Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012 : Education change the world !

credits: UNESCO (?)

"Education, an Absolute Priority."

"Even today, over 100 million children throughout the world, of which 60% are girls, do not have access to an education. 250 million children aged from 5 to 14 do paid work in order to survive. 150 million of them work in highly dangerous conditions. 875 million of the world's adult population are illiterate - two thirds of this number are women."

Aide et Action

"Everyone has the right to education."

"A quality education throughout life is the birthright of every woman, man and child. In turn,  education, particularly that of girls and women, aids progress across all development goals."

Qian Tang, Ph.D. 
Assistant Director-General 
for Education UNESCO

A number of obstacles, including poverty, still keep 67 million children of primary-school age out of school, 53 per cent of whom are girls and almost 43 per cent of whom are in sub-Saharan Africa. 
Enrolment rates are slowing and being eroded by dropout, particularly in countries affected by armed con ict where over 40 per cent of out-of-school children live. 

Gender disparities continue to hamper progress in education. Around 17 per cent of the world’s adults – 793 million people, of whom twothirds are women – still lack basic literacy skills. 

Millions struggle to learn in overcrowded classrooms, without textbooks or quali ed teachers. 

An additional 2 million teachers will need to be recruited by 2015 to  achieve universal primary education, more than half of them in sub-Saharan Africa. (...)

in UNESCO Education brochure

"Good Teachers are milestones in our lives."

Happy New Year  to all the teachers in the world! Let's continue our beautiful work in 2012!


Copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog,®

Happy New Year 2012 : Education change the world ! bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


UNESCO and Education: Everyone has the right to education

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas rundown of the most-read posts #2

 Photograph: Peter Teller|Getty Images

Students and teachers are taking some days to relax from school and do some interesting things after Christmas season. 

My Christmas rundown reaches its conclusion with the seven most-read posts of the first semester of 2011.

Google doodle celebrates Jules Verne: Literature, Languages

Verne's stories, written for adolescents as well as adults, caught the enterprising spirit of the 19th century, its uncritical fascination about scientific progress and inventions. (...)

If you are a teacher, you will find creative educational activities and open resources  to motivate students. Read my post, please!

Facebook au collège: Pourquoi pas? Social networks in Education, Cross-curricula

Les ados moins de 13 ans sont sur Facebook! Ils tapent toute la journée, comme tous les copains, en essayant de se rencontrer après les cours, faire les devoirs en groupe, ou sortir en bande, le samedi après-midi. (...)

Que faut-il faire? L' 'éducation' des ados! Apprendre aux jeunes à bien utiliser l'Internet. Et ça peut|doit se faire à l'école, mais aussi  bien à la maison, en famille. (...)

Il y a certainement une utilisation intéressante des réseaux sociaux dans la salle de classe. C'est surprenant la motivation que nos éléves retrouvent dans les cours, en utilisant les réseaux sociaux comme ressource pédagogique. Ils aiment ça. Et ils travaillent bien.

Fate of the World: a SG in schoolEnvironment, Sciences, Geography, Civics

"Fate of the World is a PC strategy game that simulates the real social and environmental impact of global climate change over the next 200 years. The science, the politics, the destruction - it’s all real, and it’s scary." (...)

It's certanly  an excellent game and no doubt an even better educational resource for Environmental education of young citizens at school. (...)

This Serious Games might motivate students' awareness to the problems of the Environment, preparing them to be active ecological citizens.

Rap in Chemistry curriculum? Fantastisc! : Chemistry, Sciences, Music, Cross-curricula

Here you have a fantastic and funny video to share: Rapping elements! Rap?! Yes, you read it well. Rapping elements. (...)

"Many people have heard of Tom Lehrer's 'The Elements' song. One day I decided to search for it online to memorise some stuff about the elements and found out that Daniel 'Harry Potter' Radcliffe had recently recited it on TV. I wondered what he (and the viewers) might have learnt about the elements by listening to it but shock horror...after listening I realised the song hadn't actually told me anything about The Periodic Table, except what's on it! " (...)

As you see, students are very creative if we let them expressing freely. (...)

I'm sure that your students are creative too. In a trans-curriculum - Chemistry, Languages and Music - propose your class to create  some 'rap' songs about different subjects of Chemistry curriculum! Why not! They will really like it. And they will learn like  the rapper on the video did.

My goal is to demonstrate to educators, parents and fellows that  inclusion is possible for kids and citizens with disabilities and to highlight actionable opportunities in the different curricula in school or in the different acts in society  and Citizenship organisations. (...)

Music (Arts), Sports, are offering good experiences for inclusion. I wrote several posts about it. Please search on this blog. (...)

In this case, the holistic immersive approach of music (rock, pop, classical) and the engagement of important and experencied musicians is central to achieving significant transformation, particularly to the lives of the most vulnerable children and citizens.

Gaming to re-engage students in learning: Cross-curricula

Playing is funny and students can learn with pleasure. (...)

There are educators that are introducing games on learning. A good number of them! Perhaps not so many as it would be suitable, but they are spreading the word in different learning web blogs, on Facebook or Twitter.(...)

I realized as other innovative educators realize that traditional elementary and secondary education is not for us, even less for our students. (...)

In part because we feel frustrated by the lack of innovation, agility, and readiness to change in traditional schools, we began to use games as a open educational resource in the classroom. 

Field trips are often an integral part of instructional practices and greatly benefit students’ learning by allowing them to engage with real-world environments. 

Languages matter! : Languages, Minority Languages

Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. So, I think it always important to spread this message.(...)

"Less than a quart of all languages in the world are used in education and in cyber space."

"With today's technology every corner of the world is linked together. The  new generations are globalized."

I really hope that you enjoy every moment of it or discover some new pedagogical ideas to introduce in your school lessons.

I thank you very much to all the colleagues from around the wall that kindly read my blog. 

Happy New Year!

copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog,

Licença Creative Commons
Christmas rundown of the most-read #2 posts bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas rundown of the most-read posts #1

 Photograph: Peter Teller|Getty Images

Students and teachers are taking some days to relax from school and do some interesting things after Christmas season. 

My Christmas rundown reaches its enthralling conclusion with the six most-read posts of the last semester.

It is a wonderful year to promote Science and Chemistry studies for girls in the schools and universities. Marie Curie is the best example that educators could share with female students.(...)

Marie Curie demonstrates that for women who embark on scientific careers, stunning success is possible.

Si vous vous sentez à l'aise, ne perdez pas l'opportunité d'introduire le jeu vidéo (version pc) dans vos cours.(...)

L’apprentissage dans les langues a des résultats encourageants. Les élèves voient aussi leurs facultés de concentration et d’attention fortement améliorées, de même que pour leurs compétences de rétention d’information, de compréhension, et de partage dans le cadre de travaux de groupe.

Kids and creativityLanguages, Arts 

As educators, we can easily understand how students like to collaborate in different activities that develop their school skills and their creativity! They like to feel free to create. Contests are a great resource that educators must not waste. (...)

There are teachers who changed it! Educators are so creative as their students because they have the courage to change the rules, captivating thus their students for learning.

Le Rêve de Galileo est un programme pan européen de cinq courts métrages d'animation (40 min.) sur thème le ciel et les étoiles qui s'adresse aux plus petits. (...)

Possible que ces dessins animés ne disent pas tout à fait la vérité aux élèves sur les mystères du ciel, mais au moins, ils leur racontent les plus belles histoires.(...)
Et, ils ne pourront que rire face à la créativité et la drôlerie de ces réalisateurs qui ont mis toute leur poétique, comme 'grands enfants', dans ce programme pédagogique.

In the elementary and secondary schools, Music curriculum is not yet a major value. It is wrong. Music, as you could read in different posts,  is a fundamental part in Education of young people.  We all know the importance of music in kids' life. (...)

A concert like "A DJ in the Orchestra" moving fluidly between tclassical and electronic in the same space perfoming electronic drumpad and laptop, it is an experience that a Music teacher would be able to transform in a fantastic lesson back into the classroom.

Teaching Aids: Prevention - HIV & Aids, Sciences, Health

he computer game "Fast Car:Travelling Safely around the World" aims to provide young people with accurate and reliable information about HIV prevention, while educating, entertaining and promoting healthy behaviour.(...)

Les jeunes ne perçoivent pas la maladie de la même façon que leurs aînés, sans doute plus sensibles aux campagnes de prévention diffusées dans les années 90. Le VIH tend en effet à se banaliser dans l’esprit des 18-30 ans qui estiment qu’il est au même niveau que les autres IST (Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles)
Il faut alerter!

I really hope that you enjoy every moment of it or discover some new pedagogical ideas to introduce in your classroom.
I thank you very much to all the colleagues from around the wall that kindly read my blog.

Happy and Safe Festive Season!

copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog,

Licença Creative Commons
Christmas rundown of the most-read #1 posts bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Festive Season

 Photograph: Peter Teller|Getty Images

As we end the trimester, moving through winter solstice toward the returning light, may the Holiday Spirit of the educational community help ease December’s chill.

I extend my wishes to all the colleagues from around the world that kindly visit my blog and I hope you and yours will enjoy this very special time of the year in family.

Happy and Safe Festive Season!


Copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog,®
Licença Creative Commons

Credits: video Sony Pictures

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Escolas : Biblioteca Joanina, uma visita de estudo ?

Biblioteca Joanina
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Jóia do século XVIII, a Biblioteca Joanina, integrada na Universidade de Coimbra, mantém-se em plena actividade: recebe centenas de visitantes diariamente e as suas obras estão disponíveis para serem consultadas.

A Biblioteca Joanina da Universidade de Coimbra foi distinguida com o primeiro lugar no ranking da Flavorwire, das 25 mais belas bibliotecas universitárias do mundo.

Conheço-a! É sem dúvida uma belíssima preciosidade da era barroca. Das mencionadas, só entrei na Biblioteca de Salamanca. Mas, não duvido que a Biblioteca Joanina seja a mais bela!

DVD Biblioteca Joanina Virtual

Existe também o DVD Biblioteca Joanina Virtual que permite uma visita guiada pela história, arquitectura e prodigiosa decoração da Biblioteca Joanina da Universidade de Coimbra. 
"Para além de uma apresentação extremamente cuidada de todos os espaços, através de uma recolha fotográfica de grande qualidade e a disponibilização de uma visita virtual aos três pisos da Biblioteca, inclui um conjunto de 21 obras raras e preciosas da Biblioteca Geral, apresentadas em texto integral."

DVD Biblioteca Joanina Virtual


Está acessível em 6 línguas: Português, Inglês, Francês, Espanhol, Alemão e Japonês.
"O Espólio Bibliográfico em texto integral e a Visita Virtual Interactiva são duas áreas onde a tecnologia revela toda a sua utilidade na disponibilização do Património Cultural ao grande público."

DVD Biblioteca Joanina Virtual

A visita de estudo é uma das estratégias que mais entusiasma os alunos e favorece as aprendizagens a nível cognitivo com uma forte componente lúdica.
Tem como objectivos promover a interligação entre teoria e prática, isto é, o saber e o fazer. É portanto uma actividade pedagógica com elevado índice de sucesso na aquisição de conhecimentos.
A utilização da visita de estudo pode ser uma actividade praticada pelos professores como complemento na aquisição de competências previstas nos conteúdos programáticos, tornando-os mais apelativos para os alunos e mais próximos da realidade.

Desenvolve a aquisição de técnicas de pesquisa, recolha e tratamento de informação, capacidade de observação, elaboração de actividades de carácter prático (dependendo da área curricular) que levarão a uma actualizada aquisição de competências.
Visa a concretização de saberes e pode ser utilizada através de projectos transcurriculares que geram uma maior interacção nas aprendizagens previstas.
Ao planificar a visita, os professores deverão, em conjunto com os alunos, definir os objectivos de carácter geral e específico.

DVD Biblioteca Joanina Virtual
Nível de ensino: Básico (2º - 3º ciclos); Secundário;
Currículos: Literaturas; História; Educação Visual; Desenho; Artes; História da Arte; outras;
Tempo(s) curricular(es): A definir por professores e alunos;

Data(s): A considerar durante 2º ou 3º trimestres.
Com docente, dinamizei muitas Visitas de Estudo, em estreita colaboração com colegas e alunos. O resultado foi sempre excelente! Poderão ver alguns projectos aqui
Os alunos saíram mais enriquecidos, com conteúdos curriculares bem mais interiorizados, numa dinâmica pluridimensional. 

Alunos e Professores, satisfeitos com os resultados pedagógicos obtidos.
Os conteúdos da escola organizam-se em três grupos: conteúdos "úteis"; conteúdos de "carácter cultural"; e conteúdos de "iniciação científica".
Uma visita de estudo favorece, sem dúvida, estes três conteúdos.

"To teach is to learn twice."
Joseph Joubert, Pensées, 1842

Copyright © 2011G-Souto'sBlog,®

Actualizado em 14.12.2015
Licença Creative Commons
Escolas - Biblioteca Joanina, uma visita de estudo ? by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Créditos: video Universidade de Coimbra Virtual
Referências para Educadores:
UCV| Televisão web da Universidade de Coimbra
Biblioteca Joanina, um tesouro público | Expresso (fotogaleria)
Fragmentos Virtuais de uma Professora