Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy Year ! May 2025 be better to the world ! Peace !


Somewhere over the rainbowSkies are blueAnd the dreams that you dare to dreamReally do come true


Somewhere over the rainbow
© Emi Feist Catalog Inc., 

A New Year is an exciting time for teachers and students, filled with opportunities to dream big, set goals, and embrace fresh beginnings. 

Sharing Happy New Year wishes with young ones can inspire positivity, creativity, and motivation as they step into 2025.

Teachers and students are looking to the New Year as a chance to start fresh, whether it’s in school, friendship, or hobbies. 

Here some tips to teachers encouraging students with thoughtful wishes:

  • Inspire Growth: Motivate them to set and achieve goals.
  • Foster Positivity: Teach them the value of optimism and gratitude.
  • Boost Confidence: Remind them of their potential and abilities.

As you can see you are an important help to them. They will never forget you as a special teacher.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me


Somewhere over the rainbow
© Emi Feist Catalog Inc., 

2025 is here! May it bring to all of you joy, success, and the courage to embrace every opportunity. Cheers to a brighter future!

Thank you for being such a supportive reader all the time. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. 

Happy 2025 !


Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

Happy New Year ! May 2025 be better to the world ! Peace ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License


Sunday, December 22, 2024

October, November in Review & Games Awards 2024 : The winner is... Astro Bot !


Astro Bot game

Astro Bot brings together some of the biggest character designs from PlayStation's past and present

Astro Bot has won the top prize at the videogame industry's biggest awards ceremony. The Games Awards 2024

The Games Awards 2024

The cute and colourful PlayStation platformer beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Black Myth: Wukong, Metaphor: Refantazio, Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree and Balatro to be named Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2024 

Accepting the trophy, Nicolas Doucet, studio head of developer Team Asobi, appeared to pay tribute to rival Nintendo.

Astro Bot also picked up three other awards :

  • Best Family Game, 

  • Best Action/Adventure, 

  • Best Game Direction.

Astro Bot game

The PS5® mothership has been wrecked, leaving ASTRO and the bot crew scattered all over the galaxies. 

Time to ride your trusty Dual Speeder across more than 50 planets full of fun, danger and surprises. 

On your journey, make the most of ASTRO’s new powers and reunite with many iconic heroes from the PlayStation universe! Charge into a brand-new, supersized adventure with ASTRO


Astro Bot is a 2024 platform game developed by Team Asobi and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5 to coincide with PlayStation's 30th anniversary. 

Astro Bot is a 3D platformer where the player controls the title character, a small robot named Astro Bot, through the use of the DualSense controller

Astro's core move set is identical to previous entries, maintaining his ability to jump, hover, punch, and spin-attack, as well as being additionally granted the ability to ledge grab. The ability to swim underwater also returns from Astro Bot Rescue Mission, having been absent in Astro's Playroom.


Kids love games. And if Astro Bot is a familiar game, Christmas is the best time to play games at home.

From sandy beaches to lush jungles and piping-hot volcanoes, explore a myriad of memorable planets in search of Astro’s lost crew!

Astro Bot is pure joy. It's like fragment of childhood sealed away and suddenly uncorked. It's like jumping into a ball pit as a grown-arse adult. It's magic.

And now, time to share with you the rundown of the posts in October & November.

Here is the popular posts of October & November 2024 :

The most of you, teachers and students are out of school ! It's Christmas season!

Oh! My usual readers know I write in English, French and Portuguese, my mother language.

I will be back before Christmas, I hope ! It's family time... but I will do my best.


Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

October & November in Review & Games Awards 2024 : The winner is... Astro Bot ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Sources : The Games Award 2024/ Sonny Interactive Entertainment   

Friday, November 29, 2024

August & September in Review + 52e édition du Concours de la BD Scolaire 2025 !


Concours de la BD Scolaire

Le Concours de la BD scolaire 2024-2025 a été lancé ! Tous les établissements scolaires et les enfants scolarisés de la maternelle à la terminale sont invités à participer.

De nombreux auteurs professionnels ont été sélectionnés au Concours de la BD scolaire lorsqu’ils étaient encore enfants et adolescents. Rappelons Catherine Meurisse, Cécile Bidault, Benoît Ers, Jérémie Moreau… 

Aujourd’hui, ce concours continue de découvrir les plus jeunes talents de la bande dessinée en France.

Le concours de la BD scolaire consiste en la réalisation d'une bande dessinée, thème libre. Il s'adresse aux élèves des établissements scolaires français, en France et à l'étranger, de la grande section de maternelle à la terminale. Les établissements et classes spécialisés (IME, SEGPA, CLIS, ULIS, etc) peuvent également participer.

  • Dates: Du 3 octobre 2024 au 3 mars 2025. 

  • Calendrier:

« C’est l’occasion de “se prouver à soi même qu’on peut finir une bande dessinée” conseille Jasmine, 12 ans, participante de l’édition 2022-2023 du Concours de la BD scolaire.»

in Festival d'Angoulême

  • Comment participer ?

Chaque participant doit présenter une bande dessinée (planches, strips, etc.) en s'appuyant sur un scénario comportant obligatoirement un titre, un début et une finTous les styles et tous les genres sont permis

Les réalisations individuelles ne doivent pas comprendre plus de deux planches et les réalisations collectives plus de six. Dans les deux cas, elles doivent être numérotées au recto et au verso.

Les réalisations peuvent être :

  • individuelles ou collectives de 5 à 10 ans ; 
  • impérativement individuelles à partir de 11 ans ; 
  • numérotées au recto et au verso ; 
  • format vertical (A4 ou A3) uniquement en recto ;

Les élèves peuvent participer en remplissant le bordereau d'envoi des œuvres :

  • La date limite de remise des travaux est le 3 mars 2025.

L’envoi des travaux devra impérativement être accompagné du bordereau d’envoi des œuvres correctement rempli (téléchargeable en haut). Les bandes dessinées devront être suffisamment protégées pour le transport, être expédiées à plat (ni pliées, ni conditionnées dans un tube, ni plastifiées) et correctement affranchies à l’adresse suivante :

Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême

Concours de la Bande Dessinée scolaire - 71 rue Hergé - 16000 ANGOULÊME

Pour toute information complémentaire, écrire à :

  • Les Petits Fauves de Bronze, Argent et Or

Un pré-jury réalise début mars une première sélection des œuvres. Il choisit, parmi l'ensemble des œuvres reçues, les meilleures bandes dessinées par tranche d'âge. Les œuvres présélectionnées n'étant pas distinguées par un Petit Fauve d'Or ou un Petit Fauve d'Argent sont désignées Petits Fauves de Bronze.

À partir de ces lauréats, le jury national se réunit en avril. Parmi les œuvres des petits Fauves de Bronze, il décerne au maximum :

  • 40 Petits Fauves d'Or nationaux choisis parmi toutes les catégories d'âge confondues

  • 98 Petits Fauves d'Argent régionaux : 7 Petits Fauves d'Argent par région (13 régions administratives métropolitaines et une région réunissant les participants des DOM/TOM et de l'étranger)

Les bandes dessinées arrivées début mars 2025 font l'objet d'une première sélection qui tient compte de l’âge des candidats.

Les Petits Fauves d'Or nationaux sont remis en janvier au Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême et peuvent concourir à l'un des prix remis lors du Festival :

  • le Prix du scénario

  • le Prix du graphisme

  • le Prix Espoir

  • le Prix d'Angoulême de la bande dessinée scolaire

*Notes: La bande dessinée investit à la fois, les champs de la littérature et des enseignements artistiques.

Tous les lauréat.e.s seront informé.e.s des résultats à l’adresse de leur établissement scolaire ou de leur structure sociale et culturelle.

Pour toute demande d’information complémentaire :​ ou posez-nous toutes vos questions sur les réseaux.

Bon courage à tous-toutes !

And now, time to share with you the rundown of the posts in August & September.

Here is the popular posts of August & September 2024 :

Well, I will be back posting some ideas and educational resources very soon.

December is there ! Hope you are doing well to finish the last month of 2024 at school and doing interesting things with your students. Don't loose the power and hope to be a great teacher!


Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

August & September in Review + 52e édition du Concours de la BD Scolaire 2025 ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

sources : Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale / Festival d'Angoulême 2025

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

July in Review & Science : World AMR Awareness Week 2024


World AMR Awareness Week 2024

WAAW is celebrated from 18-24 November every year. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasingly serious threat to global public health that requires action across all government sectors and society. It has significant impacts on human and animal health, food production and the environment.

credits: WHO

  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines, making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. 

  • As a result of drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines become ineffective and infections become increasingly difficult or impossible to treat.

Drug-resistant-pathogens pose a threat to everyone, everywhere. Yet, much more can be done to raise public and stakeholder awareness.

Key objectives:


One of the key objectives of the plan is to improve awareness and understanding of AMR through effective communication, education and training.

  • Theme 2024: “Educate. Advocate. Act now.” 

The theme for the World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024 is “Educate. Advocate. Act now.” This theme was chosen based on feedback from an online survey among stakeholders from the human, animal, plant, and environmental health sectors, which collected nearly 200 responses. Globally much more can be done to raise public and stakeholder awareness.

  • Education

Teachers can include into Science curriculum this campaign to students and motivate them to participate at the campaign following the guide to support WAAW 2024

This campaign guide offers key information and ideas on how you and your students can join and participate in the commemoration of WAAW

It serves as a resource inspiring and guiding you and your students developing activities that address the impact of AMR on our world. 

The guide includes the campaign theme, calls to action, how to participate, social media information and links to various campaign resources. 

WHO hopes it will inspire teachers and students in Science curricula to develop their own local activities. This support is crucial to the success of this campaign.

  • Activities: For young people and student groups

Reach out to policymakers with real-life AMR stories and bold statements on the need to preserve the effectiveness of antimicrobials for future generations. 

Lead awareness-raising activities: 

  • Organize educational events such as : walks, talks, competitions, workshops and seminars within your communities. 

  • Raise AMR awareness in other schools and show the linkages to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), vaccines, pollution, climate change, gender equality, among other important issues. 

  • Raise awareness through social media campaigns: Share examples of advocacy work and learnings to inspire other students and schools in your country or in coordination of European schools to become AMR champions.

  • Collaborate on research projects: Engage in or support research projects that focus on finding solutions to this pressing crisis. 

And now, time to share with you the rundown of the most read posts in July.

Here are the most popular posts of July 2024 :

Well, I will be back posting some ideas and educational resources very soon.

Hope you are doing well at your schools and doing interesting things with your students. Don't loose the power and hope to be a great teacher!


Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

July in Review & Science : World AMR Awareness Week 2024 by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

sources : UN/ WHO/PAHO