Sunday, May 9, 2021

Education : Science & Music ? ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet & Coldplay music in microgravity !


Thomas Pesquet
crédits:  Photo AFP /European Space Agency/ ESA/ AFP
via ESA 

To celebrate the premiere of Coldplay's latest single Higher Power, the band linked up for an extraterrestrial video chat with French ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet, who is currently on a six-month mission on board the International Space Station. 

A specially recorded performance of Higher Power - featuring dancing alien holograms - was beamed up to Thomas, who gave the track its very first play on board the Station

The song’s premiere followed a conversation which took in similarities between life on tour and life on the Space Station, how planet Earth looks from space and its fragility; and how Thomas listens to music in microgravity.


Vous rappelez-vous de l'astronaute français Thomas Pesquet et du concours sur le Petit Prince d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Bien sûr!

Alors, l’astronaute français Thomas Pesquet a décollé le 21 avril dernier, en direction de la Station spatiale internationale (ISS). Accompagné de deux astronautes américains, Shane Kimbrough et Megan McArthur, et du Japonais Akihiko Hoshidele Français doit passer six mois en orbite.

L’astronaute tricolore Pesquet est le commandant de bord de la mission, une première pour un Français. Wow!

Coldplay/Handout via REUTERS

Eh ben! Thomas Pesquet et Coldplay ont eu l’honneur d’échanger ensemble, en visioconférence. A cette occasion, le commandant de bord de l’ISS a diffusé, en exclusivité, le nouveau titre High Power du groupe britannique. 

Thomas Pesquet et Coldplay ont échangé ensemble en visioconférence l’occasion de la sortie du nouveau titre du groupe britannique, Higher Power

Depuis la coupole où se trouvait le commandant de bord de l’ISS, Pesquet, les artistes et l’astronaute ont partagé un moment complice au cours duquel ils ont pu parler de leurs expériences respectives. 

Pesquet a montré aux musiciens une vue panoramique magique de l’espace, répondant ensuite à leurs questions - un anglais parfait - et ils ont évoqué ensemble les similitudes entre la vie dans la Station Spatiale Internationale et les mois de tournées mondiales. Magnifque! Il faut regarder la vidéo ci-dessus.

"Que ressentez-vous à propos de la Terre et des gens, quand vous êtes là-haut ?" - a demandé Chris Martin, très impliquée dans la défense de la planète. 

"C’est une bonne question. Quand vous êtes là, vous ne voyez pas les frontières qui sont une création qui n’existent pas naturellement. La deuxième chose, c’est que c’est incroyable à quel point la Terre et petite et fragile", a notamment répondu Pesquet. 

"Vous devez utiliser vos ressources à bon escient, vous devez partager et travailler ensemble", a-t-il poursuivi. "C’est une belle perspective, c’est ce que nous ressentons aussi", a enchaîné Chris Martin.

Cette conversation avait aussi un autre but pour Coldplay : partager leur toute nouvelle chanson, Higher Power

"On vous a envoyé notre musique parce que pour l’instant, on ne peut pas jouer devant quiconque sur Terre, donc on s’est dit qu’on allait la jouer pour vous", a expliqué le leader du groupe en souriant. 

Une performance spécialement enregistrée de Higher Power, mettant en vedette des hologrammes extraterrestres dansants, a été diffusée à Thomas Pesquet, qui a offert au titre sa toute première diffusion à bord de la Station», écrit sur Youtube l’Agence Spatiale Européenne. 

"C’est la première fois que notre musique est diffusée… dans toute la galaxie. Et c’était incroyable mec", peut-on entendre le groupe réagir, une fois Thomas Pesquet déconnecté.

Thomas Pesquet a ensuite diffusé les premières notes du single avec sa tablette. 

Higher Power
crédits: Coldplay/PA

Science, & pop music:

Coldplay have premiered their new single with the help of French astronaut Thomas Pesquet on board the International Space Station (ISS).

A special performance of Higher Power featuring dancing alien holograms was sent up to Thomas Pesquet, who gave the track its first play after midnight on board the station.

The award-winning band, fronted by Chris Martin, also joined the 43-year-old aerospace engineer for a conversation via video call.

                                        Thomas Pesquet & Coldplay

credits: ESA/ YouTube

Martin told Mr Pesquet: “Right now we aren’t able to play for anybody on Earth, so we thought we’d just play for you. It’s like our one-man concert.”

In the recorded performance, the four-piece are seen playing in their trademark colourful outfits in front of shipping containers, while a troupe of hologram dancers perform in front of them.

The Max Martin-produced song was teased last week via a cryptic video and website referencing an Alien Radio.

A snippet of the track later appeared on TikTok for a 24-hour period.

  Thomas Pesquet & Coldplay

credits: ESA/ YouTube

Education: science & pop music: Why not?

We all know that students love pop music. Why not talk about pop music and astronomy? Two strong subjects to include into school curricula. Especially in pandemic tome where most of world schools were closed and student so far away from teachers and colleagues.

They need to reconnect to school subjects, even those who have special needs and felt outside the education system on remote learning. 

credits: ESA/ via YouTube

This experience Thomas Pesquet on space conversation with a pop group which took in similarities between life on tour and life on the Space Station, how planet Earth looks from space and its fragility; and how Thomas listens to music in microgravity. Wow!

Music offers a bundle of advantages for the educational and overall development of students. Training in music helps students develop language and reasoning. Early musical training helps develop the areas of brain related to language and reasoning. Music can help develop the left side of our brain, and songs can help in imprinting information on our minds."

Music also has the potential to achieve social and psychological transformation of children and young people. Their sensibility will be accurate. 

image: via Music Travel

Music and science? Yes. Some good students in science discovered or will discover that they can do both. Music and science.

Knowing that all humans are musical allows teachers to easily get past the myth that music education should be reserved for a subsection of the population: the “talented few.” 

It is imperative to get this message out to people – first to ourselves as educators, then to our students.

Many teachers love Music, in this case pop music and feel comfortable to speak about Music in the school curriculum.

Did you felt the enthusiasm of young students when we are talking about music in the classroom? Any kind of music. Pop or classical. No matter the curriculum. It depends from the learners we are teaching. And from teachers, of course.

They must love pop music, as a science teacher open to the new interests of students. They are changing, after pandemic times. They are open to new subjects in school curricula, More inclusive to their interests.

We must never waste such an opportunity as teachers! Captivating the major interests of our students to Music.

But, if possible, you may contact the band of Coldplay - in these days everything is possible - and ask for a chat with students to increase cultural education. 

Who knows if you will discover a gifted kid, a new pop musician among your students? 

This would be the perfect (idealistic, I know) school education! Artists and teachers working together for the complete education of children.

Thomas Pesquet & Coldplay conversation
credits: ESA/ YouTube

Some thoughts: 

"Those who believe that music isn't as important as other core academic subjects are uneducated about how music can benefit students, both emotionally and in their academic pursuits. In schools world-wide, music education is critical to students' development of skills necessary for thriving in school and beyond."

Jef Furr

All of your lessons plans must be thought to meet specific area and curricular requirements, but also enrich students experience. 

For example, start by choosing the subject area such as Core Curriculum (Languages, Sciences, Music, Digital Literacy) and of course a Media Art | Music cross-curricular project.


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Education : Science & Music ? ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet & Coldplay music in microgravity by  G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sources: ESA | Coldplay/ Facebook

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