Monday, March 17, 2025

Écoles : Fête de la Francophonie 2025 Portugal ! Partir en classe ! Allez !



Festa da Francofonia 2025

5 mars - 13 avril Portugal


La Fête de la Francophonie revient à Lisbonne du 5 mars au 13 avril pour faire découvrir la diversité des visages de la langue et de la culture françaises à travers une programmation culturelle et ludique pour tous les âges. Plus de 20 initiatives issues de 10 pays francophones seront à l’honneur : Andorre, Belgique, Canada/Québec, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Luxembourg, Maroc, Roumanie, Suisse et Tunisie.


La littérature et les arts visuels seront au cœur de cette édition, avec de nombreuses rencontres avec des écrivains, des lancements de livres et plusieurs expositions.


Nuit de la poésie

30 mars à 19h


La Journée internationale de la Francophonie sera marquée par une Nuit de la Poésie (20 mars à 19h), où des poèmes seront lus à voix haute à la Médiathèque de l’Institut français du Portugal.


Monstra Sessões Especiais

Festa da Francofonia 2025 Portugal


La Fête de la Francophonie s’étend aussi à d’autres disciplines artistiques. Dans le cadre du Festival Monstra, une sélection de 75 films francophones sera projetée (du 20 au 30 mars).


En spectacle vivant, la pièce Na Floresta Desaparecida de la compagnie Teatro Mosca sera jouée les samedis et dimanches à 16h, du 5 au 13 avril à l’AMAS – Auditório Municipal António Silva ,Shopping, Cacém.



Concert au Grand Auditorium

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

crédits: ©Festa da Francofonia


Le 13 avril, la Fête de la Francophonie se clôturera avec le Concert de l’Orchestre et du Chœur des Lycées Français du Monde au Grand Auditorium de la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian (13 avril à 17h).


Un espace est également consacré à la durabilité et au sport, avec des activités favorisant la citoyenneté et l’engagement communautaire. Le 22 mars, un parcours pédestre mènera les participants à travers les sites historiques de la paroisse de Benfica avec l’initiative Benfica Footstep. Enfin, une Randonnée francophone se tiendra à Monsanto le 29 mars

Note : sur inscription.


Podcasts Jeunesse Francophone

Étudiants Club des Journalistes

Lycée Français Lisbonne


Les élèves du Lycée Français Charles Lepierre de Lisbonne donneront aussi la parole aux jeunesses francophones à travers des podcasts réalisés par le Club des Jeunes Journalistes. Ils mèneront des entretiens avec d’autres écoles pour aborder des thèmes tels que l’importance de la langue française dans le monde et les valeurs qu’elle véhicule.

crédits: iStock

  • Éducation: Écoles & de langue française/ Français Langue2 

À ne pas manquer accompagné.es de vos classes. Plein d'activités enrichissantes à participer! 

  • Perfectionnement des compétences linguistiques de langue française;

  • Littérature, expositions, cinéma, thèâtre, musque;

  • Citoyenneté, sport, et d'autres.

*Attention ! Il y a des activités qu'on est obligé de s'incrire.

Vous avez une chance exceptionnelle de participer à un processus dynamique. Vous aurez un impact positif sur vous ainsi que sur vos élèves.

Une structure d’enseignement et une gestion de classe bien planifiées rendra l’apprentissage plus facile et plus efficace pour les étudiants – ce qui représente en soi un facteur de motivation. 

Alors avant de partir à la Fète de la Francophonie, il est essentiel d’adopter une approche positive en expliquant à vos élèves ce qu’ils vont étudier, ce jour-là et surtout apprendre. Stimulez la participation active!



copyright © 2025G-Souto'sBlog,®

Écoles ! Fête de la Francophonie 2025 Portugal ! Partir en classe ! Allez ! by GinaSouto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Schools : Let's celebrate Women's Day !

UN News

The day is used to celebrate everything that women have achieved whilst also calling for equality.

The United Nations (UN) - an organisation that aims to bring countries from around the world together on world issues - says this year's theme is "For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment."

  • Theme 2025:

"For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.”

For equal rights, power and opportunities for all, and a feminist future."

credits: Internationa Women's Day

Every year for the past century the 8 March has been recognised as International Women's Day.

Many governments and organisations mark the occasion by celebrating the role and rights of women across the world.

Historically, women and girls have not been treated as equal to men and boys and across the world women still face discrimination because of their gender.

Emmeline Pankhurst the most famous member of the

For centuries, women have fought for equal rights, opportunities, and freedom. From the suffragists to digital activists, each generation has pushed boundaries, shattered barriers, and refused to step back. Behind every policy change and legal victory there have been fearless feminists organizing, protesting, and demanding action.  

credits: International Women's Day

In knowing and pushing forward for progress, there is hope: 

  • For 89 per cent of governments, ending violence against women is a top priority today, and 193 countries have legal measures against it.  
  • Most of the world has reached parity in education. By bridging the gender gap in accessing and shaping science and technology, we clear the remaining bottlenecks to equal opportunities and create technology that serves more people and the planet. 
  • More States have strengthened care services and 32 per cent of countries globally now promote better pay and safe working conditions for care workers.  
  • There are 112 countries with a national plan to engage women in peace and security processes – a significant increase from 19 countries in 2010.

  • Parity in education : accessing and shaping science and technology

Google Doodle Women's Day 2025

With the Doodle, Google honors visionary women in STEM fields. The Doodle artwork spotlights groundbreaking contributions by women who revolutionized space exploration, uncovered ancient discoveries, and pioneered lab research that fundamentally shaped our understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology. And these achievements represent just a small fraction of women’s contributions to science.

Grace Hopper

Their work represents the ongoing progress towards gender equality, yet STEM remains one of the areas where significant gaps still persist. Currently, women represent only 29% of the global STEM workforce. But this number grows larger every year.

"International Women’s Day serves as a powerful reminder: the achievements of women have shaped our world throughout history. And it is because of  collective brilliance that we are able to experience the wonders of the modern world."

via Google Images Archive

  • Resources:

One of the most impactful ways groups can mark International Women's Day is by championing their own IWD campaign within their community. The annual IWD campaign theme provides focus and direction for continued year-long activity. 

  • How will you continue to rally your community to help forge women's equality and #AccelerateAction throughout 2025 ?

Planning Women's Day Activity

Women's Day : Equality is the 'gamechanger'

BBC : Women's Day : Amazing Women who have changed the world

credits: Getty Images

 This International Women's Day we want to know :

  • Who you are celebrating? 

  • What women do you admire most and why do they inspire you?



copyright © 2025G-Souto'sBlog,®

Education ! Let's celebrate the International Women's Day ! by GinaSouto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

References : UN / IDW/ BBC/ G-Souto'sBlogs

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Schools ! Celebrate the Silver Jubilee of International Mother Language Day !


Silver Jubilee Celebration of International Mother Language Day

The year 2025 marks the 25th anniversary of International Mother Language Day. This milestone highlights a quarter-century of dedicated efforts to preserve linguistic diversity and promote the use of mother tongues.

It serves as a significant opportunity to reflect on achievements, renew commitments, and emphasize the critical role of language preservation in safeguarding cultural heritage, improving education outcomes and creating more peaceful, sustainable societies.

The 25th anniversary of International Mother Language Day celebrates a quarter-century of efforts to preserve linguistic diversity and promote mother tongues. This milestone emphasizes the importance of language preservation in safeguarding cultural heritage, improving education, and fostering more peaceful societies. 

International Mother Language Jubilee 2025

  • Theme 2025:

"Silver Jubilee Celebration of International Mother Language Day !"

The 25th anniversary of International Mother Language Day celebrates a quarter-century of efforts to preserve linguistic diversity and promote mother tongues. This milestone emphasizes the importance of language preservation in safeguarding cultural heritage, improving education, and fostering more peaceful societies.

Significance of International Mother Language

Languages are essential carriers of identity, tradition, and history. The loss of a language leads to the disappearance of unique cultural expressions, indigenous knowledge, and traditional practices

This day raises awareness about the urgent need to document, revitalize, and protect endangered languages.

With approximately 8,324 languages in the world today, many are at risk of disappearing due to globalization and societal changes. 

Ensuring that education systems support the right to learn in one's mother tongue is crucial for improving learning outcomes, as students who are taught in a language they fully understand show better comprehension, engagement, and critical thinking skills. 

World Atlas of Languages (Beta Version)

The World Atlas of Languages is an interactive and dynamic online tool that documents different aspects and features of language status in countries and languages around the world.  It aims to provide  a detailed record of languages as communicative tools and knowledge resources in their sociocultural and socio-political context.

via Google Images Archive


Quality education should be delivered in the language spoken at home. However, this minimum standard is not met for hundreds of millions, limiting their ability to develop foundations for learning. 

Increasingly, information and knowledge are key determinants of wealth creation, social transformation and human development. 

"Literacy programmes and methodologies are most relevant and respond to the needs of learners when they are context-related, bilingual and support intercultural understanding within the framework of lifelong learning."

  • The role of teachers:

The overall aim of IMLD 2025 is to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 by recognizing the role of teachers in promoting mother languages and multilingual teaching and learning through reading and technology. in different languages.

The digital revolution has highlighted the digital divide in language representation. Less than a hundred languages are significantly used in the digital world

"Increasing linguistic representation in digital platforms, AI tools, and online education is essential to safeguard linguistic diversity in the modern era."

via Google Images Archive

Students : 

-Share key messages via social networks with students of the world. You must celebrate the Jubilee of International Mother Language.

International Mother Language Day is a reminder of the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity and the need to support and celebrate mother tongues. 

By promoting mother tongues in education and online, we can help to preserve linguistic diversity and strengthen communities. 

By valuing and supporting mother tongues, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society. It’s a call to action for all of us to do something positive to support language diversity and multilingualism.



copyright © 2025G-Souto'sBlog,®

Schools ! Celebrate the Silver Jubilee of International Mother Language Day ! by GinaSouto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

References : Un / UNESCO