Saturday, January 18, 2025

To a New Generation : International Year for Peace & Trust 2025 : Resources & Activities !


International Year of Peace and Trust 2025

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”

Albert Einstein

2025 has been declared by The UN General Assembly (UNGA) the International Year of Peace & Trust.

The resolution calls on the international community to resolve conflicts through inclusive dialogue & negotiation in order to ensure the strengthening of peace & trust in relations between UN member states

Underlines that the International Year of Peace and Trust constitutes a means of mobilizing the efforts of the international community to promote peace and trust among nations based on, inter alia, political dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation, in order to build sustainable peace, solidarity and harmony.

credits: UN Geneva

  • Education:

Just in time  to include the Intl' Year for Peace into school curricula, In a world where wars and violence are all around the world.  

Let's begin in school !!

Schools, teachers, students and parents will have a valuable focal point for their efforts in combating violence in school and worldwide. 

Intl' Day for Peace and Trust wants to decrease hate speech, racism, and values as accepting differences, listening to others, recognize others, respect others.

Living in a peaceful and united way. No more wars, no more hate or intolerance between people, countries.

Living Together in Peace is all about :

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Accepting differences ๐Ÿ—ฃ️ Listening to others ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ Recognizing others ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ Respecting others ๐Ÿ•Š️ ☮️ Living in a peaceful & united way

UN Geneva

via Google Images Archive

  • Activities

I'm sure teachers and schools will organized activities on Intl' Year for Peace and Trust all along school year 2025 that will help raise awareness of Year for Peace and encourage students, parents and all school community to join this aim.

Choose to mark different days and cross-curricular projects along this year, whatever the scale of their activity, their commitment matters. 

Invite your students to create public or private activities related to Peace and Trust inside and oudside the school to help spread the word about the Year of Peace and Trust 2025 and/or attend events in school city.

Make schools exchanges in your country or foreign countries, talking and working together to build future sustainable peace, solidarity and harmony.

  • Books suggestions:

Different age and level

Paul Miranda/ Paul Baptiste
illustration: Estelรญ Meza


"A valuable, necessary lesson that beautifully defines peace for children and their adults."

A stunning and multicultural introduction to the concept of peace for young readers, now available in paperback. Peace is on purpose. Peace is a choice. Peace lets the smallest of us have a voice. From a hello and pronouncing your friend's name correctly to giving more than you take and saying I'm sorry, this simple concept book explores definitions of peace and actions small and big that foster it. 

Award-winning authors, Baptiste Paul and Miranda Paul, have teamed up with illustrator Estelรญ Meza--winner of the 'A la Orilla del Viento' the premier Picture Book Contest Award in Mexico - to create an inspiring look at things we can all do to bring peace into our lives and world.

Putting Peace First
7 Commitments to Change the World
Eric David Dawson

Using the inspiring stories of real life peacemakers, each chapter highlights a different aspect of peacemaking, from Opening Your Heart to Taking a Stand.

When he was just eighteen, Eric David Dawson co-founded the non-profit Peace First based on the idea that young people can change the world for the better–not someday, but right now. 

Twenty-five years later, Peace First has reached millions worldwide, teaching young people how to become peacemakers and create real change

Now, Dawson has written PUTTING PEACE FIRST, the handbook every aspiring peacemaker needs.

Invite your students to Look Inside...

Champions for Peace
Women Winners of  Nobel Peace Prize 
Judith Hicks Stiehm


Only seventeen women have won the Nobel Prize for Peace since it was first awarded in 1901. Hailing from all over the world, some of these women have held graduate degrees, while others barely had access to education. Some began their work young, some late in life. 

In this compelling book, Judith Stiehm narrates these women’s varied lives in fascinating detail. 

The third edition includes the story of Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, the youngest laureate, who won as a teenager in 2014.

I Am Malala
Patricia McCormick

Malala Yousafzai was only ten years old when the Taliban took control of her region. They said music was a crime. They said women weren't allowed to go to the market. They said girls couldn't go to school.

Raised in a once-peaceful area of Pakistan transformed by terrorism, Malala was taught to stand up for what she believes. So she fought for her right to be educated. And on October 9, 2012, she nearly lost her life for the cause: She was shot point-blank while riding the bus on her way home from school.

Malala's powerful story will open teens eyes to another world and will make them believe in hope, truth, miracles and the possibility that one person - one young person - can inspire change in her community and beyond.

The Little Book of Peace
World Peace Begins With The Individual
Nola Lucas

"The Little Book of Peace" was written in the spirit to inspire peace in the day-to-day life of modern society, with the belief that world peace starts with the individual, based on the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism.

The Little Book Of Peace is timely and timeless given the ongoing challenges of establishing peace, and honouring the sanctity of human life in today's world.

Note: This book is for any human being from any walk of life, regardless of age, race, gender or nationality; It is firmly rooted in the current reality of our individual day to day living, amongst the challenges of work, family life, maintaining various types of relationships within our individual communities and society at large.

It goes beyond the focus on the self and self happiness and also aims to make an impact on the positive development of the whole of humanity, that begins with the happiness of the self and spreads through our interaction with those who we are intertwined with.

"Someone once said that the Little Book of Peace is "A balm for the soul" however I would also like to think that most importantly, that it is a balm for our shared humanity."

Nola Lucas

credits: Getty Images

Teachers, it's just a suggestion! You will choose to read these or other books with your students depending of the level or age of them.

It could a big help tp develop the feeling of peace in the world with some of these examples, some of them from children or teens. 

You will complete with activities or cross-curricular different disciplines in school or around with community.

Don't forget the schools exchanges with schools from different countries to think about how you as teachers and students could help finish this feeling of impunity od some countries to other countries. 

Make grew a renew generation to the world!

Some of you think... Well, International Year for Peace and Trust was in 2021. Yes! But the world in 2025 is so dangerous, There is no peace in different countries and they are tormented so many people and the fear of a world war is touching us that the UN decided to repeat the respect for peace with the International Year for Peace and Trust 2025.

Let's develop students and teachers of lots of schools a positive development thought to the whole of humanity to Peace in the world!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King Jr


Copyright © 2025G-Souto'sBlog,®

To a new Generation : International Year for Peace and Trust 2025 ! Resources &  Activities ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sources : UNGA / UN Geneva/ Librarians

Friday, January 3, 2025

Science : Here they are ! The Quadrantids !


                                                  credits: FreePik

Whether you’re an astronomy enthusiast or simply looking for a peaceful night of stargazing, the Quadrantids Meteor Shower is an event that promises to captivate and inspire. 

This yearly occasion presents the ideal chance to engage with the wonders of the night sky and experience a cosmic sight that is both quick and majestic.

Stargazers can ring in the beginning of 2025 by witnessing the first meteor shower of the year.

The Quadrantids, one of the "strongest" displays of the year, are expected to peak Thursday night through early Friday morning, according to the American Meteor Society (AMS).

                    A view of stargazing as Quadrantids meteor showers peak,                   at Pigeon Point Light Station in Pescadero, Calif., Jan. 4, 2024.                             credits: Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images
                                                    via ABC

For the first astronomy event you can see this year, there’s a meteor shower to look for. The Quadrantids, the first meteor shower of the year, is expected to peak in the morning of January 3rd.

That morning, look for a maximum of 80 meteors per hour radiating from a point in the northern sky. It’s important to note that the Quadrantids, while an active shower, may see maximum activity for only a few hours on the peak night – or in this year’s case, morning.

For many years, the origin of the Quadrantids remained unknown. Though the Quadrantids were first seen in 1825, it wasn't until 2003 that an astronomer at Lowell Observatory in Arizona, Petrus Jenniskens discovered a small asteroid, 2003 EH1, was the source of the shower.

via Google Images Archive

Here are some general viewing tips from NASA :

◾ Find an area well away from street lights and the light pollution of cities.

◾ Come prepared for winter temperatures with a sleeping bag, blanket, or lawn chair.

◾ Lie flat on your back with your feet facing northeast and look up, taking in as much of the sky as possible.

It should take less than 30 minutes for your eyes to adapt so that you can see streaking meteors.

via The Universe Space Tech


This time of the year, some teachers and students are not yet starting school after Christmas season.

However, once again, science curriculum will be enhanced with the help of the awesome event in the sky. The Quadrantids!

Do you want a better science lesson ? A live lesson of science. Wow!

The winter, cold temperatures contribute in making this shower neglected by the public, while it offer bright, very enjoyable meteors. 

Most of us are excited about the Quadrantid shower, specially if you teach sciences or you are science students. Of course, stargazers as well. 

My usual readers know I don't teach sciences. I'm a Humanities person and former teacher of Humanities. But I'm a passionate of science and all the high technology near science.

Do you remember the Wow! The Geminids shower 2022. Kids, let's go ! Time to watch to the sky ! Just awesome! A sky full of stars. 

This time, the European teachers and students are not in school. Only next week. 

But the Quadrantids 2025 will be a good natural resource from the sky to enhance the first day of Science lesson! 

credits: Lamberto Sassoli

Wow! Even on the first day of school time after the Christmas holidays. Our students will be happy with this new event.

The winter, cold temperatures contribute in making this shower neglected by the public, while it offer bright, very enjoyable meteors. 

Most of us are excited about the Quadrantid shower, specially if you teach sciences or are science students. Of course, stargazers as well. 

My usual readers know I don't teach sciences, but humanities. But I'm a passionate of science and all the high technology near science.

Do you remember another event Hello Science ! Here come the Perseid meteor shower ! Look up the sky ! Just another awesome event with the sky full of stars. 

This time, the European teachers and students are out of school as i said. But prepare a one or two good natural lessons to talk and show some videos to enhance the first day of Sciences lesson! The Quadrantids 2025.

Who knows if you will have some stargazers in your class that will be happy to talk about their experience and show your and classmates a video or two made with their smartphones?


video NASA : What's up for January ?

Some useful links :

The Quadrantids 2022

The Quadrantids 2016

Here you have all the resources a beautiful lesson of science course to start 2025! 

But! Firs of all, don’t miss this rare opportunity to connect with the wonders of the universe!


Copyright © 2025G-Souto'sBlog,®

Science : Here they are ! The Quadrantids ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sources: NASA/