Friday, May 11, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

Bookstore Ler Devagar | Lisbon

"Teachers… ultimately determine our collective ability to innovate, to invent, to find solutions for tomorrow.  Nothing will ever replace a good teacher. Nothing is more important than supporting them.”

 Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General, 2011 

I love the way the United States appreciate American Teachers. They dedicate an entirely week to celebrate teachers
"Teacher Appreciation Week" is celebrated each year during the first full week of May, with Teacher Appreciation Day falling on Tuesday. It ends today.
In Europe and i almost all around the world, "Teacher's Day" is celebrated during one day. October 5.
"The United Nations' (UN) World Teachers' Day celebrates the role teachers play in providing quality education at all levels. This enables children and adults of all ages to learn to take part in and contribute to their local community and global society."
World Teacter's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week emphasize the importance of teachers and learning to increase the profile of teachers and the role they play in the world.
I am encouraged to share the video below with teachers I know or read my blog. Teachers who make a difference and touch the lives of students.

"We renew our gratitude and appreciation for the efforts and dedication of women and men teachers, who bear the responsibility of educating future generations to build societies based on sustainable development, peace, democracy, human rights and equality."

Irina Bokova, UNESCo Director General, 2011



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