Wednesday, July 24, 2024

May in Review & Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games begin !

Olympic Games 2024
Poster Paris2024
Credit: Ugo Gatoni

Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games start in two days, 26 July. Yes ! The 26 will take place The Opening Ceremony. The 26 July, over 10,500 athletes are competing in Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games

The Opening Ceremony Paris 2024

The Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games will be bold, original and unique. On 26 July 2024, Paris 2024 will offer an Opening Ceremony that is certain to join the most memorable moments in Olympic history.

A Ceremony on the River Seine

Taking on a new guise, the parade of athletes will be held on the Seine with boats for each national delegation. These boats will be equipped with cameras to allow television and online viewers to see the athletes up close. 

Winding their way from east to west, the 10,500 athletes will cross through the centre of Paris, the overall playing field for the Games on which these competitors will display their sporting prowess over the 16 days.


Invite your students in-person lessons if you are still in school time, or by social media if you are out-school and ask them to follow their athletes and country teams to prepare sport projects and activities next back-to-school.

We are all excited! Don't you? I am! Two days left. The mascots Phryges are very happy, see?

Ok. So it's time to end this introduction of the rundown of the most read posts in May.

Here are the most popular posts of May 2024 :

Well, it's school-out in the European countries and other continents. We are at the end of July. The weather is magnifique to go to the beach. A bit windy but with 32o degrees Celsius is much better to go to a park of the city and stay fresh among trees.

Meanwhile I wish all my usual readers wellbeing and a very good time to go on holidays.

However, don't forget to watch the Open Ceremony on the Seine, of Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games, next Friday, 26 July.

I will be back posting some ideas and educational resources very soon.


Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

May in Review & Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games begin ! bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Apollo 11 : 55 Years After Landing On The Moon !


credits: YouTube

July 20 marks the 55th anniversary of one of the most remarkable milestones in human history — the Apollo 11 mission. On this day in 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon. 

  • History

"Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.” “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” “Magnificent desolation.” 

Three phrases that recall humanity’s first landing on and exploration of the lunar surface. In July 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin completed humanity’s first landing on the Moon

Neil Amonstrong, Michael Collins, Edward Buzz Aldrin

They fulfilled the President John F. Kennedy’s national goal, set in May 1961, to land a man on the Moon and return him safely to the Earth before the end of the decade. 

Scientists began examining the first Moon rocks two days after the Apollo 11 splashdown while the astronauts began a three-week postflight quarantine.

However, more than half a century after the event, many people still doubt the authenticity of the first Moon landing. 

Let’s debunk five of the most popular myths surrounding this topic. Dive into the bizarre world of conspiracy theories!

Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin poses for a photograph beside the deployed United States flag during an Apollo 11 moonwalk on July 20, 1969
credits NASA

  • 5 Myths

The Waving Flag; The Starless Sky; The Shadow Anomalies; The Lack of Impact Crater; The Belts of Dead.

For these 5 myths please go to the website Star Walks and read : Was the Moon Landing Fake ? Debunking 5 Common Myths.

credits: NASA


This July, in a series of special events, NASA is marking the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 - the historic effort that sent the first U.S. astronauts into orbit around the Moon in 1968, and landed a dozen astronauts on the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972.

  • NASA articles:

Invite your students to read the article and after have an open discussion about what they think.

Students can also explore NASA website articles: 55 Years Ago Apollo's One Small Step, One Giant Leap and 60 Years Ago: President Kennedy Proposes Moon Landing Goal in Speech to Congress to have an idea of the importance of this human event.

Fly Me to the Moon
Greg Berlanti, 2024

However... talking about some myths and doubts, there is a recent film that could confuse us. A comedy-romance Fly Me to the Moon.

Starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, Fly Me to the Moon is a sharp, stylish comedy-drama set against the high-stakes backdrop of NASA’s historic Apollo 11 moon landing. Brought in to fix NASA’s public image, sparks fly in all directions as marketing maven Kelly Jones (Johansson) wreaks havoc on launch director Cole Davis’s (Tatum) already difficult task. 

Fly Me to the Moon
Greg Berlanti, 2024

When the White House deems d the countdown truly begin the mission too important to fail, Jones is directed to stage a fake moon landing as back-up ans…

How do you tell a fictional story about a fake moon landing with some real facts sprinkled in? 

Fly Me to the Moon
Greg Berlanti, 2024

Well. when we are leaving the theater after Fly Me to the Moon we may have two questions: Was there really a PR maven hired to “sell” the moon to the American people? And did the U.S. government really stage a fake moonwalk in case the actual Apollo 11 mission didn’t go to plan? 

The film is not a documentary, but a 'parody' of conspiracy theorists and a romantic comedy.

Nifty casting and a playful approach to real-life events elevate this gentle romantic comedy, which entertains the audience with its intelligent dialog and strong-minded characters.

credits: NASA

  • Separating truth from fiction : What Gen Z-ers think? New York Times wrote yesterday : 

"Gen Z-ers were more likely to be unsure if it happened. A recent TikTok filter asking users to rank things on a scale of one to 10 based on how much they believe in themwith one being more likely and 10 being less likely, inspired multiple videos with people placing the moon landing below things like God, magic and ghosts. But a few popular videos doesn’t mean Gen-Zers are flocking to moon landing conspiracies en masse, as the survey shows."

And what think your students about? Invite them to go to the theater or if you are yet at school, go with your class and after discuss the film and the real facts with them. It will be very interesting to hear them, don't you think?!



Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

Schools :Apollo 11 ! 55 Years After Landing on the Moon ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Source: NASA 

Monday, July 8, 2024

April in Review & a weekend break on the beach !


Mira, Portugal
via Google Images Archives

This weekend I took two days of holiday at Mira beach near Coimbra. A wonderful beach and a lovely Spa Hotel in front of the sea.

Mira is little village of fishermen and a very good fish, of course.

The hotel was so near of the beach that we had to cross the street and the beach was there!

Wonderful sunset! Little bistrots to take a fruit juice and have dinner with very fresh fish.

Mira lagoon with typic boats
via Google Images Archives

We had to cross the village to reach the sea. The lagoon with typical ancient fish boats is lovely surround by the traditional houses.

As I told you before the SPA hotel is in front of the sea. So we couldn't have a better place to stay.

If you visit my country, don't forget to visit this little village with a large beach just in front of you ! Just a bit windy this weekend.

I loved the sea, the beach and of course the SPA hotel with a SPA pool just on the roof of the hotel. Imagine the view! It was so beautiful !

Unfortunaly, the week was finish and we had to come back to my home city. 

Then, time to share with you the rundown of the most read posts in April.

Here are the most popular posts of April 2024 :

Well, it's school out almost all over the world. We are in July. Only students and teachers with exams continue to work. 

Hope all of you are doing well to finally have your holiday time!

Meanwhile I wish all my usual readers wellbeing and some time to relax on a weekend as I did.

I will be back posting some ideas and educational resources very soon.


Copyright © 2024G-Souto'sBlog,®

April in Review & a weekend break on the beach ! bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.