Thursday, February 6, 2025

Education : Best of 2024 : Semester #1


via Google Images Archive

Artificial intelligence holds tremendous potential to revolutionize various facets of education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices. However, rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world and changing the way we live, work and learn. Must have some good and fare initiatives to integrate AI competencies in education to support teachers and students to understand the potential as well as risks of AI in order to engage with it in a safe, ethical and responsible manner in education and beyond.

For AI in Education teachers can read :

Looking back 2024 I've come up with a roundup of what's been the best posts of my blog The Digital Teacher G-Souto

Below you’ll find the top posts of 1st semester 2024 containing different themes: science, art, French culture, music, children's literature, languages, animation films, civics, sport, traditions and other themes.

As my usual readers know my posts can be written in English, French and Portuguese (my mother language).

The selection is based on page views but also based on pedagogical relevance of the most-read posts.

I kept the order of the most viewed. Sometimes some posts acquire too much visibility, not for their value but for the keywords that the search engines "like" indexing.

Here are the most popular posts 1st semester 2024 :

Le Top des billets 1er semestre 2024 :


Spider-man Across the Spider-verse


directors : Joaquim Santos

My special choice of the #1st semester 2024? Schools : Animation films into curricula ! Annie Awards 2024.

Animated movies are excellent educational digital resources to motivate and inspire your students and bring new life into your curriculum!

  • Teachers can envision so many ways to use these movies in the classroom to teach:

Literacy, grammar, morals, music, civics, sciences, drawing and other.

  • And reinforcing skills as :

Reading, writing, drawing, composing, reinforcing 

  • Or introducing skills of inference and critical thinking as well creativity.

CurriculaMother Language; Foreign Languages; Arts; Music, Civics, Science, Technology and Multimedia.

Target: Kindergarten; Primary education; Secondary education ; Vocational education.

*Note : The Annie Awards, animation’s highest honor, is an American award for accomplishments in animation.

War Is Over was inspired by the music of John & Yoko War is Over is an anti-war story by Sean Lennon and Dave Mullins that features John & Yoko's iconic anti-war holiday song 'Happy Xmas (War Is Over).

War Is Over
OSCAR for Best Animated Short
Winner Annie Animation Award for Best Short Subject
Dave Mullins, 2023

Hoping to have inspire you as my usual readers, teachers in your lessons all over the last year.

May 2025 be year of hope for all of us, praying for the end of wars in world, and all the tragedies and dead due these terrible wars.

May the Humanity search for Peace. And not live in war all along the centuries.

Teachers teach Peace and students fight for peace, development, and don't forget climate change. Earth is our home.

Teachers continue to teach with passion, inspiring your students to be better citizens in the future searching to live in peace and to be environmental defenders, preparing them to the new world and a new era in the future. Give them hope, joy, serenity.

Your, our mission from the heart!


Copyright © 2025G-Souto'sBlog,®

Education : Best of 2024 : Semester #1 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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