International Children's Book Day 2019
credits: poster Kęstutis Kasparavičius
And here we are! Today is a very special day! International Children's Book Day! And why is so special? It's special because I love books, I love reading children's books. I love reading in my lessons. I love children's books. That's why.
I have some friends who write books or illustrate children books. And it's beautiful!
Hans Christian Andersen
credits: Bettmann Archive/ Getty Images
Since 1967, on or around the Danish novelist Hans Christian Andersen's birthday, April 2, considered the father of the modern fairy tale, International Children's Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire the love of reading and to call attention to children's books.
Each year a different National Section of IBBY has the opportunity to be the international sponsor of ICBD.
It decides upon a theme and invites a prominent author from the host country to write a message to the children of the world and a well-known illustrator to design a poster.
This year, Lithiunia is the chosen country and Kęstutis Kasparavičius is the author of the poster and the message 2019.
Theme 2019: "Books help us slow down."
IBBY Lithuania is the sponsor for International Children's Book Day 2019. Kęstutis Kasparavičius is the author of the poster and the message 2019.
"I’m in a hurry! ... I don’t have time! ... Good-bye! ... We hear words like that almost every day, not only in Lithuania, which is in the very centre of Europe, but in many other places of the world. No less frequently do we hear that we live in the age of information overload, haste and rush.
But if you take a book into your hands, you immediately feel a change. It seems that books have this wonderful quality – they help us slow down. As soon as you open a book and delve into its tranquil depths, you no longer fear that things will whizz by at a maddening speed while you see nothing. All of a sudden, you come to believe you don’t have to dash off like a bat out of hell to do some urgent work of little importance. In books, things happen quietly and in a precisely arranged order. Maybe because their pages are numbered, maybe because the pages rustle gently and soothingly as you leaf through them. In books, events of the past calmly meet events that are yet to come." (...)
Kęstutis Kasparavičius, Lithiunia
Read the message here. It's a lovely message talking about the power of books in modern life.
credits: Ester Llorens
"Books help us not to rush, books teach us to notice things, and books invite us or even make us sit down for a while. We usually read sitting, with a book on our desk or in our hands, don’t we?"
Kęstutis Kasparavičius, Lithiunia
credits: Stock
via Washington Post
"And haven’t you experienced another miracle – that when you read a book, the book reads you? Yes, of course, books can read. They read your forehead, eyebrows, the corners of your lips as they rise and fall, but, first and foremost, books read your eyes. And looking into your eyes, they see... Well, you know what!"
Kęstutis Kasparavičius
I love this quote of the message! It's so unique! Even today, I continue to have these special feelings when I read a new book!
I am a huge fan of reading in the classroom. Teachers have an ubiquitous responsibility to encourage the love of reading in students by exploring this wonderful and and magical resource in lessons, formal and informal learning.
For the second time, several IBBY sections from all over Europe join forces to organise the IBBY European Regional Conference.
Its theme resonates across Europe: the right of a child to have access to books in his/her home language and to have support for their needs as multilingual learners.
The conference will take place on the 4th April at Bologna Children's Book Fair in Italy. The Bologna Children's Book Fair will be open 1-4 April 2019.
For the 2019 edition in Bologna there was the selection for the Illustrators Exhibition of Bologna Children Book Fair 2019 and the jurors - Diego Bianchi (Argentina), Maciej Byliniak (Poland), Alessandro Sanna (Italy), Harriët van Reek(Holland), Béatrice Vincent (France) - had to examine the artworks sent by 2901 illustrators coming from 62 countries.
Here the list of the 76 selected illustrators, coming from 27 countries and regions (Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, Uruguay, Usa, Venezuela).
And now some proposals in three different European languages:
Portuguese: selection Bologna Book Fair 2019
Atlas das Viagens dos Exploradores
Isabel Minhós Martins & Bernardo P. Carvalho
Há poucos séculos, não conhecíamos os limites do planeta e muitas áreas do mundo continuavam isoladas, sem ligação umas com as outras.
Desconhecíamos não apenas as terras e as espécies que existiam noutras regiões, mas também as outras pessoas e as suas culturas. Para sabermos o que era o mundo, tivemos de nos fazer ao caminho: de burro, de camelo, de barco ou a pé, saímos de casa rumo ao desconhecido e regressámos com as novidades espantosas de outros lugares. Read more here
Nível etário: 10-15 anos
Mon toi
Stéphane Girel
Elle et Lui ont chacun un "chez soi". Mais il y manque... un je ne sais quoi. Alors, ensemble, ils partent demander aux autres, là-bas. A chaque rencontre une maison... qui en dit long sur son habitant : pour celle-là, dessus c'est dessous, dehors c'est dedans... l'architecte a dû se tromper ; pour cette autre tout peut s'écrouler tandis qu'à côté, ça a l'air plus baraqué !
Au fil de ce voyage plein de diversité, tous les deux se demandent : Et chez nous, ce serait comment ? Sûr ! Tout est à construire. Mais déjà, ils ont chacun le demi plan du royaume de leur rêve commun. Car, c'est sûr, ces deux-là s'aiment. À lire ici
Âge: 3-5 ans
Five More Minutes
Marta Altes
Time is a funny thing. Dad talks about it a lot, but I think I know more about time than he does.
A child gives his time-starved dad some sage advice about what 'time' really means, and how to make the most of it. Read more here
Age: 3-7
International Children's Book Day is a captivating motivation to show your students how reading can be a gift by stimulating the imagination and "offering creative solutions to obstacles that we will find along the way."
As educators, can we make every day an International Children's Book Day? Yes! We can! And those special days are always a awesome reason to read.
The love for books and reading are beautiful moment in Languages curricula. Of course, today is the day of reading by pleasure! Let your students read what the books they like the most. There are two reasons for this:
By inviting your students to go at the school library and choose a book to read aloud in the classroom that will let them free to read a book they like.
Kęstutis Kasparavičius, message 2019
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