Sunday, April 2, 2023

Children's Book Day ! Reading my pleasure !


International Children's Book Day
Author: Vagelis Iliopoulos
Illustrator: Photini Stephanidi

Organized by IBBY (The International Board on Book for Young People), different National sponsors are chosen each year to represent Children’s Book Day internationally.

International Children’s Books Day is always held on or around 2nd April. This was the birthday of the famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, who wrote some of the best-known children’s stories, including ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’,The Little Mermaid’ and ‘The Ugly Duckling’

IBBY Greece is the sponsor for International Children's Book Day 2023. The Greek author of the message is Vagelis Iliopoulos and Photini Stephanidi is the illustrator of the poster.

  • Theme for International Children’s Books Day 2023 is: 

"I am a book, read me ! "

The poster is the result of a collaboration between author Vagelis Iliopoulos and illustrator Photini Stephanidi. Together, they wanted to celebrate "the power of children’s books in promoting values of equality, diversity and inclusion, as well as connecting people through tolerance and understanding."

  • Poetry theme: 

I am a book, read me !

I am a book.

You are a book.

We are all books.


My soul is the story I tell.

Every book tells its own story.


Try to feel as it feels.

Understand it. Protect it.

You may be in its place tomorrow.


Because you are a book too.

We all are books.


Come on, say it loud so everyone can hear you.

«I am a book, read me.» 

Vagelis Iliopoulos, I am a book, read me! 

Read the entire message here (English version)

Vagelis Iliopoulos

Vagelis Iliopoulos was born in Athens, Greece in 1964. He studied Pedagogy and Theology in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and is currently the Director of one of the most prestigious private primary schools in Athens.

O Trigonopsaroulis 

The Little Triangle Fish

Vagelis Iliopoulos

Patakis Publishers

He wrote his first children’s book in 1995 and in 1997, he published O Trigonopsaroulis (The Little Triangle Fish ). By talking about tolerance and understanding, this little fish has become the most famous contemporary Greek literary hero.

He has been nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen Award by the Greek Section of IBBY, and the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) by the Cypriot Section of IBBY. IBBY Greece has also proclaimed him as Ambassador of the Greek Children’s Book.

Photini Stephanidi

Photini Stephanidi was born in Greece in 1962. The artist and illustrator Photini Stephanidi completed her studies in painting and fresco art at the Athens School of Fine Arts in 1986.

 Her pictures have featured in more than a hundred published works, including editions of Greek folk tales, literature, and poetry, and she has made a specialty of producing collectors’ editions. She also has been the author of ten books.

She was selected by the Greek Section of IBBY for the Hans Christian Andersen Award, and for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA). She has also been awarded the prize for young adults’ literature from the Greek Section of IBBY (2021).

via Google Images


Taking part in International Children’s Book Day are synonymous of benefits of reading as a whole. Here some of them:

  • Brain exercise - reading engages and exercises the brain, helping it to better make neural connections.
  • Vocabulary improvement - the amount of terminology that a child uses and possesses can increase with regular reading.
  • Empathy and imagination - reading opens children up to new horizons, helping them think outside the box and engage with the outside world in ways they had not done previously.
  • Morale improvement - it should not be forgotten that reading is fun! Taking part in it will boost a child’s morale and uplift their mood.

via Google Images

  • Reading:

As educators, we have an ubiquitous responsibility to encourage the love of reading in our students by exploring this wonderful and magical resource in our in-person lessons.

Of course, today is the fay of reading by pleasure! Let your students read what they like the most. 

There are two reasons:

  • One is benefiting those readers in your classroom that wish to read from you and need to let them be free. 
  • Secondly, it is so you can reap the exponential rewards their choices offers. 

credits: unknown
via Google Images

By inviting your students to bring a book or e-book from home or go at the school library to choose a book/e-book to read aloud in the classroom will let them completely free and happy! Students like to be active in the classroom and make their choices. 

  • Books to special moments:

I propose two books because they are special to share with your kids and help them to be kind, comprehensive, and helpful with other kids at school:

A Friend like Simon
Kate Gaynor
illustrator: Caitriona Sweeney

April 2 is also World Autism Awareness Day. It's a big moment to include it into your lesson.

This is a special educational picture book that introduces Autism. When an autistic child joins a mainstream school, many children can find it difficult to understand and cope with a student that is somewhat ‘different’ to them. 

This story encourages other children to be mindful and patient of the differences that exist and to also appreciate the positive contribution that an autistic child can make to the group. 

The Little Prince 80th Anniversary
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
translator Theo Cuffe
Penguin Books

In 2023, The Little Prince will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of this world-famous character, who continues his journey across generations and continents today. 

New animated series, event exhibitions and musical performances, a vast editorial programme and numerous festivities!

International Children's Book Day is a fantastic motivation to tell and experiment with your students how reading can be a gift by stimulating their imagination and "offering creative solutions to obstacles that we will find along the way."

The love for books and reading are awesome moments in Languages curricula.

Little students become better readers when their teachers love books and love to read. I can assure you. It's a 'transmissible' pleasure! Even for those students that at the beginning are poor readers. 

Reading has a curative power. And helps to spot 'problem behavior' and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Believe me!


Are you planning to celebrate the 2023 International Children's Book Day?

  • Download IBBY digital materials to decorate your lesson, or event, even to offer flyers to your little students.

Donpt forget! Share your posts about Children's Book Day and tag IBBY: (Facebook & Instagram), @ibbyint (Twitter). #ICBD23



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International Children's Book : Reading my pleasure ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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