secundário a realizar ao ar livre num projecto que encherá de satisfação os alunos ao poder usufruir do contacto com a Natureza. uma lição prática sobre Biodiversidade que muito enriquecerá os currículos e as aprendizagens que se pretendem realizar.

Currículos: Ciências; Música (transdisciplinar)

Carta ao MarDeixa escrever-te, verde mar antigo, 
Largo Oceano, velho deus limoso, 
Coração sempre lyrico, choroso, 
E terno visionario, meu amigo!  (...)
António Gomes Leal, in 'Claridades do Sul'G-Souto22.05.2012

Participar no "Mapa Sonoro da Biodiversidade bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


International Day for Biological Diversity

Marine and Coastal Biodiversity

Convention of Biological Diversity | Portugal


Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's talk about Museums at school

International Museum Day 2012

Today, May 18, a great number of Museums on the world are celebrating International Museum Day with free admission and special activities. 

The theme for 2012 is "Museums in a Changing World. New challenges, New inspirations."

"The world is changing faster than ever. New technology delivers new ideas, gigabytes of information, news of an increasingly unstable climate, all shared by social media. 

Modern museums must compete for an audible voice against the furious pace of this background.

Museums in a Changing World is recognition that institutions are faced with interpreting, and existing in, a field that is becoming increasingly fluid. Each may face a unique set of goals, interests and audiences."


Check out some pedagogical ideas to explore in your lessons and to support museums. Children and young adults love Arts.

The blue fairy whispers to Pinnochio
Paula Rego
  • Visit museums with your students. Please read Uma Aula no Museu  Portuguese language) an interesting pedagogical activity to develop writing skills through Paula Rego's paintings (cross-curricular Languages, Arts, ICT).

Watching the different paintings by Paula Rego, my students got the inspiration to write stories (published here and here) developing creative writing skills.

The students chose one special painting "The War" inspired on the Iraq war. A subject they knew from the news. They were very impressed about it.

I can say to you that they wrote wonderful and creative narrative texts. You can read them on my digital repository.
  • Introduce your students to museum-sponsored events. Invite your students to a weekend "Teen Night Out" at a Museum with you or their family.

Year of the Bat

For example, Serralves Museum (Porto, Portugal) has an exciting activity for students, children or young adults, up-to 8 if with an adult, teacher or family:

"Secrets World of Bates", orientation by investigators of CIBIO/University of Porto.

In the Year of the Bates 2011-2012, students can understand better the importance of bates (Sciences curriculum) :

"Education regarding the essential roles of bats in maintaining healthy ecosystems and human economies has never been more important. "

Dr. Merlin Tuttle, Honorary Ambassador International Year of the Bate

  • Write letters in support of local museums. Invite your students to send a letter to the editor of the local newspaper in praise of museums, or to a local legislator who supports museums and other cultural homes for local Arts and Culture (Languages or Arts curricula).
  • Explore museum galleries online. Invite your students to spend some time enjoying Google Art Project or visiting online exhibitions of local and international museums. The students can admire Art works by artists and debate their experiences in the classroom next week (Arts curriculum).
  • Read books about great artists and museums. Pick up a couple of Arts books at your school library and ask students to read a title about artists exhibited in the most famous museums of the world they visited online (Languages and Arts curriculum).
  • Go to an arts-related musical or play. Prepare with your students an educational participation to a local theater  and attend a production or a musical performance.
For example, at Museu Soares dos Reis, in Porto, Portugal, the students hear other students at "Rock Symphonic" concert by JAHAS Rockschool Porto (Music curriculum). 

Well, let you and your students enjoy a special adventure, a learning experience on International Museum Day

A visit to a Museum will make you and the students enjoying the numerous interactive exhibits, the daily hands-on activities and the monthly special events.

