Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's talk about Museums at school

International Museum Day 2012

Today, May 18, a great number of Museums on the world are celebrating International Museum Day with free admission and special activities. 

The theme for 2012 is "Museums in a Changing World. New challenges, New inspirations."

"The world is changing faster than ever. New technology delivers new ideas, gigabytes of information, news of an increasingly unstable climate, all shared by social media. 

Modern museums must compete for an audible voice against the furious pace of this background.

Museums in a Changing World is recognition that institutions are faced with interpreting, and existing in, a field that is becoming increasingly fluid. Each may face a unique set of goals, interests and audiences."


Check out some pedagogical ideas to explore in your lessons and to support museums. Children and young adults love Arts.

The blue fairy whispers to Pinnochio
Paula Rego
  • Visit museums with your students. Please read Uma Aula no Museu  Portuguese language) an interesting pedagogical activity to develop writing skills through Paula Rego's paintings (cross-curricular Languages, Arts, ICT).

Watching the different paintings by Paula Rego, my students got the inspiration to write stories (published here and here) developing creative writing skills.

The students chose one special painting "The War" inspired on the Iraq war. A subject they knew from the news. They were very impressed about it.

I can say to you that they wrote wonderful and creative narrative texts. You can read them on my digital repository.
  • Introduce your students to museum-sponsored events. Invite your students to a weekend "Teen Night Out" at a Museum with you or their family.

Year of the Bat

For example, Serralves Museum (Porto, Portugal) has an exciting activity for students, children or young adults, up-to 8 if with an adult, teacher or family:

"Secrets World of Bates", orientation by investigators of CIBIO/University of Porto.

In the Year of the Bates 2011-2012, students can understand better the importance of bates (Sciences curriculum) :

"Education regarding the essential roles of bats in maintaining healthy ecosystems and human economies has never been more important. "

Dr. Merlin Tuttle, Honorary Ambassador International Year of the Bate

  • Write letters in support of local museums. Invite your students to send a letter to the editor of the local newspaper in praise of museums, or to a local legislator who supports museums and other cultural homes for local Arts and Culture (Languages or Arts curricula).
  • Explore museum galleries online. Invite your students to spend some time enjoying Google Art Project or visiting online exhibitions of local and international museums. The students can admire Art works by artists and debate their experiences in the classroom next week (Arts curriculum).
  • Read books about great artists and museums. Pick up a couple of Arts books at your school library and ask students to read a title about artists exhibited in the most famous museums of the world they visited online (Languages and Arts curriculum).
  • Go to an arts-related musical or play. Prepare with your students an educational participation to a local theater  and attend a production or a musical performance.
For example, at Museu Soares dos Reis, in Porto, Portugal, the students hear other students at "Rock Symphonic" concert by JAHAS Rockschool Porto (Music curriculum). 

Well, let you and your students enjoy a special adventure, a learning experience on International Museum Day

A visit to a Museum will make you and the students enjoying the numerous interactive exhibits, the daily hands-on activities and the monthly special events.



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