Sunday, April 29, 2012

Schools : International Dance Day !

Cave of the Heart | Heidi Stoeckley Nogoy
Matha Graham Dance Company

Photo: John Dean

"Through time, through the ages, what endures is mostly art. Art seems to be everything humankind leaves to its heirs – whether through buildings or books or paintings or music. Or movement, or dance. In that sense, I think of dance as the 
most current, the most up-to-date history lesson, as it is in a constant relationship with its most recent past and can only happen in the present."

Siri Larbi Cherkaoui, message 

Since 1982, by the initiative of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), Dance is celebrated throughout the world every year on April 29th. 

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
credit: © Foteini Christofilopoulou

In 2012, ITI organized the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of International Dance Day on April, 25th at UNESCO in Paris, honoring one of the most talented dance artists of our time, the Belgian-Moroccan Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

Named by UNESCO in 2011, "Young Artist for Intercultural Dialogue between Arab and Western Worlds",  Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui delivered a message on the impact of Dance in society and everyday life, and performed at the event alongside many other artists from Japan, Norway, and Great Britain, showcasing several productions from his repertory including "Origine" and « Rein » from « TeZukA », and « Sin » from « Babel »". 

Pina Bausch
credit: Volker Hartmann/AFP/Getty Images

On célèbre aujourd'hui, le 29 Avril, la Journée Internationale de la Danse. Cette année, on fête le 30e anniversaire.

Le Comité de Danse International (CDI) en relation avec l'UNESCO a instauré la Journée Internationale de la Danse en 1982

La date du 29 avril a été choisie pour commémorer l’anniversaire de Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), le créateur du ballet moderne. 

Chaque année un message international est rédigé par une personnalité de la danse mondialement connue. Le message 2012 a été écrit par Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, danseur et chorégraphe contemporain, du Maroco-Belge, nommé en 2011 par l'UNESCO "Jeune artiste pour le dialogue interculturel entre les mondes arabe et occidental".

Les objectifs de la Journée Internationale de la Danse et du message sont de réunir le monde de la danse, rendre hommage à la danse, célébrer son universalité et, franchissant toutes les barrières politiques, culturelles et ethniques, rassembler l’humanité toute entière en amitié et paix autour de la danse, langage univers.

Dani Pannullo Dance Theatre co


"Je crois que la danse est l’une des formes d’expression les plus honnêtes, que nous devons chérir : car lorsque les gens dansent, que ce soit dans un ballet, une 
battle hip hop, un spectacle expérimental de danse contemporaine ou simplement dans une discothèque, ils se lâchent, et rarement alors les mensonges peuvent se déployer, les masques se porter. Les gens se reflètent les uns les autres constamment mais quand ils dansent, ce qu’ils reflètent sans doute le plus est ce moment d’honnêteté."

Siri Larbi Cherkaoui, message 

Dance is a fun and fresh integrative part in the school curricula. Dance is also a good therapy for young people in school. Dance movement therapy and the power of dance are used to inspire, uplift, and heal.
Dance give to students the concentration discipline and the pleasure to express themselves with creativity.

Dance Worlkers

Other links on my blog about Dance in school:

World Day Dance 2011 in school

Martha Graham doodle and Arts Education

Fighting Kids Obesity... Dancing

"And so, in 2012, I wish everyone lots of dance. Not to forget all their problems of 2011, but on the contrary, to tackle them creatively, to dance around them, to find a way to engage with each other and the world, to engage with life as part of its never-ending choreography. Dance to find honesty and to transmit, to reflect and to celebrate it."

Siri Larbi Cherkaoui, message

"Celebrate the Never-ending Coreoghraphy of Life"

A good and enjoyable World Dance Day to all!



update 29.04.2024
Copyright © 2012G-Souto'sBlog,®

Licença Creative Commons
Schools : International Dance Day ! by  by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

References for Dance Educators:

Credit: video Dani Pannullo Dance Theatre Co. 

International Theatre Institiute ITI

Tanztheatre Wuppertal Pina Bausch

Dani Pannullo Dance Theatre Co

Martha Graham Dance Company

International Dance Council

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