Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Schools : World Day Against Child Labour : Children must work on dreams ! Resources

World Day Against Child Labour

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 to focus attention on the global extent of child labour and the action and efforts needed to eliminate it. 
Each year on 12 June, the World Day brings together governments, employers and workers organizations, civil society, as well as millions of people from around the world to highlight the plight of child labourers and what can be done to help them.
2019 also marks 20 years since the adoption of the ILO's Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182).

Theme 2019: 

"Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams!

Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams. Yet today, 152 million children are still in child labour. Although child labour occurs in almost every sector, seven out of every ten is in agriculture.

Mohammed, 14, a Syrian refugee from Kobani, 
works underneath a car at a repair shop in Erbil, Iraq in March 2016

In 2019, the International Labour Organization celebrates 100 years of advancing social justice and promoting decent work. 

"On this World Day Against Child Labour will look back on progress achieved over a 100 years of ILO support to countries on tackling child labour."

100 Social Justice, Decent Work (1919-2019)

The World Day Against Child Labour looks back on progress achieved over a 100 years of ILO support to countries on tackling child labour. Since its founding in 1919, the protection of children has been embedded in the ILO’s 

"Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms."


100 Social Justice, Decent Work (1919-2019)


Schools and other educational institutions make a special effort to inform children of their rights according to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Teachers and students worldwide are speaking out against child labour in the classroom and taking action to raise further awareness of this issue out school. 

They are spreading knowledge among their peers, acting as a voice for those children whose rights are not respected and calling on decision-makers to act urgently to protect children in danger. 

World Day Against Child Labour

Teachers have a crucial role on the alert of poverty or child labour, modern slavery cases among their students.

Numerous resources can be included into school curricula to inform, inspire and motivate students of all ages, from primary school through university, on the subject of child labour, modern slavery and human trafficking.


  • Book:

The Little Hero
One boy's Fight to End Child Slavery
Andrew Crofts, 2006

Iqbal Masih was gunned down by an assassin in cold blood in 1995. He was just 13 years old. 

The book tells the heart-wrenching story of this courageous child martyr, who died trying to end child slavery. After six years of bonded labour in a Pakistani carpet factory, Iqbal escaped the clutches of his tyrannical carpet-master, and then tirelessly worked to spread the word to other enslaved children that they could be free too. 

He addressed international conventions on behalf of the Bonded Labour Liberation Front and participated in raids on illegal factories. He was awarded the Reebok 'Youth in Action' Award, and a scholarship to study law in Boston. But before he could study, his life was cut short by a hail of bullets from the gun of an unknown sympathiser.

  • Animation (French language)

"Iqbal, l'enfant qui n'avait pas peur" (2016)
Film d'animation librement inspiré de l’histoire vraie d'Iqbal Masih, un enfant pakistanais réduit à l’esclavage dès ses quatre ans pour rembourser la dette familiale. A 9 ans, il fuit l’usine de tapis dans laquelle il travaille enchaîné douze heures par jour.

Iqbal, l'enfant qui n'avait pas peur
 Michel Fuzellier et Babak Payami, 2015

Grâce à un avocat qui lui vient en aide, Iqbal est devenu à 10 ans l'une des figures mondiales de la lutte contre l’esclavage moderne, multipliant les interventions dans des conférences internationales pour l’UNICEF ou devant les Nations Unies à New-York. Il a été tué en 1995. Il n'vait que 13 ans.

Outil pédagogique: Dossier 

Ce dossier s’adresse aux enseignants, animateurs des structures périscolaires et de loisirs, et aux chargés d’actions éducatives de l’UNICEF qui interviennent auprès d’enfants de 8 à 11 ans. A consulter ici

Vu sur:

Other resources:

Historical slideshow here

Posters 2019 to download here

"To die will be an awfully big adventure."

J M Barrie, Peter Pan, 1928


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