Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas rundown of the most-read posts #2


photo: Nils Jorgensen | Rex Features

Students and teachers are taking a few days off to enjoy Christmas festive season with family and to recharge batteries near family and friends. 

While I am away I'm rerunning the most popular posts of the year. On this post I'm rerunning the most popular of the second semester. The selection is based on pageviews during 2012.

Bright holiday season is the most read of the 2nd semester 2012 and the last of the year. It's my message for Christmas and a touching tribute.

photo: Matt Cardy | Getty Images

"To bring wonder hope and dreams"

Sandman, the Guardian of dreams

As an educator, I believe that children, teachers, parents and families of Sandy Hook Elementary School (USA) must keep their privacy.

I have no words, I was devastated, absolutely devastated, still am. I had no words.

Christmas season is children's big dream. What can I say?

Rise of the Guardians, a lovely and original tale, came to my mind. The beautiful  3D animated film would be a sweet tribute in the memories of children, teachers, friends and families.

Rise of the Guardians  also tells us to hold on to that child inside us as we go through life, and to believe in ourselves no matter what.

Rise of the Guardians

"It is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe. For as long as they believe in us, we will guard them with our lives." 

North | Rise of the Guardians

Le jour le plus court

ARTE, le jour le plus court, un défi en cours. A l'occasion du "Jour le plus court" initié par le CNC le 21 décembre 2012, Court-Circuit a proposé un nouveau concours de courts métrages ouvert à tout public.

Le jour le plus court de l'année est sur ARTE le jour des courts métrages. Cette année, le magazine Court-Circuit a organiseé un concours de courts métrages sur Internet.

Le court métrage devrait être réalisé sans paroles ou en langue française, achevé après le 1er janvier 2009 et sa durée n'excèderait pas 2 minutes. La bande annonce du concours est disponible ici


Je suis sûre que vous avez fait place à la créativé de vos jeunes étudiants, agés de plus de 18 ans! À eux l'expérimentation: idéaliser, créer, devélopper, enregistrer, réaliser une vidéo, suivis de près par un professeur attentif, réceptif aux idées des étudiants. 

Pour améliorer la motivation des étudiants, le professeur enrichit le curriculum. L’enrichissement du curriculum consiste essentiellement à donner plus de responsabilités et d’autonomie, à confier des tâches plus complexes, à permettre à chacun de construire une expertise.

7Allumettes | Damien Collet (École)

Et voilà le résultat ! 7 Allumettes (École) de Damien Collet a reçu le 1er Prix:

"A l'abri dans une grotte, qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire, lorsqu'on est les deux derniers survivants à la surface de la Terre et qu'il nous reste 7 allumettes…?"

À voir tout le palmarès ici

Les étudiants se sont investis profondément dans des projets dont ils ont été les créateurs. Et les professeurs leurs 'guides'.

Nous avons tous nos domaines de compétences dans lesquels nous excellons. Partageons-les afin qu'ensemble nous élargissions notre savoir par la collaboration et nouvelles connaissances que nos élèves nous apprennent souvent!

Cómo debería ser la Educación en el Sigo XXI? Un grupo de jóvenes responden a la pregunta a ritmo de rap, con música de 'El Langui' y 'Keru Dj'.

El Rap de la educación - una inspiración was a real inspiration for the last reluctant educators! No doubt!

Web 2.0 is about revolutionary new ways of teaching, learning, creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It's also about ease of use. 

Great number of teachers embrace technology and social media. Others hide. Many ignore. So what does the average teacher do if they’re somewhere in the middle.
We can not miss out such a great opportunity to teach and learn (you heard the 'Rap students') with web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in  the classroom by teachers around the world. 

Every social network can play a pivotal role in education, and there are so many! You will finda very short list here

A good advice! You must be sure of your ideas and manipulation of the tools you choose to introduce in your lessons.

Make your own choices after evaluating students' profile and, of course, the level you teach.

Zoe makes a splash

It's Saturday morning and as usual Zoe is getting ready in the bathroom. 
She has combed her hair and is brushing her teeth. 
She doesn't see that the tap in the bath is running.

Environmental App for Education presents Zoe makes a splash! a new App developed by the Environment Directorate General of the European Commission.

The European Commission has launched this environmental app that can be downloaded to Apple and Android devices. 

screenshot app

This interactive storybook is for Teachers & Parents to use in the classroom or with your child (target group 7-11) to learn about the importance of water in our society, how to use it in moderation, the impact of polluted water on wildlife and habitats and the benefits we get from clean water.

"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction."

Rachel Carson

UNESCO World OER Congress

In partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and through the  support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, UNESCO is organizing the 2012 World Open Educational Resources Congress. UNESCO World OER Seminar and exhibition took place on June 22-24 2012 in Paris.

"UNESCO believes that universal access to high quality education is key to the building of peace, sustainable social and economic development, and intercultural dialogue. Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a strategic opportunity to improve the quality of education as well as facilitate policy dialogue, knowledge sharing and capacity building."

The agenda was complete and full of wonderful key-speakers. Many of the speakers highlighted the ways in which OERs are being used to innovate and improve local communities.

Over 500 delegates including representatives of Government, educators, NGOs, and universities attended the Congress.

It was my honor to attend the UNESCO World OER Congress and participate at the Seminar. At the Exhibition, I presented an academic Poster based on a research about Open Educational Resources (OER) in Secondary Education.

Hugo | Martin Scorsese

"Je ne pense pas au futur, il viendra bien assez vite".

Albert Einstein

De temps en temps, je partage des ressources en Français langue étrangère (FLE

Parlons Français LE: ressources en ligne publié en Novembre fut très lu.

Kidzlearn Lugares & Aprendizagens

Kidzlearn Lugares & Aprendizagens FLE, une plateforme e-learning, des cours de Français LE à distance (collège et lycée).

Ce projet m'a pris trois ans de recherche en dehors de mon travail au lycée. J’ai sondé les goûts et l’imagination de mes élèves qui aimaient me 'provoquer' en me faisant découvrir de nouveaux concepts pour les cours de langues.

Convaincue (2000) que l’apprentissage d’une langue allait désormais dépasser la salle de classe et deviendrait toujours plus ubiquitaire, d’autre part que la méthodologie du FLE devrait s’adapter à la "ne-generation", et aux outils technologiques, j'ai voulu surprendre mes élèves et les motiver par des jeux de langue.

Le site va au-delà des formes traditionnelles de l’enseignement, en institution ou à distance. L’enseignement se personnalisait non seulement au niveau des contenus et des compétences, mais aussi des rythmes et des stratégies de chacun.

Quelques pensées:

"Innover" n’est pas le nouveau à tout prix.  C’est combiner, souvent chercher des alternatives quand on est confronté à un problème pendant un cours, quand on sent qu’il n’y a pas d’ajustement entre la motivation et les connaissances, entre ce que nous mettons à disposition de nos élèves et leurs résultats en ce qu’ils en font.

The Equity in European Higher Education: State of the research, problems, ideas and perspectives Seminar took place for a full day at the University Foundation, in Brussels, on the 7th November 2012. 

It included special focuses on migration and lifelong learning in line with the second and third EQUNET reports. You can read the programme here.

The Seminar was organised by EquNet, MENON network, in the frame of the EquNetproject, with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission and in cooperation with ENAR - the European Network Against Racism - with the aim "to aggregate energies from the main European networks and organisations active both  in the higher education field  and  in equity-related activities, to discuss the importance of equity in EU higher education."

The workshop gathered 50 participants from European HE associations, universities, research actors, experts, NGOs, associations.

Final Seminar | Brussels
Starting from the results of the EquNet research by Karin Doolan, University of Zagreb, "General view of research on equity in Higher Education". 

The seminar continued with similar exercises, "to refining the understanding of what would be needed in terms of EU and national policies. Second, it fostered the exchange of research findings, working practices and ideas among relevant stakeholders and communities, in particular facilitating contact between the academic and the civil society communities. Third, it represented a step towards the materialisation of the idea of an HE equity indicator, as a way to actually “measure” equity in European higher education."

The good efforts developed in secondary and primary education in the last decades were highlighted by different speakers. 

I really appreciated that. As an expert, and an innovative researcher in the field, I know well the efforts of creative teachers and educators that welcomed and raised the first post-millennial "digital native," learners, sharing innovative experiences defined by the 'technological culture' which they're familiar with, and guiding them into Higher Education. 

Professor Roberto Carneiro, the notable academic (MENON) was the rapporteur. He summarised  the discussions of the day by presenting some lessons learnt through the EquNet work Impressions and Illustrations and pointed out some inputs for a “refreshed” European agenda on equity in higher education.
I really hope that you will enjoy every moment of this 2012 rundown of the most read posts (2nd semester) and will discover some different pedagogical ideas to introduce in your lessons.

In a world in complete change, young people have a relevant voice to demonstrate their critical thinking and some ideas about a new intercultural dialogue, interconnectedness, capacity building, in order to innovate the society and build a different world  through important values.

Remember! "Your imagination can create a reality" as James Cameron said. School should be a place where our students learn the pleasure to learn.

Thank you to all of you that kindly read my blog and shared my thoughts in your lessons.

We are all teachers, and we are all students."

Marc Prensky

"A classroom should not be about a teacher talking, but about students doing"

Happy and Safe Festive Season!


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Christmas rundown of the most-read posts #2 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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