Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Games in school : Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom in the classroom!

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

"If there's one word I would use to describe Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, it would be "delightful." From beginning to end, Majin is a game designed from the ground up to make you smile, and in that respect, it is a magnificent success. A charming and compelling experience, if any game this year could be considered heartfelt and genuine, then this would be it."

Jim Sterling (DestrucToid)

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom has just hit stores in Europe, the 26th November 2010. It is the kind of game that you will love at first sight

In a effort to reach a wider audience, Namco Bandai bet in height (8) languages including Portuguese. So, it's available in the native languages of a maximum number of people.

Wow!! Finally Portuguese language!! It's good to have the text and the voices in the Portuguese an d other native languages.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

Some screenshots of Namco Bandai's charming new adventure game, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom. A good Narrative text for sure! And the music! Fantastic!

Let's visit the official website that describes this fantasious game!

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom game

With a charming atmospheric look and with what seems like an endearing and heartwarming story as opposed to a bleak and depressing one, Majin has potential to be a terrific game.

Devices: PS3; Xbox 360

It's a PS3 and Xbox 360 game and is available on Amazon.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom game



A kingdom has been overtaken by a substance known only as the Darkness, which envelops living beings and turns them into mindless, nigh invincible soldiers of evil. Tepeu, a young thief who can talk to animals, steals his way into this kingdom to protect his own home from decay. 

Once in the kingdom, he discovers an ancient power that has been hidden away by the Darkness, a creature known as the Majin. Together, Tepeu and the Majin must work together in order to destroy evil, rescue the kingdom, and get the girl. 

Oh, don't miss the storytelling on the website. Students will love it!

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom game
#Namco Bandai #PS3#Xbox 360

The game caught my eye today with a really promising trailer, seeming to hint at a game with all the aesthetic need to gaming in school.

The screenshots continue this theme, with some really pretty looking backdrops and unique character designs. I think this has potential to be a cult classic, if the gameplay is as good as the visual style. 

For Portuguese students or Portuguese foreign language, don't miss the Portuguese trailer.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom game

This new game was released very recently. If, like me, you somehow managed to not hear about this game until today, do check it out! . It's hard not to fall in love with this beast, and I'm already drawn into the journey the game's two characters will share.

Just love it! It's so charming!  Majin, a towering beast that forges a strange friendship with a thief, Tepeu. The two characters balance each other surprisingly well, with Tepeu's cunning and speed matched by the Majin's adorable dimwittedness and hulking force.


So well! Here we are again! Games in the school! 

Ok! Do you remember Prince of Persia, no doubt! The narrative seems very similar. Let's include some activities and enjoy a different course.  

In the classroom, begin to let students, on theirs smartphones, visit the official website "Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom" on the internet, and discover the story, the features and media.

Don't forget to get the mission on the Facebook info.  

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom game



A. Cross curricula: native language, foreign language, design, music
B. Values: cooperation, collaboration, equality, inclusion, loyalty
C. Target school group - secondary school

Some activities: 

Teaching and learning different languages (choose the language between English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Dutch and of course Portuguese)

1. Languages courses:

1.1. Listening & comparing the translation into Portuguese or another language;

2. The Narrative text (structure);

3. Civic values: cooperation, friendship, equaliy, inclusion;

4. Grammar; vocalulary;

5. Translation exercises;

6. The creation of different characters in the design course;

7. Listen and comprehending the music composition in the music course.

The music of Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom was written by "fairy tale world" music specialist Sahashi Toshihiko, who has also composed music for Tokio's Disneyland. 

Share with your students the music videos behind the game 

Be yourself creative and share some other activities with us!

Have good practices! And let your students learn with games!


Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®


Gina Souto, Prince of Persia: an interesting narrative text, June 16, 2010

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

Jim Sterling, DestrucToid

Licença Creative Commons
Games in school : Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom in the classroom by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A day in the day of the days

Noiserv is a project that appeared in 2005 when David Santos decided to join all the material that he had achieved for a long time and turned it into something real and serious. 

After that David had played in Portugal's most important alternative scene venues and quickly had become well-known in Portuguese media and audience.

Finally on October 13, 2008, the singer-songwriter had self-release is debut full-length record called "One Hundred Miles from Thoughtlessness", which was considered as one of the best 2008 Portuguese records. 

On November the record starts to be distributed in Tokyo (Japan) with Preco records, in Manchester (UK) with Piccadilly records and also in several stores around europe. 

On April 2009 was released the first noiserv single 7” in Autumn Ferment Records, U.K., with one song of "One Hundred Miles from Thoughtlessness" - "Bullets on Parade".

In July Noiserv released the last EP called "A day in the day of the days"... a soundtrack for a day in our life... 

Well, in a sunday day in the day of days... I pick "Mr. Carousel" for a sunny break, returning from cold Brussels, after "Media & Learning Conference".

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Licença Creative Commons
A day in the day of the days by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Games in school : Under Siege -1st Portuguese game for PSN3 !

Under Siege video game

Se tudo correr como previsto, Under Siege estará disponível na PSN em Dezembro. 

O preço será de 14,99 euros.

Este RTS é da responsabilidade da produtora portuguesa Seed Studios.

Salienta-se a compatibilidade com o Move, a inclusão de um editor e a integração com o YouTube e as redes sociais.

Under Siege PSN

Under Siege is the first Portuguese game for PlayStation 3 exclusive real-time strategy (RTS) game. 

Under Siege is from the Portuguese Seed Studios It's possible that Under Siege would be available on PSN in December for 14,99 Euros.

Expected the compatibility with the Move, the inclusion of an editor and the integration on Youtube and social networks.

The screenshots of the game look quite gorgeous already which is always a good sign don't you think?

Oh! The in-game Editor enables players to create their own maps and share them with the world.

Kari is her name! She's strong and determined. She's the daughter of the leader of a small village on the edge of the Citadel's territory.

Are you curious about the story? Read more here And for now, view the intro of Under Siege below:

“Under Siege features an original world, unique gameplay elements and a control scheme designed with a console controller in mind,”- “We are also working on implementing a large number of multiplayer and community features with special emphasis on user generated content.”

Mr. Ribeiro (Seed Studios)

Under Siege video game, 2010


As Prince of Persia or Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, another interesting video game to include into school curricula teaching the Narration.

Curriculum: Languages (The Narrative text)

Oh! Students can follow "Under Siege" on Facebook or Twitter


Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Licença Creative Commons
Games in school : Under Siege - 1st Portuguese game for PSN3 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Country Strong : a film where Gwyneth Paltrow is singing !

Country Strong
Shana Feste, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow sings the theme of Country Strong (2010) at  CMA Awards 2010 last 10 November. Beautiful isn't she?!


Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

(because it's Saturday and I love music) 

Licença Creative Commons
Country Strong : a film where Gwyneth Paltrow is singing ! by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Put your hands up for Moodle

These Taylor University students are pretty adamant on convincing their faculty to make a switch to Moodle from Blackboard.  
They list a few negative characteristics of Blackboard and tout their perceived ease of use when accessing Moodle courses, resources and grades.  Then they put it all to music and auto-tuned it.
It’s pretty brilliant, I especially enjoyed that they were able to rhyme “permalink” in the song.
Joseph Thibault

Copyright © 2010G-Souto'sBlog, gsouto-digitalteacher.blogspot.com®

Credits: video Moodle News

Licença Creative Commons
Put your hands up for Moodle by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.