Thursday, May 30, 2024

Education : Best of 2023 : semester 2

credit: Image generated by AI from a text prompt (Michael S. Helfenbein)
via YaleNews

Well, as you know artificial intelligence was the topic of 2024 and lot of students began to use it before schools. Teachers needed to think how schools would to adapt and prepare students for a future filled with all kinds of capable A.I. tools 

My usual readers remember that I introduced the theme on my publication Education: Best of 2023 : semester Education: Best of 2023 : semester 1.

illustration Nata Metlukh

ChatGPT, the buzzy chatbot developed by OpenAI is capable of writing essays, solving science and math problems and producing working computer code. Impossible to bam it from schools 

But there are legitimate questions about the ethics of A.I.-generated writing, and concerns about whether the answers ChatGPT gives are accurate. (Often, they’re not.) 

And teachers feel that they have enough to worry about, without adding A.I.-generated homework to the mix.

However they understood that ChatGPT in the classroom, with the right approach, it could be an effective teaching tool.

credit: Image courtesy of MidJourney
via Paul Cancelliari/ LinkeIn

Well, if you haven't take a decision why not read The Pros and Cons of Chat GPT for Students (May 2024) ? Or 3 ChatGPT Prompts for Extending Learning with Successful Students (August 2023). They could be very useful to you.

Looking back 2023 I've come up with a roundup of what's been the best posts of my blog The Digital Teacher G-Souto

Below you’ll find the top posts of 2nd semester 2023 containing different themes: science, human rights, French literature, children's literature, languages, science-fiction, environment, elimination of violence against women and girls, traditions and other themes.

As my usual readers know my posts can be written in English, French and Portuguese (my mother language).

The selection is based on page views but also based on pedagogical relevance of the most-read posts.

I kept the order of the most viewed, and eliminated the posts that seemed less relevant. The main reason? Sometimes some posts acquire too much visibility, not for their value but for the keywords that the search engines "like" indexing.

Here are the most popular posts 2nd semester 2023:

Le Top des billets 2e semestre 2023:

World Teacher's Day 2023

My special choice of the #2nd semester 2023 ? Teacher's Day ! The teachers we need for the education we want ! 

"The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage". 

World Teachers’ Day theme 

The 2023 celebrations aimed to put the importance of stopping the decline in the number of teachers and would star to increase that number.

Through various activities, all the countries would advocate for a dignified and valued teaching profession, analysing their challenges, and showcase inspiring practices to attract, retain and motivate teachers and educators.

Without teachers, there is not education. Being a teacher provides a unique opportunity to make a transformative impact on the lives of students, and contribute to shaping sustainable futures. 

In different European countries. these last two years, there was a big lack of teachers.

Hoping to have inspire you, as my readers and teachers in your lessons all over the last year.

May 2024 be year of Peace for all the countries, Praying for the end of wars in the world, and all the big tragedy and dead  people and so many children due these terrible wars.

May the humanity continue to search for Peace.

Teachers and students fight for peace, development, and climate change. Countries need tranquility. Earth need help.

Teachers continue to teach with passion, inspiring your students to be better citizens in the future searching for humanity, to live in peace. Earth need young environmental defenders. 

Teachers continue preparing the new generations to this new world and a a different new future. Give them hope, joy, serenity. 

Your mission from the heart!


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Education : Best of 2024 : Semester #2 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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